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November 26: Humanity’s Coherence with Divine Justice

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
November 26, 2023


Topic: Humanity’s Coherence with Divine Justice.
T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER: We open ourselves to you Mother and Father, to our Magisterial Son and to our planetary helpers and all of the universe brethren who are assisting this world in its mighty time of transition. We ask you to center us as one in this heart space, in this co-creative place where we are collaborating with you more and learning some of these dynamic principles of co-creation with Spirit. You know exactly where we are in our planetary healing trajectory, and so we ask for your guidance to envelop us now that our minds may be directed toward the spiritual gravity that is necessary for this world to complete its objectives of manifesting the divine plan. We are here to be of service, so use in the ways you know we can hold space for these changes to be implemented. We come together in divine LOVE with the willingness to serve and we ask for your WILL to be done through your MERCY and GRACE. Thank you so much.  

MONJORONSON: Greetings to you, my dear brethren! This is Monjoronson ,and I am pleased to rejoin you once again as we collaborate with you in these higher circuits of Urantian consciousness to build the necessary environment for more healing to be accomplished through the beautiful collaboration between the celestial and human realms combined.  

Over the past few weeks, we have introduced the concept and principle of COHERENCE for you to focus upon and to practice holding as part of your ongoing spiritual development. Because of this, there have been some new circuits added into planetary mind to help you open to this beautiful calibration of the human energy system to your own higher personalities and the divine potential of what you can cultivate in your own lives during this time.  

As you know, we have been mightily interested in the development of human potential, which is enough to change the course of evolution on this planet. We willingly and gratefully support you in developing your own coherence with your divine life plan that it may contribute to the larger dynamics of Michael’s plans of correction, which are now more fully connected to the original plans for this world.  

As I speak these words to you, let them settle into your hearts more deeply, help you expand your range of inner coherence to your own divine life plans and purposes, that you may be better equipped to cultivate this throughout the course of your day-to-day experiences, adding to the light and love your soul needs to grow and for its outward manifestation to radiate a great spiritual dynamic to your brothers and sisters. Sit with it for a few moments and elevate your gaze to your Indwelling Spirits that you may be prepared for what we are here to accomplish in today’s call. (Pause) 

The objectives we wish to accomplish through our collaboration with you today is to help this planet and its citizenry to become more COHERENT WITH DIVINE JUSTICE. I know this may pose some questions in your minds about what this means to become COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE. I encourage you to take a moment to ask your Spirit for an insight or a feeling of what it is, and what it means to become COHERENT WITH DIVINE JUSTICE.  Feel your own inner willingness to open to this greater COHERENCE principle, especially how it correlates to DIVINE JUSTICE that is a part of your own inner divine life plan and purpose.  

Now I invite you to allow these words to flow into you containing the divine meaning and value of: HUMAN COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE. See these words in your mind’s eye, visualize them over your heart centers: HUMAN COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE. Hold that focus now as I move in each one of you, giving you more of an inner experience of what this truly means for your lives. Simply invite me in and allow me to minister to you now in HUMAN COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE.  (Pause) 

Humanity has harbored false concepts of what justice truly means. You have been living in a culture where sometimes justice is relegated to judgment and punishment. Some of your olden traditions about exchanging an eye for an eye have placed some very severe limitations on human understanding about the role of justice in a planetary culture.  

I encourage you to think of your Father Michael when He was here as Jesus hanging on the cross. What was his demeanor and attitude toward the masses? Did He not say “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing?” Truly, this is the best human representation of DIVINE JUSTICE. He was not only asking Father to forgive the humans for their misdeeds, but He was providing a space for humanity to recognize what they have done in violation of divine WILL.  

When humans become aware of their misdeeds and missteps and begin to see them in relationship to the Father’s overarching LOVE, it renders a very humbling type of recognition that there has been an egregious violation of divine WILL, and it opens an individual to either accept the proffer of FORGIVENESS and MERCY or to remain in that stage of misunderstanding.  

What we are attempting to accomplish today is to help you and your brethren become aware of this higher spiritual principle. It is actually a position of great power potential on your part to come into a greater recognition of where you have either aligned or misaligned yourself in divine WILL. It truly is this simple, and then there are many implications once this recognition is achieved. What are the next steps of human rehabilitation once you have accepted what DIVINE JUSTICE truly means?  

Rather than going into a more deep explanation, it is more valuable for you in terms of your human experience to simply hold this place, this word energetic encoding of DIVINE JUSTICE that you may perceive this from a more visceral experiential level. So just continue to focus on HUMAN COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE and I will continue to minister into you. (Pause)  

Invite this DIVINE JUSTICE calibration to move into those areas where you may harbor feelings of vengeance or wrath against those who have perpetuated the great distortion upon this planet. Liberate yourself from feelings of rage, anger, retribution, and violence against those who have perpetuated the distortion throughout the eons of time. Let this infusion from my essence continue to upstep you into the higher realms of experiential understanding, bringing you into more COHERENCE with what DIVINE JUSTICE truly means and its value for human life. (Pause)

I invite you now to shift your focus to the planet before you in your mind’s eye. Hold that willingness for you to project HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE into the planet. Ask for it to spiral around the globe from the north to the south pole counterclockwise, adding a stream of higher language encoding to imprint upon planetary mind and memory, going deeper into the memory circuits where COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE is now something humanity becomes aware.   

Invite the angels to take this energy deep into the places where this is needed in the social institutions. Asking for the energies to penetrate into the ideologies that have been perpetuated in memory circuits, that more DIVINE JUSTICE may be in-worked into these areas and help with the corrections to be conducted that are necessary for planetary social reform and rehabilitation. Focus from your hearts as best you can, maintaining that focus for HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail. (Pause)
Invite these energies to penetrate into the most recalcitrant resistance in human mind memory to prevail. Hold that willingness for the human heart to change and to open to the true meaning and value of DIVINE JUSTICE. In doing this, you are making an assertion from the human perspective that you want this level of divine infusion to become more operative and viable throughout the entire system of human consciousness. This will help Michael’s plans of correction to become more operative on the planet through individual and group collaboration. Do your best to hold that feeling of love and compassion for HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail all around the globe. (Pause)  

Invite the energy to move into those places of distortion where the human mindal system was interrupted from operating the way it was divinely designed. Ask for this infusion of COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE to move into that deep ancient memory circuit. It is not so important that you understand what is happening but to have that human willingness for this memory circuit to be realigned and to become more coherent with what this truly means for the world’s correction. Know that you are holding a mighty motivation for the human heart to open to this greater infusion of DIVINE JUSTICE and MERCY. (Pause)  

The temperament in the human heart is changing. Sometimes it is very instructive for individuals to experience pain in order to get their attention that something is off balance and needs to be brought into alignment. While your Mother and Father and I certainly do not wish humanity to suffer needlessly, nevertheless because of the recalcitrant, what you might call even a cement-like energy within the human mind unable to open to TRUTH and GOODNESS and BEAUTY, it is helpful for people to experience pain to get their attention and to help them perceive something of a higher spiritual principle.  

This is what many of your brothers and sisters are experiencing now. You can do much to help them move out of this pain and to encourage their heart energies to grow and expand with these levels of love, compassion, and understanding they need to experience by you holding this intention for HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail. There is an opening here for human perception to attune to Spirit. But as you know, it is up to each individual whether or not to answer the call when they hear it knocking at the door of their heart.  

We are beginning to notice glimmers of willingness to change, sparking new energies within the human heart of the need for love. More people are recognizing that this is not only something they need but part of a larger construction of who they are as children of God. Do your best to continue to hold focus on HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE, and we will conduct the ministrations at the levels where there is receptive now for more change to occur. (Pause)  

I invite you to hold that willingness and aspiration for your brothers and sisters to open more to what DIVINE JUSTICE can do to help them open to their higher path of learning who they are in relationship to their Creator. I invite you to move one level down into the core of the earth where the combined plans of correction and the planet’s original divine plans are now beginning to have more of an impact in the memory circuits. Simply hold the words HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE in that core of the earth space.  

Feel your love for the divine plans to be restored and become more operative throughout the entire mind memory system of this world. Whether you recognize it or not, much repair is being conducted at a very deep level now, my brethren. We are deeply appreciative of what you bring into this forum, that we may truly be united in collaboration as you continue to hold space for these energies to calibrate together and to bring about a mightier COHERENCE of the divine plans for this world to be reformed and rehabilitated in Father’s LOVE and Mother’s LIFE FORCE. (Pause)

I now invite you to elevate your gaze to the existential level of PERFECTION where the Paradise Creator Deities exist and harbor the divine plans of evolution. As you focus at this level of Paradise, hold that intention in your heart for these dynamics we have created to receive the divine blessing and reflection of Paradise. Contain a feeling of gratitude in your heart as you simply offer this visualization to the Paradise Creator Deities of HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE in the core of the earth comingling with the plans of correction for Urantia. Offer this up as a gift from your heart for this to manifest and simply feel that beautiful attitude of gratefulness for what the Paradise level is here to bestow. Allow the reflection to imprint upon you. We join you in that place of worshipful communion. (Pause)  

Feel gratitude that in your heart for the Paradise reflection imprinting upon the core of the earth where you are holding these beautiful elements for the manifestation of the divine plan. Especially, to embrace and engulf the planet and to bring about a mighty change, building more LIGHT and LOVE and LIFE into these planetary dynamics. If you wish, you may see yourselves not only standing on the earth plane with your feet firmly implanted into the core of the earth, but above your head you are extended into the higher dimensional levels with your Spirit elevating you into that realm of PERFECTION, and just allow for a beautiful flow of energy to embrace you from divine levels down and from the evolutionary levels upward, and hold this in your hearts.  Invite these energies to fully integrate into the planet. (Pause)
My dearly beloved brethren, I extend my gratitude to each one of you today. We have completed our circuitry objectives for this call. Know that much is underway now to help this world and all life on it to open to this greater correction plan that all may share in the bounties of LIFE and the GRACE of divine GOODNESS and TRUTH. While there is still so much to be accomplished before this world truly reaches the era of Light and Life, there are mighty and numerous corrections underway now that will help you perceive more of what you are here to accomplish and to be an inspiration to your brothers and sisters.  

For now, I invite you to focus on HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE, and ask it to continue to integrate more fully and broadly into the plans of correction that are now underway on this world. Remember that this is part of your cosmic responsibility to participate in the growing experiential Deity that you and we are all a part of. Grow strong and steady in who you are and maintain that spiritual perspective when you notice more of these changes make their expression at the material level. All is well. Michael’s plans of correction are having their moment to accomplish what they are here to achieve through you, my brethren, through each one of you. Take your responsibility seriously, but be light of heart and joyful knowing that this world is indeed returning to the bosom of the Father. I leave you now in His LOVE and may you recognize it and live it more fully each day. Goodbye. 


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