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February 23: Michael’s Healing Authority Engaging with Humanity for Personal and Planetary Rehabilitation; Returning Urantia to its Full Divine Inheritance; Direct Intervention of Paradise

Planetary Transformation Conference Call 
Institute of Christ Consciousness

Topic:   Michael’s Healing Authority Engaging with Humanity for Personal and Planetary Rehabilitation; Returning Urantia to its Full Divine Inheritance; Direct Intervention of Paradise

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 

PRAYER: Our Paradise Creator Deities, Divine Parents, Magisterial Son, our planetary helpers and universe brothers and sisters, we open ourselves to you that we may collaborate with you in these circuits of rehabilitation for our beloved world. What is your WILL today for us to hold? You have the plans, and we are the implementers, and we thank you for supporting us in the ways we can to learn more of these plans through the circuits of our intuition and guided by our Indwelling Spirits that our lives may be more meaningful and purposeful toward implementing those divine plans of planetary rehabilitation. Thank you for centering us as one that our combined energies may be put to use in the ways you know we need as we open ourselves to fully aligning in divine WILL, through your MERCY and GRACE. We thank you for the opportunity to be of service to our brethren and to our beloved planet. Thank you.

MICHAEL: My beloved children, my greetings to each and every one of you. This is Michael. I invite you to open yourselves to me through the Spirit of Truth connection that lives within your mind and heart. My LOVE enfolds you and it is my delight to feed you with my LOVE that you may grow into strong and capable universe citizens living on this world at its most auspicious moment of transformation.

Take a moment or so to center yourselves in me that I may minister to you what you need to further support your own inner journeys of healing and aligning your lives in the divine plans seeded in you by the Paradise Father Himself.

This is the time of the great planetary reclamation and to return to the divine ways of LIFE that your Mother and I have been guiding you for many years to experience. Now we are at certain moments of great and unprecedented change, some of which you are beginning to understand. But I say to you, there so much more to come. Because there is much more to come, I wish to prepare you that you may become more effective stewards of the changes this world needs for all life to thrive in the divine GRACE and BEAUTY of the divine WILL of the Paradise Father. Take a moment or so to center yourself in your Spirit of Truth, where I meet you and receive my LOVE, my beloved child. (Pause)

Major energetic changes are underway on Urantia now. The circuitry reconnection is happening in the various domains of mind, memory, and the physicality of your bodies. It has been my long desire to see all of my children healed and functioning in the higher realms of divine WILL, according to your own inner plans seeded in you by the Father. To augment this today, I invite you to focus on these words, allowing me to move into you to my heart’s desire, that you may receive more of the healing you need. Simply center yourselves in these words: CHRIST MICHAEL’S HEALING AUTHORITY. CHRIST MICHAEL’S HEALING AUTHORITY. CHRIST MICHAEL’S HEALING AUTHORITY, and invite me to move in you, that will bring me great delight in providing you with what you need, each and every one of you, my dear precious child. Receive me now. (Pause)

As I impart my HEALING AUTHORITY into you, stay in that place of childlike trust and your faith in me. I am your Creator Father.  I know what you need. As you calibrate to my presence in you and what I am imparting, trust that my LOVE is moving into you at very deep levels of your human nature and function. It is time for human nature to open to its true potential, that which has been suppressed for many, many years due to the overarching rebellion influence.  It is time for this to be no longer an operating influence in the human condition. So, receive my HEALING AUTHORITY to take precedence over that which is in you of an unholy and rebellious nature. There is nothing you need to do other than to trust me, and to trust your Mother, and receive our loving parental ministrations. (Pause)

As my children, you have the right to invoke my HEALING AUTHORITY to take deeper hold into your minds and bodies and conduct the changes you need. As you become familiar with this level of ministration, you will also be guided by your Indwelling Spirit to learn how to conduct this dynamic for your brothers and sisters who are in great need of healing and upliftment. Healing is available to all. And while there are many who may regard this as a dream or a lofty ideal that is almost impossible to attain, I say to you: this is real, this is available to you. Do you trust it? Do you trust me? Do you wish to learn how to wield my HEALING AUTHORITY to help your brothers and sisters?

Take a few moments to ponder what I am saying to you as I continue to minister into you and help you integrate into what this means for your lives, especially for those of you who have pledged your lives in service to this time of planetary reclamation and rehabilitation. Invite your Spirit to convey some deeper meanings and values to you so that you are not only receiving this at an energetic level, but your mind is capturing the higher information you need to learn about using the circuitry you have available to you in service of planetary rehabilitation and the implementation of the divine plans of correction that are now in place.

Invite my HEALING AUTHORITY to encode deeper into your body. The human need for this is great, and it is my delight to fulfill this potential into to my children, restoring more of your divine inheritance that you may live upon this world in a way that is truly developing your human potential to live as a son and daughter of God. That which has been suppressed in you of your human potential is being restored. I invite you to claim this fully and freely for yourselves. You may be expanded in new ways that will surprise and delight you, and make you more effective in helping your brothers and sisters rise above the muck and mire of the rebellion mindset and be firmly planted in the transformational energies underway on this beautiful world.

If you wish, gently affirm these words in your heart and mind: I AM ENCODING CHRIST MICHAEL’S HEALING AUTHORITY INTO MY BODY. I AM ENCODING CHRIST MICHAEL’S HEALING AUTHORITY INTO MY BODY. I AM ENCODING CHRIST MICHAEL’S HEALING AUTHORITY INTO MY BODY. As you affirm this, rest gently in what is underway in you. Some of you may experience it more deeply than others.  Regardless of your perception, trust that something is indeed taking deeper root in you that will bring you into a heightened state of awareness of who you are and the potential that you contain within your human nature to grow more Godlike. (Pause)

There is one more focus I invite you to hold before I withdraw and turn the call over to my Brother Monjoronson. Center your internal gaze on these words: IT IS TIME TO RETURN URANTIA TO ITS FULL DIVINE INHERITANCE. IT IS TIME TO RETURN URANTIA TO ITS FULL DIVINE INHERITANCE. IT IS TIME TO RETURN URANTIA TO ITS FULL DIVINE INHERITANCE.  Gently hold that within your beings that this dynamic may be more firmly secured into you, into all those places, mind, memory, and body where this can take deeper root and your Father fragment can help you rise into its full meaning and value. (Pause)

My beloved children, in the coming days, allow these energies to fully integrate into you that you may experience more of my affection for you. Let them become living expressions of divine LOVE, GRACE, and BEAUTY within.  You are all so deeply cherished. I take great delight in watching you grow into these spiritual potentials that your human nature may be more expressive of the Father’s presence within you. When I was here as your brother Jesus, this was my fondest hope for humanity, and now it is becoming a reality through each one of you. Do you understand the tremendous challenge you have taken on in becoming more of who you truly are? This sets you apart from your brethren, but in a way that will inspire them and encourage them to take on the MANTLE OF FAITH and grow in their God-given spiritual potential.

I leave you now in this manner.  Take time to integrate into what has been seeded into you. Come to me when you feel you need to feel my LOVE and to help you grow in my HEALING AUTHORITY, that all things in you may align in divine WILL and lead you into the heights of glory and beauty of the human nature you are cultivating with the spiritual help of the Father within. It is all there in you waiting to be further expressed, and you will be so inspired to keep traversing on this path as you amaze yourself at what is unfolding within. Thrive in my LOVE my children, it is all there within you.  And with that, I take my leave. Good day.

MONJORONSON: Beloved brethren, greetings one and all!  This is Monjoronson. I take great delight in the following my Brother Michael, and imbuing into you and into the planet what is necessary for the DIVINE PLANS OF REHABILITATION to broadly unfold all around the globe. You have all been instrumental in this process, whether you recognize it consciously or not. We appreciate your efforts in holding the place and space for the anchoring of these circuits to be fully imparted and distributed throughout all of planetary mind and memory.

Keep in mind that this is a conscious collaboration between humanity and those of us of the higher realms. The role you have played has been pivotal in making the changes that you now see unfolding all around you. As Michael has said, “there is more to come”, and you will continue to be guided as to what you can continue to impart of your own soul and heart and spirit into the planet. Remember, this is your cosmic duty and there is no reason to shy away from it anymore. Take full responsibility and accountability for who you are and what you can contribute to the growing mind of Spirit unfolding on this beloved world.

As we have instructed you so many times before, take a few moments to project from your hearts the words your Father Michael gave you momentarily ago. IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO RETURN TO ITS FULL DIVINE INHERITANCE. IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO RETURN TO ITS FULL DIVINE INHERITANCE. IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO RETURN TO ITS FULL DIVINE INHERITANCE. Invite MICHAEL’S HEALING AUTHORITY to also blend and integrate and calibrate into this dynamic that what we do at our end maybe more fully imparted in the areas where this is ready to ripen, take deeper root and blossom into the planet's full potential, and make more gains on its trajectory toward Light and Life. Hold this now as best you can, projecting from your hearts, into the planet in your mind’s eye before you. (Pause)

Invite MICHAEL’S HEALING AUTHORITY to move into those places where your brothers and sisters hold resistance at an unconscious level. Feel love for them—those who have yet to awaken. Be merciful toward them due to their spiritual ignorance. Hold that place where you wish to see them open to their full potential and hold that willingness for us to seed these energies into those places where your brothers and sisters may shake off the past and look upon the future with love and hope and with an awareness that all things are returning to DIVINE RIGHTFUL ORDER. (Pause)

Guide the GRACE of your Divine Holy Mother Spirit to fully imbue this planet, seeding it with Her BEAUTY and that the HARMONY between humanity and the planet can be restored. (Pause)

Invite the PLANETARY TIME ACCELERATION to also unfold and to hold humanity in a stabilized circuitry of MICHAEL’S HEALING AUTHORITY that more individuals may perceive through the Spirit of their own indwelling inner selves His presence and the TRUTH-RECOGNITION of who He is as the Creator Father of this world. (Pause)

Hold an intention and willingness for His HEALING AUTHORITY to move into the memory circuits that more of His children may perceive Him at fundamental, foundational levels of their human natures. (Pause)

Invite all of these endowments to circulate and weave into the planet, forming a much tighter network of spiritual energy and synergy that Mother’s JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE may resonate and resound more clearly and brightly and bountifully all through the circuits of beloved Urantia. (Pause)

Hold the intention for MICHAEL'S HEALING AUTHORITY to take greater precedence in human nature and composition that this may integrate more deeply into the areas of great need, and thus allow Mother’s JOYFUL SONG OF LIFE to resonate into those areas of the human nature and composition to bring people out of the past, to point them in the direction of their Spirits and the spiritual gravity beckoning them forward on their path of Father alignment and consciousness. (Pause)

Beloved brethren, join with us now as we elevate our gaze to Paradise. Your hearts rejoice with gratitude, even the sense of wonderment, of what is now transpiring on beloved Urantia. Join with us in these moments of worshipful communion with the GRACE and BEAUTY being restored to all life here that this planet may truly ascend into the gravity circuits drawing you Paradise-ward with the GRACE and the GRANDEUR and the GLORY of the Paradise Creator and His LOVE. (Pause)

Descend, if you will, from Paradise but know that you are connected in many ways to this highest dimension of reality through various circuits. See yourself standing on the beautiful earth dimensions of Urantia. In our final moments together, hold these words and envision Paradise embracing this beautiful world with these words: DIRECT INTERVENTION OF PARADISE. DIRECT INTERVENTION OF PARADISE. DIRECT INTERVENTION OF PARADISE. Allow these words to calibrate the planet into the higher dimensional aspects it needs for all of the levels of life and this energy circuitry of this world. (Pause)

As the planet moves forward on its ascent to manifest the plans toward Light and Life, know that many new opportunities will be presented to you to assist in this magnificent unfolding. You are pivotal to this plan of rehabilitation, and I cannot underscore enough how important it is for you to take full responsibility of your human nature and cultivate it in the Father’s LOVE so that you are a living embodied expression of who He is through you that will disclose to the planet many new potentials that will further support this beautiful ascension process now underway.

As you take more responsibility for your ascending human nature toward self-mastery, know that you have more help than you can even fathom to help you be successful in this way. You are following in the footsteps of your beloved Master, and now you have your Father Michael to support you, your Mother Nebadonia to provide you the environment in which to make these changes, and all of the helpers around you cheering you on. So there is no need to hold back anymore. Continue to rise to the occasion of who you are as a child of the Paradise Father and bring the LIGHT of Paradise to Urantia to make it a shining gem in all creation and of the faith relationship of the human child to the Paradise Father to live the divine WAYS and WILL of all LIFE.

On behalf of all of our participants of the higher dimension, I thank you. We appreciate you more than you can possibly know. Call on us when you need that extra assistance and we will supply you the spiritual energy you need to continue to move forward on your path. You will be delighted in what you receive and grow your faith and live it more fully each and every day. My blessings are upon you and I wish you all a most blessed and bountiful good day.