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November 12: Humanity’s Coherence with Urantia’s Divine Plans

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
November 12, 2023


Topic: Humanity’s Coherence with Urantia’s Divine Plans 
T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Divine Mother and Father, and our Paradise Creator Deities, we call upon you to direct us into holding space for your WILL to manifest upon our world.  You have the plans of correction that you have given to us as your children to build in the constructs of mind and memory these higher energies and ideas that will foster our true planetary correction that we may conform to the divine ways of LIFE and live more in accordance with the divine principles of LOVE, PEACE, and TRUTH.   

You know exactly where we are on this ascension trajectory to our ultimate destiny.  We appreciate that this is a long journey and yet there are things that you want us to accomplish as we are the citizens of this world and we are responsible for its well-being.  We thank you for connecting us as one through the circuits of Spirit, Soul, Mind and Personality that we may be unified and directed in where we focus today that more healing may occur upon this planet at all dimensional levels through your loving embrace.   

We call upon all of our universe brothers and sisters to help us, those of the seraphic levels who are making changes within our social institutions.  We thank you for your participation with us.  Enliven us in your LOVE and GRACE, Mother and Father, and fortify more spiritual energy in us that we may direct this into the areas of great need for our world to ascend.  Thank you so much, and may your Will be done now.   

MACHIVENTA:  Greetings, my dear brethren!  I am pleased to join you in your call today as you hold a particular focus for this world to receive more of what it needs to conform to the divine plans for this world’s transformation.  This is Machiventa Melchizedek addressing you now. 

Some of you may know me as the overseer of the planet’s plans of correction as put forth by your Divine Parents.  I am indeed charged with shepherding this world and all life upon it to the higher circuits of universe life where you as a planetary culture may participate as viable member of our family of LOVE.  

You are in a very intense place of planetary correction at this juncture.  While we understand that you have many concerns on your hearts about the plight and condition of your world as this time, we are here to help you and inspire you to hold those spiritual dynamics that will bring about a greater alignment in your planetary system of consciousness to perceive the divine plans of correction.   

Much preparation has been underway for many years.  Most of this is behind the scenes of your lives.  Most individuals are truly non-responsive and unaware of what is occurring right behind the scenes of their lives.  We have intentionally kept ourselves in this place where you cannot perceive us because so many humans misunderstand what it means to have divine intervention.  There are still people who perceive that these changes will come in a twinkling of any eye and almost miraculously realign this planet into its higher divine purposes.   

But this would not give you, the citizens of this world the opportunity to make these wonderful changes that we are helping you to perceive and manifest.  Thank back to the life of your Father Michael when He was here as your brother Jesus.  He understood the complexity of problems that this world has faced and experienced.  And He is here to help you regain that inner confidence and assurance that He fully embodied that He could live His divine purpose for what He was here to do as a revelation of what humanity can achieve as a gift to the Father in Paradise.   

Do you see the corollary here, my brethren?  You have been given great gifts to achieve, to show what you can do as a human to turn the tide on this world and help it on its trajectory toward Light and Life.  You are now as a planetary culture beginning to demonstrate what it is that you can do collectively to show to the universe and all creation what humans can do to turn a planet around—a planet that has been so mired in evil and sin that you can indeed destroy yourselves if you wish.  Now, of course, we do not want that to occur, so we are making every effort to encourage you to take up the helm of your spiritual purposes and to contribute into this great planetary rehabilitation that is now underway.   

So let this be my preamble to you today as we move you into this focus for our call today, and that is to help human coherence come within the divine plans of correction for this world.  Each of you whether or not you recognize it has a unique role to play. And the more you come into coherence into your own higher Self, your Spirit, and your plans for your soul growth, you add more of that spiritual coherence into the collective.   

To begin today is the focus I invite you to simply feel that need to become coherent with your own spiritual plans and purposes for your lives.  If you are not aware of those are at this time, simply have that willingness and intention to become more coherent so that this dynamic can move in you and help you make more in-roads perceiving new insights from your Spirit about who you are and what you can accomplish here.  Take a few moments to turn your focus to your hearts.  Take a few deep breaths, allowing your bodies to relax and your mental chatter to quiet.  (Pause) 

Have that willingness to become more coherent with your own inner divine plan and invite our Parents and your Spirit to hold you in this energy now, and allow the natural imprinting quality that you have with your Divine Sources to minister to you now.  (Pause) 

If it is helpful to receive, gently affirm within your own mind and heart:  I AM BECOMING COHERENT WITH MY DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE AND PLANS.  I AM BECOMING COHERENT WITH MY DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE AND PLANS. I AM BECOMING COHERENT WITH MY DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE AND PLANS, feeling that sincere willingness and motivation for you to become more cooperative with what the Father has seeded in you.  (Pause) 

When you become aware of your human limitations, take a momentary pause in how you perceive this.  Ask your Spirit to show you another way in which to perceive what you consider to be a lack or limitation within you.  The human mind is so full of distortion that it is difficult for you at times to recognize that your own human frailties and limitations are just a mask preventing you to see behind that what is true and real and good about your humanity and what you can achieve.  Too many times, the human limitation is ensconced in a feeling of fear—insecurity, unworthiness—which when combined together form a mighty impediment for you to move beyond the limitation.   

However, when you ask for this COHERENCE principle to function in you, you are given an inner awareness that exists at a deeper level within you to move you into conformity with the divine ways and will of LIFE.  Your Spirit is able to shine more light in your perception and to guide you out of the limitation into the higher expression of who you are.  It truly is this simple, my brethren, but yet you let your fear and insecurity hold you back.  

So, feel that need for this COHERENCE dynamic to resonate deeply within you, into those places where you may not even know or experience your own limitation, giving more space for your Spirit to help you perceive the bigger picture of reality that actually lives within the core of your being.  Feel that need to become more communicative and collaborative with it.  (Pause) 

When you become more coherent with the divine plans for your lives at this human incarnation, you feel a greater sense of peace and purpose.  This is then your motivation to continue on your course because the inner awareness is so strong of how deeply you are loved and valued is now showing you the way forward.  This is arena in which we wish to see all humans function, and it is now time for this world to remember what it is here to accomplish for this planet’s divine plans and purposes to manifest through the human interactions engaging with his and her own plans and purposes.  (Pause) 

Allow this COHERENCE energy to continue to move you and through you.  We are now setting the stage for this to flow into the collective.  Take a momentary pause.  Feel that intention and aspiration for this world to become more COHERENT with its higher divine plans and purposes.  (Pause) 

Now focus from your hearts:  HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS; HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS; HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS and hold that focus.  Let it spiral around the globe from the north pole to the south pole in a counterclockwise rotation.  Invite the Planetary Seraphim to weave this into the areas where this COHERENCE principle is extremely necessary now for more LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE to fill this world in its various dimensional levels, engaging with all life forms on the planet.  (Pause) 

As the energies spiral into the planet, take a momentary pause to shift your focus.  See yourselves standing on the ground and your legs are rooted into the planet’s divine plans, and you are just standing in that COHERENCE principle and being used as an anchor for this to manifest deeply into the circuits of mind for manifestation at a material level.  Hold this now as best you can:  HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS.  (Pause) 

This world is becoming aware of its rightful place in our universe home. Humanity has struggled for many millennia with understanding its place and purpose. This is all changing now as you conjoin with us to actually build the spiritual composition for this world to make this step forward in reclaiming its rightful divine inheritance.  This has implications for all life here, not just for human purposes.  And so, holding this COHERENCE principle and energy is affording more of that dynamism to reverberate through all of the dimensional circuitry of this world, some of which you do understand at this point and some which you will come to learn in a very short time.   

But what is most important is that you hold this and have that willingness for this to become an enlivened source of energy for more of your brothers and sisters to open to their plans and purposes and become coherent in and with them.  So do your best seeing yourself standing on the earth with your feet connected into the core and you are just letting this beautiful, radiant, loving energy cohere into you in the ways you need and can express then out into the world.  (Pause) 

Feel that need and willingness for this COHERENCE dynamic to reverberate through all planetary systems and circuits.  You may not necessarily know or see where there is dissonance and discordance.  Your helpers know and can direct this COHERENCE through your enhanced willingness and motivation for this to embrace the planet and bring it into a greater state of grace with the divine plans of all LIFE.  (Pause) 

Invite the COHERENCE to move through the memory circuits that more of URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS may manifest through human contribution and collaboration.  (Pause) 

Invite Monjoronson and the personification of who He is as DIVINE JUSTICE to engage with the COHERENCE dynamic now.  Hold that willingness for your brothers and sisters to recognize and remember who they are, and to come into reckoning and reconciliation with their Spirits, helping them see their lives from the perspective of their Creator.  (Pause) 

Ask for planetary mind and memory to become more COHERENT with REMEMBRANCE and RECOGNITION of Father’s presence within and for more RECKONING and RECONCILIATION to occur within each individual and throughout the various circuitry connecting you to what is now coming in of the DIVINE PLANS for planetary inception.  (Pause)  

The word-energy we ask you to hold is reflective of the divine meaning and value of what that language truly represents.  It is certainly consistent with your Spirits’ program for your lives to ask for insight of what these words and encodings truly mean.  They are not just empty words, but contain mighty spiritual energy that has the ability to redirect how you think and feel and perceive reality.  Be humble and unassuming when you ask your Spirit to show you the higher purposes for these words and values. For they are food for your souls, and the more you grow in understanding, then the better you can express the fruits of the Spirit to your brothers and sisters and help them open to what they within them to grow and gain.  (Pause) 

While your helpers are anchoring in these energies into the areas where they will produce the most good, take a few moments to elevate your gaze to Paradise.  Give thanks to your Creators for all that you have within you to grow, all that has been given within you to achieve, and know that your life has meaning and value.  Simply stay in that childlike state of trust and faith, loving your Creators in the best way you humanly can, and let the reflection of their LOVE shine upon you and give you more of what you need to grow and fulfill your purposes for your human lives.  (Pause) 

Take a moment to descend from Paradise, yet upstepped in a higher frequency that you may anchor this into your place on the earth plane where your feet are plugged into the core of the earth, and the COHERENCE principle is getting stronger.  Ask for the energies to continue to strengthen and be distributed into areas of great need and integrate into all dimensional areas of planetary life.  (Pause) 

Let the connections that were severed during the time of the rebellion be restored, having the bonds be sealed in divine LOVE and LIGHT and LIFE.  Let the FABRIC OF LIFE reverberate with COHERENCE upon Urantia that the mind and memory patterns open to conform with what is now underway to restore this world into a place of beauty and splendor where love and peace are dominant in the human heart and soul.  (Pause) 

Align with the DIVINE, my brethren.  Let your path be one of peace and joy as your Spirit guides you forward.  Allow the COHERENCE to continue to grow and shape you into that mighty universe citizen of divine destiny that your spiritual inheritance and birthright become fully enlivened within you.  Feel that need for this to be distributed to human mind and memory for more COHERENCE to function.  (Pause) 

We have completed our circuitry objectives for today.  I thank you for what you have provided for us to use to restore this planet’s divine dignity and the divine dignity of all life here to regain its rightful stature.  In the coming days, remember to attune to your Spirit and allow what the Father within you wishes to accomplish with you, in you, and through you to make this world a more loving and beautiful place on which to live.  

I leave you in His LOVE, my brethren, and may you ever more grow in GRACE and BEAUTY. Farewell.


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