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March 12: Focusing Redemption Into Planetary Mind

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: We open the circuit of our mind and heart to our Paradise Creator Deities, Universe Divine Parents, Magisterial Son, and all of the wonderful planetary and other world helpers who are joining us in this call today. We take our places in our hearts with the intention to be of service to our world, to build more spiritual vitality into the circuits of mind and memory. We ask to function as one—one in intention through the circuits of personality, soul, spirit, and mind, that what we produce from our hearts may be distributed to all of those areas of the planet to bring about more upliftment and healing. We ask to be guided by our Spirits as we follow the guided meditation today with deep gratitude in our hearts for your WILL being done through your GRACE and MERCY, and may it be so! Thank you very much.


MONJORONSON: Greetings, my beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson. It gives me great pleasure to join you once again in this circuit of intention that you as the residents of this world would be mightily involved in this time of planetary transformation. You are moving into a very rugged time. I know that some of you may bemoan this fact, but it is true. This planet is undergoing a mighty change, and it has not been easy on the mind and heart to experience the upheaval to disengage your minds and memories from the rebellion sophistries and ideologies that you may turn more to the spiritual direction of the Father’s presence within you.

As we begin today, I invite you to focus on the word REDEMPTION. What does this mean to you? Take a few moments to ask the Spirit Within to convey to you a deeper sense of the true meaning and value of this spiritual dynamic. If it is helpful, see the word REDEMPTION gently pulse at your heart center, inviting more spiritual illumination into this word-symbol, and invite the Spirit to illuminate you now. (Pause)

REDEMPTION is a spiritual attribute designed to give you insight into where you may be misapplying your understanding of divine WILL. It provides you an opportunity to take stock of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and to seek correction that will give you another chance to try again and make a better attempt to follow the leadings of Spirit Within. When you open to this beautiful spiritual attribute, you are given more of a sense that you can be forgiven of your misdeeds and missteps. There is registration in the human heart that you are loveable and can be forgiven, but it is your willingness to open to REDEMPTION that paves the way for this spiritual energy to truly heal you and give you more courage and motivation to try again. You do not need to remain victimized by your own negative thoughts, feelings, or behaviors, but you are given insight as to a higher way to conduct your mind in your personal affairs.

In today’s infusion, we invite you to feel the need for this to go deeper into you, that that which you still retain being out of divine alignment may find that redemptive quality of divine LOVE and move you forward on your path of soul growth. Continue to focus in your hearts asking your Spirits to illuminate this quality into you—into your mind and even into your memory. (Pause)

Allow this infusion of REDEMPTION to open you to the redeeming qualities of your own abilities, talents, and the divine dignity that lives within you, gently opening to the influence of the Spirit Within, perceiving more insight into what is truly good and beautiful within you. (Pause)

While the human mind seeks to understand the events that you now witness outplaying upon your world, the human heart truly longs for REDEMPTION. Receiving new insights into your behaviors and your motivations from the Spirit Within provides you a space for clearing out the stranglehold the negativity may place upon your thoughts and feelings, providing you with more inner space to see the qualities you have within you giving you another chance to try again.

Changing human behavior is very difficult without this quality of REDEMPTION. You might say it wipes the slate clean, especially when you forgive yourself and forgive others for their misdeeds and missteps. There is no need to judge anyone, even yourself. You do not have that capacity as a human to truly understand another person. During this time there will be many individuals who indeed are redeemable—who have the willingness to open to this quality, to receive correction and have the willingness to try again.

Yet, there are those who will not have this ability. You are not to judge them, but to leave that up to the higher intelligences of the spiritual realm who are in positions to know what to do. It is very challenging sometimes to separate yourselves from ill feelings directed toward people who are still so very evil and resistant to change. This redemptive nature of Spirit helps you to separate the sin from the sinner, and to look at your erring brothers and sisters with more compassion and even pity. They are not your concern. But if you wish, you may pray for them and lift them up to Spirit and ask for the Father’s WILL to prevail in their lives.

Continue to communicate with your Spirit, inviting this REDEMPTION energy to deepen within you anexpand you into what it truly means to be redeemed by Spirit—renewed in Spirit, re-energized in Spirit. (Pause)

Humanity is redeemable, my brethren. There is nothing that cannot be corrected provided there is human willingness to see the error and to change course. So, continue see this infusion of REDEMPTION, and in a few moments, we will ask you to project that outwardly from your hearts and into the planetary system of mind and memory. (Pause)

I invite you to shift your focus now. As you have done so many times before, feel that need and that willingness for your brothers and sisters to receive REDEMPTION, projecting it from your hearts into the globe before you in your minds’ eye. Let it spiral around the globe, north to south pole counterclockwise as the angelic helpers and other personalities minister into these circuits of mind and memory. Hold that motivation as strongly as you can in your heart for humanity to receive REDEMPTION. Even though you may not know what this will appear like into your material culture of the spiritual foundation for this to grow and stimulate more activity within the heart for your brothers and sisters to open and receive the redemptive quality of divine LOVE. (Pause)

We invite to hold that willingness for this redemptive energy to move into areas in mind and memory where there are very large, what you might call, mind-fields of judgment, condemnation of others, anger, resentment, and all lower forms of emotion. There are mighty fields that need this REDEMPTION infusion to add more spiritual luminosity that more individuals may open to the redemptive of divine LOVE. By you holding this willingness, you are giving that “green light” to your helpers to add more of this quality for humanity to recognize, reckon, and reconcile what this means for them. And herein is where more healing can occur. (Pause)

REDEMPTION opens the door of the heart to perceive more of an individual’s value to the divine ways and plans of life. The path to the Creator is open. Many impediments have been placed upon the human heart to prevent reception of the immense value that each individual has in the heart of God. So, strengthen your willingness and motivation for your brothers and sisters to receive REDEMPTION. They need the loving touch of the Father’s LOVE to soften their hearts that they may feel this deeper bond they share with their Creator, providing more of that willingness to follow the divine ways and will of life. Let this REDEMPTION be applied liberally and broadly throughout the circuits of mind and memory. (Pause)

Many of you have noticed and witnessed how emotionally and mentally unstable your brothers and sisters are during this period of great change. Their hearts are troubled. Their minds uneasy. They do not know who they are. They cannot recognize their true divine dignity and value. So, ask for this REDEMPTION dynamic to imprint upon the collective heart chakra system of the planet. The emotional nature of humanity needs this now. All we ask of you to hold that focus, and if it helpful, to see these words: REDEMPTION SEEDING INTO THE HEART CHAKRA, REDEMPTION SEEDING INTO THE HEART CHAKRA, REDEMPTION SEEDING INTO THE HEART CHAKRA as these circuits are adjusted into planetary mind and memory. (Pause)

Feel that need for this heart chakra system to gently expand and open more people to the redemptive quality of the Father’s LOVE. (Pause)

I invite you to add another infusion into this energy of REDEMPTION outpouring upon the planet. And that is to invite Michael’s SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY to engage with this REDEMPTION infusion. His LOVE is so pervasive and the world needs to open to its Spiritual Father—the one who is leading this world into the Era of Light and Life. Invite the power and action of the Holy Spirit to engage in this as well as the angels and other helpers amplify the circuits for more healing to occur, more hearts to change and receive the REDEMPTION that will foster their continued growth. (Pause)

May we now elevate our gaze to the existential, eternal Paradise level, inviting the Creator Deities to reflect their LOVE upon this world. Feel that need for their LOVE and the higher purposes for this planet to receive this Paradise embrace. Open your hearts with great gratitude for them and for the divine plans of perfection helping this world make gainful strides in building a brighter, more spiritually developed planetary culture. Invite their redemptive quality of divine LOVE to reflect mightily upon the planet. (Pause)

Ask for this redemptive quality of divine LOVE to break the yoke of sin and iniquity, that more of your brothers and sisters may open to REDEMPTION and receive the healing they need. (Pause)

Thank your Divine Parents for their ministrations into the planet as REDEMPTION and its attributes communicate into the human heart—changing minds, healing emotions, and opening people to more of their ability to connect with their Indwelling Spirits. (Pause)

Take a moment or so to descend from Paradise. See yourself standing on the earth in this radiant field of REDEMPTION. Ask it to go into more of the memory circuits of the planet that more of your brothers and sisters may be unchained from the slavery of evil, sin, and iniquity, opening them to this redemptive quality of divine LOVE—to stir mightily in their hearts, to open their perception to the Father’s LOVE within them. (Pause)

My dear brethren, know that this infusion will continue to expand through the circuits of mind and memory all around the globe. In your times of quiet meditation and reflection focus on REDEMPTION as a blanket of energy bathing the planet and feeding human mind and memory with what it means. Take charge in your own heart and mind to apply this when you are in your stillness times. For in doing so you give the signal for this spiritual quality to strengthen that more individuals may recognize and be given a second chance to improve their lives through spiritual growth.


Thank you for your participation with us today. The objectives we desired to achieve have been attained. Truly, this is a human-celestial collaboration. By you holding these intentions, you are providing the means for this world to outwork its past legacy and move in the spiritual trajectory towards your bright future and destiny. Be glad of heart during this time of great change, and know that all things are well as Michael guides His beloved world back into the universe Family of Love.

I withdraw now, and leave you in the LOVE of the Father. Know that you can call upon me any time when you wish to engage in these healing dynamics, and I will meet you in that place and support all of your sincere spiritual motivations and efforts. Good day.


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