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January 28: Focusing on Divine Justice and Remembrance of Universe Governance into Planetary Mind and Memory

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
January 28, 2024


Topic: Focusing on Divine Justice and Remembrance of Universe Governance into Planetary Mind and Memory
T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER: Our Divine Parents, Magisterial Son, Planetary Seraphim, and our other wonderful helpers, we open our hearts and minds to this circuit of conscious cooperation with the divine plans of correction for our planet to further unfold throughout the system of planetary consciousness. As you weave us together as one in this circuit of intention, we thank you for the gift of our Indwelling Spirits that our minds may elevate to that level and hold the focus in a way that will produce more of the fruits of the spirit to blend into planetary mind and assist in the awakening and reckoning process that is now underway on the planet. We are here to be of service. We give you our hearts, our trust, our love, and as always, we thank you for your WILL being done through your MERCY and GRACE. And so it is.  

MONJORONSON: Greetings, beloved brethren! This is Monjoronson and I am very pleased to join you once again in this forum of our conscious cooperation with the divine plans of correction for this beautiful world. 

As many of you know, I am here to assist in the administration of the DIVINE JUSTICE for this world to outgrow the effects of the Lucifer rebellion. These effects have been perpetuated by many who have been influenced by certain rebellion sophistries, and have been in positions of power and control for many, many generations. It is now time to change the trajectory of how this world uses what you might call power and control as a means of functioning the social institutions of this planet. And in today’s group focus, we will be addressing this in a way we have not yet approached with you.  

To prepare you for this then, I encourage you to take a few moments to simply move into your heart centers and invite my energy signature to gently calibrate with yours at the heart level and allow my presence to deepen in you, even down into what you might call unconscious memory where you need an infusion of DIVINE JUSTICE to help you release remaining fears that hold you back from achieving your spiritual potential seeded in you by the Creator of all.  

So take a few deep breaths. Focus in your hearts. If you wish, you may see my name superimposed upon your heart center. Invite me to move in you now and I will minister to you now each and every one. And we begin. Invite the characteristics of my DIVINE JUSTICE to move down into your memory and to help you release fear, discouragement, frustration, and open into a wider range of understanding what is occurring on the planet at this time. (Pause)

Your own individual mind is connected into a much wider circuitry of what you might consider to be the thought and emotional forms of the entire planet. As more spiritual light bathes this world, the spiritual energies are designed to assist you to disconnect from false forms that have long festered on this planet and have placed a heavy toll upon the human energy system to stay in lower states of fear and unworthiness. This is not the intention or design for human life.  

And now, I invite you to simply allow me to move down into those memory circuits where DIVINE JUSTICE may help you perceive what holds you back from opening to more of your potential, that your own Indwelling Spirit smay guide you out of the morass of the miscreation of human thinking and feeling and set you more squarely on your path of spiritual development.

The higher spiritual energies, if I may use that word, are required in order for you to overcome the effect of these lower energies of fear and separation. It is our intention to continue to assist humanity to, what you might call, unplug from these influences that your Spirit may illuminate your mind with more truth andunderstanding, and help you open to the higher potential within you. Continue to focus on my name and allow my presence to deepen you in you into areas where you need more DIVINE JUSTICE to release you from what holds you back. (Pause)

As these energies deepen into you, hold that willingness to be guided out of these old patterns by your Spirit, who has the knowledge of how you hold various certain feelings and beliefs. It can help you adjust how you perceive your inner reality and your outer reality to reflect more DIVINE TRUTH and WISDOM. Be willing to exchange the old ideations, erroneous beliefs, feelings of fear and unworthiness for what your Spirit wishes to convey to you and allowed that infusion of TRUTH-LIGHT to pervade you now. (Pause) 

Hold that intention for your divine inheritance to be fully restored to you. Even though you may not fully understand what this means, your Spirit knows and can convey new insights into you when you are ready to perceive more of who you truly are and the gifts seeded in you to express over the course of your lifetime. Let all of these dynamics combine together and bring you into a deeper and higher state of understanding of who you are and your relationship to what is underway on the planet at this time. (Pause)

We are now ready to project new energies into the planetary system of mind and memory. Please join with us as you focus these words into the system of planetary consciousness, allowing the energies to spiral around the planet from the north to the south pole in a counterclockwise spiral rotation:  DIVINE JUSTICE AND UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE. Project these words from your heart and feel that need for this world to absorb these energies, letting the divine meaning and value of DIVINE JUSTICE AND UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE to imprint upon planetary mind. And in a few moments, we will invite you to project this into memory. Hold this focus as best you can, as you visualize the world before you in your mind’s eye as UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE AND DIVINE JUSTICE holds this planet in a higher and mighty field. (Pause)

All evolutionary worlds, such as Urantia, are administered by UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE. There are times, however, when rebellion from the universe administration occurs, such as happened here. Now it is time for this influence to be expunged from the planetary mind memory circuits. And we appreciate you holding this intention for more UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE to move down into the memory circuitry, going down into deep memory levels for more DIVINE JUSTICE to occur, that UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE may be more conducted on this world and connect with more of the mindal circuitry of humanity to participate in this greater design of governance.  

Continue to hold a field of DIVINE JUSTICE AND UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE upon the planet and in a few moments, we will direct it into deeper memory circuits. To assist this infusion of UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE to have more room to function on the planet, feel that need at the human level for this to occur. (Pause)
We are now ready to direct the energies into the memory circuits of the planet. We invite you to focus on these words: REMEMBRANCE OF UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE, REMEMBRANCE OF UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE, REMEMBRANCE OF UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE. Hold this focus as best you can and invite it to go into the memory circuits, going into those places where these energies may be more widely applied and to light over that which holds humanity back from making its true progress in spiritual development. Feel that need for this to go down into those memory circuits where the defiance of UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE first occurred, as many celestial helpers engage in these very, very, deep memory circuits now. Simply hold REMEMBRANCE OF UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE at your hearts and let it flow outwardly into the planet. (Pause)
Hold that willingness and intention for your brothers and sisters to awaken to this REMEMBRANCE OF UNIVERSE GOVERNANCE. You might consider this to be a stabilizing energy that will help them open up to what it truly means to transform their lives. You might consider that a better support structure is now being constructed upon the planet to aid humanity in its spiritual development, bringing you back to the divine patterns for life on this world as modified by the PLANS OF PERFECTION by your Universe Parents. There is much underway now and this momentum is unstoppable. Some people will respond quite favorably to these endowments. Some people will be confused and some people may outwardly reject what is occurring. What we ask of you is to continue to hold these dynamics in your meditative times that we may engage with you and build these spiritual energies that more people may open up to what is truly occurring in the fields of correction for this world.  

You are all a part of this mighty transformation process. It is occurring within you in various ways. No two people will experience this the same. It is unique to each individual, based on your own personalities and the role of the Spirit within you to help you open to the insights you need to progress on your path. This is the intention for every individual. The spiritual pressure we apply is here to support you in this awakening process that you may reconcile what has occurred within you that has taken you away from your magnificent journey of soul progression.

This is all changing now, especially as we help humanity remember that it is connected to DIVINE GOVERNANCE and that there is a universe administration helping you outwork the legacy of rebellion that has created so much chaos and confusion on this world. It is time for more TRUTH to be revealed, and for humanity to remember who they are—the sons and daughters of this vast loving universe family that is administered in LOVE, MERCY, and JUSTICE. Let these words settle in as you continue to focus on REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE. (Pause)
There is one more focus to add. I invite you to allow REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE to pulse gently into the core of the earth, where the divine plan of evolution is stored, letting it comingle and combine with all of the energies we have held there, especially for the Paradise PLANS OF PERFECTION as modified by Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION  to blend together and to come into greater coherence. Hold the focus for REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE to engage in the core of the earth as we weave these circuits together and bring in the dynamic of COHERENCE for mighty corrections to engage at this level and move upwardly into human mind and memory. (Pause)
Join with us now as we elevate these energies we have co-created together to the central Isle of Paradise, the domicile of the Paradise Creator Deities in whom all things exist. With great love in your heart, feel gratitude for the divine plan of evolution for this world and for your own lives, and send forth that appreciation to the Creator Deities and allow their REFLECTION to shine upon you. (Pause)  

Send forth a stream of love and gratitude from your hearts to our Paradise Deities as we join with you, augmenting this circuit of worship with what we provide. And may we all glory together in the DIVINE RADIANCE emanating forth from this place of magnificence, and perfection. (Pause)  

Invite the Paradise REFLECTION to shine into the core of the earth that the Paradise PLANS OF PERFECTION for this world may continue to develop. And if you wish, you may see yourselves standing in this energetic earth core, and allow the energies to embrace you, envelop you, and hold you steadier, that you may open more to your own individual divine plan and purpose, and cooperate with these larger plans for the planet’s rehabilitation, asking for all of these dimensional energies to integrate. (Pause)

Invite the Seraphim of this planet to weave Mother’s JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE into what we have co-created today that they may apply these energies into their particular areas of institutional involvement. Hold this intention for Mother’s JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE to pervade the planet. (Pause)  

My beloved brethren, you may not yet be able to fathom the joy that we experience when we see each human soul waking up from its long spiritual slumber. Truly, you provide us with so much satisfaction and enjoyment. And one day you will know of this as well and experience what it truly means to see those who have been held in the grasp of fear and unworthiness shake off the shackles and step into the light of their souls waiting for them to grow in this beautiful dynamism of spiritual energy.

For now, simply allow what has been bestowed to integrate into you and into planetary mind and memory, assisting us by maintaining focus on REMEMBRANCE OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE to continue to integrate into the planetary circuits, helping more people step out of the past and regain their footing in the higher ways of life.  

While we have completed our circuitry objectives for today, the work and the integration continue onward. We are deeply appreciative of your taking your time to join in this call and infusing your love into what we have generated together. Trust in the DIVINE PLAN. It is working and it is now gracing the world for more people to open up to their spiritual potential, that they may live lives of peace, love, purpose, and meaning. What a wonderful day it will be on Urantia when humanity glories in this way of life and truly lives according to the divine plans seated in them by the Creator of all.  

I leave you now in this manner, my brethren. Know that you can come to me any time during your day and I will respond. Live in the LIGHT of the Father’s LOVE.  Allow your own internal memory to become more light-infused with DIVINE TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY. And with that, I take my leave. Good day. 


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