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Loving with a Fatherly affection
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SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive March 30, 1998.
Teacher Universe Mother
T/R Nina

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[  ] soil   [  ] Land   [  ] Sea   [  ] AIR

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It is said, that our Father did not say the way to him was easy, but only that you would never have to endure it alone. Relationships have a great deal to do with the growth of the mind. The mind has a direct influence upon the growth of the soul. The mind is what filters information leading to meanings and values which the soul can comprehend.

Psychologists have a great deal of research data concerning mindal development. They have made great strides in promoting good mental health, and I would say that this is well but not complete, for you see that those who radiate well balanced mental health are involved in some sort of spirituality.

As small children grow they take in the habits of those who teach them. They learn that when touching a hot stove there is indeed pain. They also learn that certain behaviors attract varying degrees of punishment. The good parent learns to put a spiritual emphasis on the good as well as the bad. That in the pain of a burn, a good parent explains the important value of experience, the experience of positive and negative.

The good parent is ever willing to confess an incomplete knowledge of many topics on mortal living and always leaves room for flexibility and change. With evolution, there is growth and understanding. The good parent can rejoice in the new knowledge instead of regretting the past. The good parent can carry on without self-chastisement or self-aggrandizement. There is only the understanding that mortal living is always in transformation. Always moving at its own momentum.

Do you see, in the ways of the mind there is always new growth, new possibilities, and new potentials. Your regret from the past can be the lessons on good mental health of today. I would seek to assist you in your understanding on your personal evolutional revelation, your transforming of confusion and pain into spiritual meanings and values.

I have made it my task to consult with each one of you who would have me to assist in understanding past pain and confusion. I would seek to assist you in changing certain mind set patterns into productive spiritual meanings and values. Your relationships help to create your mindal make-up. From birth to death, your mortal fellows do have influence and you also have an influence on them.

For your planet to move successfully into the stages of Light and Life, there needs to be a great deal of work and research and study on the mind and its environment. I would not confuse you with more lessons, tasks, than to just request that you seek to make effort to love with a Fatherly affection, to bestow freedom and take example from the good Parent.