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September 11: Focusing on the Potency of Human Will

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Paradise Creator Deities, our Divine Parents, Magisterial Son, Planetary Seraphim, and all of our other helpers, we open ourselves to the ministrations of Spirit today through us as we hold these energies of love, light, compassion, forgiveness, and mercy for our world and for all life here. We thank you for anchoring us together as one in your WILL, Mother and Father, that what we hold in our hearts may be put to good use all around the planet to support our brothers and sisters in their awakening and reckoning process of reconciliation with the divine plan of life for this world.

You know where we are on this mighty trajectory toward planetary healing and transformation. While it is difficult for us to see of all of the activities that are conducted on our behalf, we thank you with grateful hearts. We are here to serve in that development of the greater good, not only for our brothers and sisters, but for all life, and we are grateful for this opportunity to participate and cooperate with all of the wonderful helpers you provide to us that we may be about the greater business of personal and planetary transformation through your MERCY and GRACE, and may your WILL be done now. Thank you.


MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael, and I welcome you to this forum today of collaboration with us, that you may continue in your individual and collective actions to be transformers for your world. We have been guiding through various dynamic word sequencing that you may hold a larger spiritual dynamic that supports, not only your individual development, but adds to the shifting collective consciousness into the ways of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY. We are grateful that you have stepped up and taken personal responsibility for your spiritual growth for this is one of the meanings for human life. And we are very pleased that you have made the decisions that have taken thus far in your development as mighty sons and daughters of God.

That power you have in Spirit is something that has been dormant in human imagination and creativity. We wish to provide with more spiritual stamina and motivation to help you achieve that which has been given to you by the Creator of all that you may participate in this very important time of correction on your world to your heart’s content and your soul’s desire.

So, in today’s infusion, I invite you to open yourselves to me in that place of the heart and that connection that we share of the Spirit of Truth. Take a moment to orient your thoughts in this direction. Take a few deep breaths and allow me to communicate to you in this way. (Pause)

As you open to me, have a willingness for your gift of volition—that innate gift to be conscious individuals and to make choices—which is innate in your Father-bestowed personalities to function more in alignment with the divine ways of LIFE. I will move in you now and fortify you in this. If it is helpful, focus on the words THE POTENCY OF HUMAN WILL and feel that need for your own powers of choosing to become more aligned in that of your Spirit’s. We begin. (Pause)

The gift of volition is given to you with the awareness on our part as your Spirit Parents that you will from time to time make missteps and misjudgments all along the course of your lives. This is normal and it is a necessary part of your evolutionary growth to perceive that which is of a higher order as contrasted by your own human will and what you desire and what you think should occur. It is a mighty shift in your awareness as you grow spiritually to recognize that your will is indeed subject to the greater laws and workings of all creation.

The ways of LIFE have been ordained by our First Source and Center Paradise Creator. They are immutable and it behooves you as humans to recognize this fundamental fact of life that you may increasingly yield your own human willingness of what you think should occur to that is what innate in the divine plan of all LIFE that your Spirit knows you can achieve. The humans of this world, by and large, are ignorant of this fundamental fact. But you, who have awakened and are growing in Spirit comprehension, are beginning to fathom how much power you have in the Spirit and how important your choices are in the way you make decisions on a day to day basis. There is a fundamental LIFE dynamic that is moving the evolutionary process forward. And it is very important for you to understand these natural laws of LIFE that you may more heartfully and soulfully cooperate with them and use them with discretion, insight, and grow in wisdom. This is one of your responsibilities as a human. You take that into your ascension career that leads to your eternal life.

So in this infusion today, I ask you to take a moment to go to your Spirit and ask for help in making those adjustments in how you think and feel that you may come into a greater appreciation and awareness of this gift of volition and how to use it in alignment with the Father’s plans for your life. There is nothing to fear to opening to this. You may become more aware of your missteps and misjudgments. That is good. Because that is how you learn and grow.

Take these moments of communion with me and also invite your Spirit to help you open to this wider dynamic of what you have the potential to achieve through your aligned will, and let this potency begin to stir in you and motivate you more mightily to follow the leadings of the Father Within. (Pause)

The potential of the potency of human will is still largely undeveloped on this world. There are many factors and reasons why this is so. Some of which you are aware. Nevertheless, it does behoove you to seek to align your own decisions with that of what your Spirit wishes you to achieve. This is how you grow in that potency and you become mighty and powerful workers in the Spirit the more you gain this ascendency in your own potency.

Let my human life be your example. I developed a child-like faith in my Creator-Father. I appreciated how small and fragile was my human nature in my early years. But when I had conversations with my Spirit, I could feel something move and stir in me that was spurring me on to something greater. And here I grew in understanding and wisdom of the divine ways of LIFE. All of you have that potential, my children. There is no reason to hold back any longer. It is only a matter of your willingness to achieve the potential within you and to know at a deep foundational level that you do have this ability for it was seeded in you by the very Creator of all. Why would you not wish to develop this in yourselves?

So, ponder these statements for a few moments in conjunction with your Spirit as I continue to fortify you in that potency and encourage you to become more of who you truly are as a son and daughter of God. (Pause)

There is one other element to add before we move into focus into the collective. And that is to call on my Personalized Spirit that contains my human life experience. As you call on my Spirit, let yourself imprint upon those memories that I experienced as your brother Jesus to be alongside your own thoughts and feelings of how I was able to craft my human nature into a higher standard of living and being through my Spirit. Allow my human life memory experience of Jesus to help you recognize your own potency of will. (Pause)

My human life as Jesus is here to help you in the cultivation of your higher spiritual nature as a human. The more you seek to discern the higher laws and ways of LIFE the greater your potency will become because now you have turned your own human will to the divine nature and the divine trajectory of life. My children, you have everything to gain in doing this, and you will be surprised at what you can achieve in your human lifetime as you continue on this path of development.

Take a moment now to focus on THE POTENCY OF HUMAN WILL in your mind’s eye. Let it settle upon your heart. Feel that willingness for it to take deeper root in you to stimulate you into more positive action of what you can do in alignment with the divine ways of LIFE. (Pause)

I withdraw now, but I am never apart from you, my children, for my Spirit lives in you. Call upon me when you need support, guidance, and insight. Allow my human life as Jesus to support you at a level of your own humanity that you may experience a synergy between my human life and yours to guide you on this very important mission of growing in your soul. You might say that all of the spiritual equipment you need is available to you. And we teach you how to make use of this, but it is up to you to do so.

So, in my parting message to you in this way, know that you are capable of great things in Spirit, my children. Trust that this is so, even though at times you feel impotent and insecure. Ask me to guide you beyond that into the depths of your potential and what it is that you can accomplish through the potency of your aligned will with that of the divine plans of LIFE. My blessings are upon you, and my LOVE lives within you. I withdraw; good day.

MONJORONSON: Greetings, one and all! I step into this place to help you now to move these energies into the collective. This is Monjoronson. Focus THE POTENCY OF HUMAN WILL into the collective circuits of the planet, and let them spiral around the globe as we have done so many times before. What is most important now for you to engage is that willingness for this potency to help your brothers and sisters open to what has been given to them to accomplish in their own divine life purposes and plans. Many of your brethren are on the cusp of awakening and recognizing what has occurred here on this world. You might say this is another push forward as the planet continues on this very rugged journey into the era of Light and Life.

What has been given to you to accomplish is something most humans are totally unaware. But within each individual lies that motivation, lies that willingness, especially when there is spiritual pressure applied upon that to bring something forward that is good but yet unknown. You live in a state of mystery—the mystery of becoming who you are, and this mystery has been very blocked from human awareness. Most people do not recognize what the Father of all has created in them to achieve.

By holding this focus today, THE POTENCY OF HUMAN WILL, you add that willingness for your brothers and sisters to receive and imprint upon this that they may be stimulated by their Spirits and open to more of their own potential and to cooperate with the divine plans within them. This is a very important service you are rendering now for us to use and take and apply into areas where they will do the most good.

So, let this mighty willingness on your part to become more aligned in the Father’s WILL for your life to stream forth from your hearts with great love, great devotion to your brothers and sisters, and anchor into that willingness for them to receive this so that we can apply this intention into those areas all around the globe where this is vital for humans to perceive: THE POTENCY OF HUMAN WILL. (Pause)

The divine ways of LIFE are holding and escorting this planet on its journey toward Light and Life. What is now most important is for humanity to recognize that there is this overarching divine plan, and that humanity is responsible for creating a higher social culture that is reflective of these divine ways and laws of LIFE. At a fundamental level, this is held in sacred trust within your beings.

And now, we invite you feel that deep need for this POTENCY OF HUMAN WILL to become further aligned in the divine plans of LIFE that we may make more circuitry connections which will support your brothers and sisters to feel that spiritual pressure which can open new doors of insight from the Spirit within them. This is very important now as many changes are underway to help you understand what has occurred here in violation of these divine ways and laws. By holding this for us, you are aiding your brothers and sisters to awaken and reckon and begin the reconciling process within them that aids in the greater dynamic of planetary healing. (Pause)

We apply these dynamics of Spirit into various memory and mindsets of victimhood. Yes, it is true that this world has been a victim of the deviation of the divine evolutionary plans for this planet. However, this does not mean that you have to accept that as your fate. Indeed, it through these infusions of spiritual energy that we are helping you recognize your true potential as humans—the potency and the strength and the courage you have within you to shake off this insidious memory and mindset and to stand in the power of the Father has given you to achieve great things in His NAME. Let these words settle in. And if you are harboring of any sense of victimhood in yourself, ask your Spirit to see it in the way in which it will help you shake this off and stand more fully in who you are and the truth of that! (Pause)

Many your brothers and sisters are not even aware that they may be harboring these feelings of victimization. And for those who are, let this energy be applied to them. Let it uproot this insidious destabilizing and debilitating feeling and thought and give them an opportunity to perceive from their Spirits who they truly are and what they can accomplish. (Pause)

Help them gain their own potency and their will to recognize Father and to stand in that to make decisions aligned in the greater GLORY and GOODNESS of all LIFE. (Pause)

The process of ADJUDICATION IN DIVINE JUSTICE is upon this planet. In this infusion today you are participating in the outworking of this victim mentality and emotionality that your brothers and sisters may open to what is truly the real part of themselves to achieve. As we witness the events of opening and realignment in DIVINE WILL upon Urantia, we are mightily gratified by all of the efforts you make in your daily lives to be the change-agents for your world.

So, recognize what it is that has been given to you. This is a great cosmic responsibility, and while you may not understand all of its implications at this time, nevertheless, you are supplying a spiritual fulcrum to uproot the ravages of the past that you may cooperate and collaborate with Michael’s plans of correction and assist in this great reversal of the planet’s misfortunes into a state of grace and harmony with all LIFE. (Pause)

My dear brethren, how can I express the LOVE in which you all exist? This is something for you to discover on your own. But we of the spiritual realms are supporting you with all of the love we have for you, and it is given to support in this mighty time of change.

So elevate your gaze now to the Paradise Creator Deities that they may shower you with that fundamental underlying LOVE in which you have always existed, to feel your own potency of your will—your human will—given to you as a great gift by our Creator. Thank the Paradise Trinity Deities for their LOVE and for their divine plans and the ways of LIFE that govern all life all throughout the grand universe. It will be your great delight to learn these wonderful laws and you are tasting a bit of them as you open to this LOVE that supports you at the most basic level of your humanity. Be grateful for that and revel and relish it now. (Pause)

As you have received, now give. Shine this light—this Paradise REFLECTION—into the planet into THE POTENCY OF HUMAN WILL aiding your brothers and sisters to respond to their wake-up call to the LOVE that lives within them and the potency of their ability to choose the Father. See yourselves standing on the ground of this beautiful world with your soul radiating that into the planet, into collective consciousness as we make these final adjustments. (Pause)

My dear brethren, Urantia is ready to take another forward step on this wonderful trajectory toward Light and Life. Receive our gratitude for your participation in this great endeavor and know that you have aided in this. Let the recognition in that you can do more for LOVE is inexhaustible and you renew yourself when you come to the well of the Father’s LOVE and receive. May you be refreshed and renewed in this each day that you may continue to align your will with that of the Father’s plans for your lives and live each day in that GRACE in the mystery of becoming of who you truly are. And in doing your part you add more of this dynamic into the collective, and we will apply it where it will do much good in assisting your brethren.


I leave you now in this manner, but as you know, I am always available to you when you call upon me. Continue to keep up this focus, shining THE POTENCY OF HUMAN WILL into the collective. Come from your heart. Come from love, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have indeed been of great service to your Divine Parents and to all life here in this Correcting Time. I leave you in the Father’s PEACE, and may it fill you through and through. Good day.


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