The baby and its passions and the parent and the shame
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive December 3, 1998. Teacher Serenia T/R Thea |
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Barbara: would you talk a little bit about the relationship between the baby and its passions and the parent and the shame?
Serenia: I would encourage all of you to read this book by Alice Miller that has been being passed around among some of your members, although her language choices limit its accessibility, she was an early understander of the process of all of this dimension and in this book: The Drama of The Gifted Child, she speaks of the way in which the parent who has been shamed will shame their child without even understanding, with a look, with a feeling, it is not even verbal. It cannot be helped.
Barbara: I thought you meant that the parent...well, you said that the parents feel shame when they witness the passion of the child.
Serenia: If you think of the shame you feel, for example, about a sexual impulse. When your child discovers his sexuality in his own hands, that shame from the parents leads to feelings the child perceives no matter what you do to try to cover it. You can say nothing and the child will be shamed. You can say That's good! Go ahead, and the child will be shamed...if the shame is there! Children know! You are programmed coming into this world to KNOW reality! To know the truth. It takes hard work to rob a child of these skills.
Unfortunately, the entire history of your planet guarantees that that hard work is entered into. However, remember this: Born in you is this capability. It can always be recovered. There are very few cases where it is impossible. The level of skill on your world in attaining this not yet there, but it is possible in the right hands, with the right help, with the right instruction, and you are learning some of this.
Jewels: So, are we actually born with the passion?
Serenia: You are born with the passion. It is a part of the personality that the Father gave you at birth. You are born with the passion and the natural responsiveness to truth, beauty and goodness that flow from that action.
Hughsie: What are some of the things we can do to get in touch with that passion?
Serenia: One very simple thing is to follow any likes that you have. Now, this may be problematic for there may be some distortion in the likes that you have. Nevertheless, pursue them. See what they mean to you. If you find something that you like that disturbs you, that you think you shouldn't like, pursue it anyway. Pursue that feeling, fan the feeling, see what it means. Ask yourself: What am I liking here? What am I actually wanting? What do I really think I can get from this? We spoke to you before about pursuing your needs and wants in this manner. To look deeper, to look at those wants which seem perverse, twisted, peculiar, inappropriate and see what you truly want for at the heart of everything will be a legitimate want and need. I say this because discovering your passions and wants and needs are part and parcel of the same core.
Delores: Alice Miller talks about recognizing your authentic feelings and living in them and that's like your passion, because you can follow those and you can KNOW and eventually we will be able to know what we feel about things and what we like and want.
Serenia: You will be able to know so well that you need not pause to consider, it will become an automatic response. This is not the attainment of perfection, but it is the attainment of embodiment in your earth form in a manner in which you can truly function. This, of course, is only a beginning of its own for the same challenges keep coming to you. This does not eliminate challenge at all, it simply makes you able to respond to the actual challenge. And this is where part of your real education can begin. For now, you are working on remedial levels. All of this! And if you think of what the mansion worlds themselves are set up for you will understand, there is no shame in this, it is often the case that planets in an earlier stage of development also must have remedial help. But you have particularly intense remedial needs. And one of them is this embodiment of yours.
Delores: Well, that answers my question because you said our emotional palette is so limited and I wanted to ask you, well, what other colors...but it must be those combination of those fractured, fractal pieces.
Serenia: The colors are all in you. In each of you are all those colors.
Delores: They're just squashed down?
Serenia: You are seeking! They have been squashed, pinched, painted over, plastered over, walled over, pried into strange shapes, watered down, blackened, charred, flamed! But, they are in each of you! And you have the privilege of discovering them. And of helping one another discover them. For, I will tell you as you already probably know, you could never, not a one of you, done this without your group. This can NOT be done alone, because relationship is part of what draws from you those colors in your palette. Relationship! Well, if you think of the most potent relationship, it is the evolving Supreme. The most potent example of relationships that we have is the way in which the love of God between himself and every personality he has created, and that He thus desires that every personality he has created, Love! This is the most potent example that we yet know of this. And what love means is that you draw out your beings together.
Delores Hmmmm... Herman Hesse's Glass Bead Game! Where they had the contest where they had to find a similar elements in all different cross mediums, poems and music [and mathematics] and so on and relate them all together that way.
Serenia: Anything that increases your relational capability, your juxtapositional grasp, will enrich your creative life. How do shapes feel?
Delores: It's like your shoulder, The lines you like!
Serenia: The universe runs on love. The energy that make a cabbage leaf grow even if it is not love as you share between you it is nevertheless based and rooted in love. All energy in this universe is rooted in love, personal or impersonal. There is a form of love which the Father bestows and energizes his universe with which is impersonal, but it is nevertheless love and you can see the shapes of love even where personality does not exist. The sunset does not have personality and yet you feel and perceive the shapes of the Father's love in it.
Barbara: The fact that the cabbage leaf can nourish you is a deep issue of love.
Serenia: If you start to pursue your own question you will find many, many, fascinating answers.
Serenia: When you are shopping, look at where you are attracted. Look at the things that you pursue. Look at what it is that you are pursuing. This is a place and an experience where you can learn things about yourself. Where you can expand your joy potential.
Serenia: Be conscious of every thing you can. And I do not mean the self-analysis and awareness that picks apart everything. I mean an openness to the meaning, not necessarily a controlling of the meaning. There is a difference. Sometimes it is subtle. And sometimes it is appropriate, many times, to pick apart the meaning, but even at that state there is an openness to letting that meaning in rather than controlling it and shaping it to your own ends, that is all important. It is difficult, sometimes, when you are intelligent as you all are here and you are pursuing life on this planet. It is difficult sometimes not to abuse that intelligence in the service of your escape rather than the service of your joy. And one of the safest ways to enhance your ability to use your intelligence in a positive manner is to try to cultivate that open-heartedness. It will let you be smart without self-damage.
Serenia: Trust is not something for which your world is noted. How could it be? Your world was betrayed and betrayed and betrayed.
Delores: That's the beauty of the message to me is I believe you. And it changes my life because I believe you.
Serenia: This is our dearest hope is the we can change, transform your lives by giving you what you should have had, to grow with. We can not do your growing for you but we can give you some of what you lost. Use us! Call on us as much as you can! Talk with us during your day. It need not be formal. Call on any of us. Simply call and don't worry about who is speaking.
Projected energy
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive November 8, 1998. Teacher Abraham T/R Nina |
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If you treat a child with suspicion, that child receives that particular energy, and actually acts upon it. The child feels like he is in error, guilty. The spirit poisons lead him to negative actions. This all began from a
projected energy from an adult. If you constantly point out a child's faults, he receives that energy as literal, and proceeds to lose confidence in his ability to anything. If you looked upon a child as inferior or subnormal, then does he tend to act upon this energy.
As the child grows, certainly does he learn to build his defenses, and justify his actions for self-protection. You know not how literal your energy projections are to one another. Many of those fear-ridden souls do indeed act out energies projected onto them. If you enter a department store, and are gazed upon by the clerk suspiciously, do you not feel as though you are guilty of shoplifting? Yes, certainly.
You have a tremendous spiritual responsibility, as your intentions are becoming more purified. Your energy projections are more spiritually refined, and you are able to affect the world one person at a time. If you take notice of a child's kindness, does he absorb that divine energy, which whets his appetite for good living? If you encourage a child toward more divine realities, instead of making his faults the focus — then,
is he more apt to follow a spiritual path, a path of trial and error, a path of logical thinking... "I have tried it this way; it does not serve anyone. I can certainly try another way." Do you see, his mistakes are stepping stones to him towards learning greater things.
If you praise a child then does that projected energy build in him a confidence and direct him towards the fruits of the spirit. The love and wellness you show him turns him inward to meet with his own Indwelling Father. Your projected energy is real and does have an affect. Father treats each child with encouragement, love, and confidence building praise. He would certainly agree that when I say... if all mankind would treat one another as Father does, the effects would be astonishing to you.
Make it a point to project positive things to those you meet, those you know. Try to greet your fellows with a positive word, something to encourage, or give hope, or build confidence. Allow your fellows to know
you do indeed see that pure, innocent, well-intentioned child within them.
There is also the energy we project and attract to ourselves.
Many individuals know and have heard an ongoing negative chatter about themselves, their ways in which they live, move, and have their being. There are always ways we can negatively critique ourselves which would attract negative energy. This is certainly spiritual, but also it is mindal and physical.
If one running a marathon said to himself... "I am falling behind. I should have put forth more practice. I should have regulated my diet more efficiently. I am always in reach of the finish line, and I usually do
something to cause failure. I am always at failure status." About this time, the body is slowing, losing energy and focus to the goal. The internal systems are not performing as they should be due to this mindal interruption. This is almost severing ties between you and things divine.
A marathon runner who would notice he is falling behind, but with hope and faith in the universe's fairness, might say... "Yes, I am falling behind, but I have given it my all, and that is everything. I may not win today, but I will surely finish the race. I must focus on not what I failed at, but how I can regain my lead." With such a positive outlook how could the physical body refuse such optimism. The systems are now coordinating to receive energy and all those good things the universe promises to us. Yes, each physical system within this human body will coordinate to reach for the goal.