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March 26: Recognition of Humanity's Purpose

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER:  Our Paradise Creator Deities and Divine Parents, we welcome this opportunity to collaborate with you and our universe brothers and sisters, our Planetary Seraphim and Midwayers, and all of those wonderful spiritual personalities who are joining us now to build these circuits of your LOVE and the divine WILL into the planet. Into the memory system and into the conscious mind. As we open our hearts to you, may we be united as one through the circuits of Spirit, Mind, Soul and Heart, providing a more fertile environment for more planetary healing and transformation to occur. You know what are the objectives that you wish us to hold that this call may reach its potential of spiritual ministry at this particular time. And we are here dedicated to helping the world reach these objectives through your WILL as provided through your GRACE and MERCY. And may your WILL be done now. Thank you.


MONJORONSON: My beloved brethren, greetings one and all! This is Monjoronson, and I am glad to rejoin you once again as we collaborate to bring about a massive correction in the way Urantia conducts its planetary affairs. Over the course of our years of association with you, you have participated in moving the world’s system of consciousness in a higher trajectory of spiritual gravity. This is something, not only this group but, many other groups have participated with us, and we are deeply grateful for your faith and your service to this world in its greatest time of need. The rehabilitation of a rebellion world is no small feat. Because this rebellion was one of the most widespread in the universe of Nebadon there have been many plans laid for this mighty turnaround to occur.

In today’s infusion, we will continue to help you that you may be the healers and transformers of this world, coming into a greater appreciation of what you can achieve as a human. Your spiritual potential and potency is mighty. Many of you are beginning to step into what it is that you can do to accomplish these great feats of planetary transformation through your own personal intentions and willingness to become more Spirit-like and to imprint upon the divine nature of your Spirit Parents. By doing this, you provide a greater, stronger inner foundation for you to live more from the soul and to actually cultivate your spiritual potential one day at a time. In so doing, you are fulfilling your purpose for your human nature that was designed to evolve and to become more Godlike over time.

The human life is indeed a rugged path. It was not designed to be a life of ease or complacency. You develop your character on this rugged playing field of life where you are encouraged to grow in the qualities and characteristic of peace, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and mercy through aligning your own human will with the WAYS and WILL of divine action throughout all creation.

Your human purpose has been thwarted by those who would wish to retain their control and power over this planet. And now that this power base is receding, what steps in to replace it is the true purpose of why human nature has been created by the First Source and Center. In today’s infusion, we invite you to simply place your focus on your hearts. Take a few moments to ask your Indwelling Spirits to gravitate your mindal current up to the spiritual level. Take a few deep breaths. Allow the Spirit to raise your mind to a higher level of perception and comprehension.

Today, our focus is to help you recognize humanity’s purpose—your own purpose and that of humanity as a whole. Many people of this world still struggle with the fact that they are sons and daughters of a loving Creator, and that you have the ability to use your God-given gifts to serve and love humanity and to share something of your unique personhood in loving service to cultivate a higher planetary culture. Many of you know this intellectually. And in today’s infusion we are here to help you bring about more of this expression of the true purpose of human nature to help you more deeply recognize who you are and your potential that you can cultivate and express through daily life.

To begin, we will focus on you as the individual. Invite these words RECOGNITION OF HUMANITY’S PURPOSE to settle in your hearts. Invite your Spirit to elevate your conscious mind and even into your memory what it is that you can achieve of your own true human purpose. Let yourselves receive this infusion from us and from your Spirit as we begin helping you grow in an expanded awareness of the true purpose of human nature and that you may more fully recognize its meaning and value at a deeper and broader level within your own mind, heart, and soul. And we begin. If it is helpful, keep your focus simple and let these words: RECOGNITION OF HUMANITY’S PURPOSE reverberate within you now. (Pause)

Each one of you has an important role to play in the plans of Michael’s Correcting Time. It matters not whether you are here to provide a spiritual foundation for others to awaken and recognize their true human purpose or if you will be one of the leaders in the forefront spearheading the movement of this direction. What is important is that you come into a greater recognition of who you are and what it is that you can achieve in cooperation with your Indwelling Spirit guiding you forward on this path.

Human purpose and potential, as we have told you many times before, has never reached its objectives. And in these fusions, we are here to support you. But it is you who must make the effort and take the initiative to respond to what Spirit is guiding you to achieve. So, continue to focus on RECOGNITION OF HUMANITY’S PURPOSE as your Spirit helps you open to deeper places of insight that you may indeed begin to sense the glimmers of who you truly are, recognizing more of what you can contribute to this great time of correction. (Pause)

Your human natures are beautiful and good. Yes, you are prone to make mistakes and step into error. This is normal and natural for the human condition, but it does not mean that you have to linger in ruminating over your errors because your Indwelling Spirit has the correction to provide to you that you may choose the higher path and follow the gravity of Spirit drawing you forward on the path of truth and righteousness.

Focusing on the true purpose of human nature helps you move more into that realm of what it is you can achieve as an individual growing on this path. Your Father Michael, in His human incarnation as Jesus, was masterful in crafting his human nature to reflect the glory of Spirit Within. You have the same ability. You have mighty spiritual presences within you. And by relying on these spiritual presences more and more each day, you are able to craft your human nature into an expression of truth, goodness, and beauty. And the more you do this, the more you reflect the divine nature out into the planet. Your light of soul shines more brightly and it is an attracting beacon to others who are ready to awaken to their true purpose of their human nature and began the very beautiful, exquisite cultivation of what they can achieve.

As I speak these words to you, it is intended that that would strike a deeper cord of motivation within you to strive on this rugged path of becoming more Godlike and to look at the impediments or the challenges that you have as learning experiences that you can achieve something far beyond what you think you can. It is a matter of the heart. It is a matter of motivation and intention, and earnestly applying yourselves to the refining process of your human nature becoming more aligned with the divine WILL within you.

Let these words settle in for a few moments as we continue to minister you in a personal way, opening you to experience more of what human nature is here to accomplish on this world—its true purpose based on the divine design for this planet to reach a high degree of spiritual culture. (Pause)

As this deepens within you, let it also reverberate down into your physical bodies, into your cell memory and structure that you may appreciate more of what your human nature is here to help you achieve. (Pause)

Let us turn our attention to the planet as a whole. As you envision the planet before you in your mind’s eye, feel that intention and motivation for RECOGNITION OF HUMANITY’S PURPOSE to calibrate into planetary mind and into memory. Feel the need for this to reach new depths into planetary memory, assisting your brothers and sisters to cast off the shackles of fear preventing them from opening to their own potential, opening more circuits of mind and memory to the true purpose of human nature helping more people recognize their true value to the divine plan of evolution. Simply spiral these words around the planet: RECOGNITION OF HUMANITY’S PURPOSE, with the intention for more of your brothers and sisters to truly awaken and recognize who they are and what they can achieve in cooperation with Spirit Within. (Pause)

Invite this infusion to also move deeply into the planet’s memory system, releasing your brothers and sisters from the bondage in which they have been held. Allow this infusion to imprint deeply into the conscious mind and the unconscious memory all around the globe: RECOGNITION OF HUMANITY’S PURPOSE. (Pause)

It is a big event in human history for humanity to recognize its true purpose and potential. You are living in a time when this is becoming more operative as a means by which humanity will live each day. You are being guided in that direction, and the more of your own assertion that ‘yes’ you want to live in this way adds more spiritual vitality into collective mind and memory for more people to awaken to this recognition of who they are and what they can achieve.

What a glorious day it will be on Urantia when all of humanity lives in this way! There is a way to go yet, but in this infusion today, we are providing you with more of the means by which you have that willingness—holding that for yourself and for your brothers and sisters with great love and compassion for them, those who are still struggling to understand who they are and the purposes and reasons for which they are here as humans.

As this recognition moves deeper into mind and memory, feel your need to be a more dedicated participant in Michael’s plans of correction, that you may achieve great things in who you are of what is seeded in you by the Creator. Human potential it is not something to be squandered or wasted, but to be carefully cultivated each day by the human assertion: “It is not my way but your way that I wish to cooperate with.” Your Spirit knows how to help you achieve those objectives seeded within you. Do not criticize yourself when you fall short of the goal each day but try again to do better, and know that it is the attempt and the motivation that matters here. Your perfection is a long way off but you are learning more about cooperating in the perfecting process and that is what is important.

During this time of correction, each person is given an opportunity to come into this deeper recognition. By you holding this willingness for humanity to recognize its true purpose, you are providing a greater environment for more people to perceive this, adding more light and space into human mind for their Spirits to illuminate their paths for each individual. (Pause) I invite you to focus into the core of the earth, housing the planet’s Divine Life Purpose. Invite these words: RECOGNITION OF HUMANITY’S PURPOSE to gently imprint there and also adding THE LIVING GOSPEL OF JESUS and LIVING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS to blend and integrate, that all of these dynamics may move together in unison and be all blended into the other spiritual dynamics you have helped us co-create over the years.

Allow this infusion to be a time of uprooting your brothers and sisters from the fear constructs that have long held them in a state of paralysis from achieving their spiritual potential as a human. And let these mighty ministrations into mind and memory continue to support you, moving you out of the past and into the bright future of Michael’s plans for His beloved Urantia. Hold this intention into the core of the earth of the RECOGNITION OF HUMANITY’S POTENTIAL and THE LIVING GOSPEL OF JESUS and LIVING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS to unify and support your brothers and sisters in their time of awakening and reconciliation. Invite THE LIVING GOSPEL OF JESUS to awaken more hearts and minds to humanity’s true purpose of LIVING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS. (Pause)

Let us all unite as one, elevating our gaze to Paradise and the Creator Deities of all, as they shine their gaze upon this world that divine WILL may function more resoundingly within the human nature. Take a few moments to express your gratitude for what has been given to you as a human to cultivate and for the beauty of the human nature now beginning to show forth more of the fruits of the Spirit. Send up your thanksgiving to the Paradise Creator Deities, especially to the Father of all for the Spirit Within you guiding you forward on this path of becoming more of who you are as a human in cooperation with your own and Indwelling Spirit, giving thanks for this deeper dynamic to reflect more mightily upon human mind. (Pause)

Ask for the Paradise reflection to reverberate down into the foundations of planetary life that the divine WILL of HUMANITY’S PURPOSE OF LIVING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS may provide humanity with more of the means it needs to function in this way. Allow this LIVING LANGUAGE OF LOVE to calibrate into human mind, and conduct this generation of spiritual energy for your brothers and sisters to perceive the higher path—the divine ways of LIFE. (Pause)

The LIVING LANGUAGE OF LOVE is personified within the divine nature of your Father Michael. Take a few moments to thank the Paradise Creator Deities for their reflection upon the planet, and then move down into the core of the earth, and invite Michael’s LIVING LANGUAGE OF LOVE to infuse all planetary mind and memory. HE IS THE VINE—humanity is the branch, and feel your need for this infusion from Michael to blend into the other elements we have co-created today as all things integrate into planetary mind and memory, lifting you from the legacy of error, evil, and sin, and moving you into the ways of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY. Feel your desire for all humanity to LIVE THE GOSPEL OF JESUS. (Pause)

My dear brethren, what joy you give us when you collaborate with us in this manner. Do you truly realize what spiritual power you have within you? Yes, you are growing in awareness, and we encourage you to continue to have that keen motivation to do so, as this provides your own Spirit more of the energy that your minds need, your bodies need to experience life in the way you were designed according to the divine plans of evolution.

You are helping this planet return to what it was designed to accomplish. And while you will not see the days of Light and Life in your own human lifetime, have the satisfaction knowing that you are building something of such great value here, that when it is your time to ascend to the higher levels you can leave knowing you have performed a mighty service to this world. Use your time wisely because this is something that you will not be able to experience again. And so, we encourage you to find the appreciation of your life, even in the moments that cause you the most consternation. Appreciate that this is all a part of the learning experience in which you are cultivating your great character of spiritual grandeur and glory, and that you are indeed growing in the loving nature of the Father within you. (Pause)


We have completed our objectives for today. Once again, I thank you for your participation. And continue to reflect upon this infusion today by listening to the recording again and spending time in stillness asking for these circuits to more fully integrate into planetary mind and memory, helping your brothers and sisters open to their own human purpose and potential.

I leave you in this manner now but you can call on me at any time throughout your day and know that I will respond. Have faith and courage during these great times of challenge, for one day you will reflect in your ascension career what it was like to be on Urantia during this great time of correction, and with the satisfaction that you were indeed a most willing and important participant. Grow in this awareness and always do your best to reflect the Father’s LOVE in what you think, say, and do. My blessings are upon you and I wish you all a most blessed good day.


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