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Universe Announcements Timeline

October 2013 -- New Paradise Pattern Delivery

This incident happened in October 2013. The exact day was not recorded. I was a relatively new member of Ronald Besser’s online Serara forum at the time. Not long after I posted this to the forum Ron removed it claiming that he had to purge some of the postings from the database because of technical difficulties. And so I reposted it after the purge, only to have it purged again. I reposted a third time, and along came another purge. That’s when I realized that I had become a threat to Ron Besser.

Greetings to all members and guests of the Serara Forum.
As you may know, I am a relatively late comer to this forum, having only been a member for several months. However, it is no coincidence that I have joined you at this time. The Magisterial Mission is a far reaching, multi-faceted, multi-national/celestial initiative. There are many Urantians who are involved in ways that are not yet revealed to this forum.

Now the time has come for me to share with all of you a recent event of tremendous importance to each and every human on our suffering planet. This is also an event of great importance to Christ Michael and all of Nebadon, as it will affect the way our local universe will proceed forward, and will help ensure a wonderful future of Light and Life for all of Christ Michael's beautiful creation. So without further delay I will now recount to you an incident that happened to me, over the period of several days in October 2013.

I ask those who read this account to keep in mind that all of what you are about to read happened for the glory of our one and only Universal Father, and to Him belongs all the glory and praise. I am but a humble servant who rejoices in the fact that the Father's will always has been and always will be done. I also want to thank forum members Anita Christina, and Donna Lynn for their contribution to the human genome segment of this account.

In October of last year I was contacted by my Guardian Seraphim, and was told that a very rare situation had developed (but I wasn't given any more details) which allowed them to contact me in this very direct manner. They told me that this was a tremendous opportunity for us to get to know each other in ways that very few Urantians ever get to do. So after a pleasant period of meet and greet they suggested that we continue with the encounter and use the opportunity to provide me with valuable lessons in cosmic efficiency. I agreed and we started.

By the end of the day I was feeling ready for bed and some rest, but my Guardians recommended that I forego rest in favor of continuing with the lessons as they were very important. They told me that because of their close presence and contact, and other factors, I would derive much vitality from the encounter and could safely skip one or more nights of sleep. The same applied to food, so I skipped several meals. I can confirm that they were correct in this.

Well into the second day of this encounter, something very strange started to happen. I found myself developing a very strange feeling in my chest and abdomen. I thought perhaps I would vomit, but that didn't happen. This strange sensation gradually intensified to the point where I started having strong (but painless) chest convulsions. It was as if strong energy pulses were originating from within my chest and causing my entire chest and abdomen to expand and contract energetically and very rhythmically.

Immediately my Guardians became worried for my health and safety and tried to assess what was happening to me, but they could not determine the cause of the convulsions, so they sent for help. I then decided that it was best for me to get to my bed and lay down in case I should faint or collapse. As I lay in bed, my trusty Guardians remained beside me and did the best they could to support me. Very quickly several other celestials arrived on the scene and were given a report of my situation by my Guardians. I was immediately given what I can best describe as a celestial full body scan as I laid there. While I am not sure who performed this procedure I suspect it may have been one or Life Carriers stationed on Urantia. Regardless of who it was I am very grateful for the expert assistance they offered me during that crisis.

As an aside, let me say that it was a great experience to get to meet my Guardians in such a personal way. I find them both delightful, knowledgeable, and full of zest for their mission. I also found them to be quite the characters! There's never a dull moment with them, and I say this very affectionately.

After a thorough examination, the following determination was made and I was informed of it. First, I was not undergoing a heart attack. Second, I was not having a stroke or seizure. Third, they could not find anything physically wrong with me that could cause these convulsions. Then they continued assessing me for other possibilities, and that brought about results. They were able to determine that the source of the convulsions was located right next to the top of my liver, yet they could not identify what this source was, but they were certain it was not material in nature.

It was at that point that reinforcements were called in, and in a very short time other celestials arrived on location, and Father Melchizedek soon made contact from His headquarters. He immediately requested a report of the situation, which he promptly received. Immediately he declared this a potentially hazardous situation and had all non-essential celestials retreat to a safe distance until the threat could be fully assessed.

Only a few celestials remained by my side as they did their best to determine the danger at hand. During that time Father Melchizedek got busy at his end. After what seemed to me to be a few minutes, Father Melchizedek returned through his communication circuit and advised everyone that instructions had been received from Paradise that the object causing the convulsions was harmless and could be safely removed from my chest cavity.

At that point the convulsions started to subside and a few minutes later I was calm again. Then the celestials working on me asked me to lay still while they attempted to remove the object, which they were able to do rather quickly. Then a closer inspection of the object was carried out, but no one had any clue as to what it was.

Again, Father Melchizedek went off in search of answers at his end, and in a short while he returned with the answer everyone was looking for. He told everyone present, and there were quite a few by then, that the object was a package from the Isle of Paradise. More specifically, it was a gift for Christ Michael from the Universal Father.

Everyone was dumbfounded by this announcement. Then someone asked what was in the package, and Father Melchizedek answered that we would have to open it to find out, so someone opened it, and still there was bewilderment. After a moment Christ Michael opened a connection and informed us that it was in fact a new Paradise pattern.

At that point the mystery only deepened in a sense. What was the purpose of this pattern? This is the question that was on everyone's minds. From there the pattern was quickly delivered to Father Melchizedek, and his colleagues went to work trying to come to grips with this situation.

During that time some of the celestials told me that the long term storage of the package in my body had caused some damage to the energy circuits in my chest and abdomen, so they asked me to lay still again while they carried out the necessary repairs.

This particular form of surgery is quite interesting, and I'll relate to you what I was able to observe and feel. First of all none of it appeared to be physical in nature, so I assume it was either morontial or spiritual in nature. As far as describing the procedure, it closely resembled the work that a pair of electricians would do when wiring up a complex electrical panel. Many energy circuits had been either disconnected or redirected to accommodate the package, and these needed to be fixed. This they did by using some sort of instrument to re-establish the functionality of each circuit at both ends. I should mention at this point that I had no physical sensation of any of this surgery, and I was not under the influence of any anaesthetic (at least not to my knowledge).

There was however one thing that my human senses could pick up. Each time one end of a circuit was reconnected it made a slight noise at that particular location in my body. I can only describe the noise as being somewhat similar to the noise your empty stomach makes when it grumbles. Sometimes the noise was heard near my shoulder, sometimes near my hip, or above my bladder, or next to my liver just to name a few locations. These grumbling noises lasted about a second each. I heard dozens of these noises before the procedure was over.

While this cosmic surgery was going on it became apparent that all involved had by now become stressed to various degrees, myself being the worse, so a Reversion Director was brought in to help everyone return to a more comfortable pace. This particular Reversion Director was very skilful at sizing up the situation and getting everyone, especially me, to calm down and on level ground again.

The Reversion Director started asking me some well crafted questions designed to gradually and comfortably lead my attention into a different perspective so that I would stop seeing myself as the focus of all this attention and instead look at it from a distance. At that point the Reversion Director was able to start helping me find some sort of wholesome fun in the situation.

This went on for a while as I became less and less stressed, then at one point I was asked how my body was feeling, to which I replied that I felt fine except for all the sweating (I live in a humid tropical country). By then I had perspired so much that I had soaked the bed and it was getting a bit uncomfortable. Then I commented that it would be nice if we humans had the means to do something useful with all our sweat. Then the Reversion Director asked me if I had any suggestions. I thought about it for a moment and suggested that it would be nice if we had something like little seeds embedded in our skin that would get moistened when we perspire and quickly sprout into tasty little snacks that we could munch on, maybe something like healthy alfalfa sprouts. I felt a bit foolish for suggesting something so crazy, but to my surprise, many of the celestials present found this idea of mine quite funny, and they discussed it among themselves for a while. Then the Reversion Director informed me that those present all agreed that my spur of the moment joke was good enough to be considered for inclusion on some sort of large artistic/humorous public display on one of the Mansion worlds, and the Reversion Director left us to confer with his/her superiors.

It seemed about an half hour passed before the Reversion Director returned to inform us that my weird joke had been accepted by those in charge of such things on the Mansion world. I have to say that I was quite stunned! I was then asked if there were any more details I wanted to add to it, and I suggested they could call it Bryan's Sweaty Snacks, which was followed by a good amount of laughter by some of the celestials. I can hardly wait to reach the Mansion world and see how my crude humour has been depicted.

I've mentioned several celestials so far in this narrative, and there are several more I want to acknowledge. Moses was connected for a while, and I also seemed to sense the Council of 24 in the background. Enoch connected for a good while and I was able to chat with him a good bit. He's a fascinating character with a very interesting human experience. Christ Michael connected several times throughout the incident, and there was one other individual in particular whom I found very interesting. He was a visiting student/observer with Father Melchizedek's group.

I was told that he was a human from another world a bit less advanced than ours and that he had died tragically in his adolescent years. He was very inexperienced but very curious and energetic in his new morontia life. We had a lengthy and pleasant exchange which has left me with fond memories. I look forward to meeting him face to face some day, but I digress and return now to the Paradise pattern.

Father Melchizedek and His highly competent staff immediately went to work with this new pattern. There was much learning and experimenting to be done before this new pattern could be put into service, and the effectiveness and dedication with which this was done was truly remarkable.

Father Melchizedek kept his connection open most of the time so I could observe and if necessary participate in this initiative of implementing the new pattern. I was even able to make a contribution of my own to the effort, since I unknowingly had developed the ability to use the pattern (in a limited way) while I was carrying it within me. The work I had already done with it turned out to be of value in getting the ball rolling.

It seemed to me like it took about a couple of hours of Urantia time to get the new pattern encoded into the Melchizedek system and in operation, and as soon as it was up and running the results were swift and astonishing. It was as if a giant switch board in a control room suddenly started to light up all over the place. Father Melchizedek never missed a beat, and He kept me in the loop the whole time, while others were still busy repairing my damaged thoracic circuitry.

He explained to me that the pattern was being used as part of a powerful search algorithm to find the hidden remnants of the Lucifer Rebellion, and it worked with tremendous efficiency. Within less than a day of Urantia time tremendous progress had been made at locating much of the remaining hidden rebellion problems (both living beings and devices). Although I couldn't tell for sure how far this new tool was reaching, I did get a sense that outstanding rebellion problems were being detected and uncovered across a broad area of space, perhaps all of Satania, and maybe even beyond. It is interesting to note that Lucifer's hidden tools were booby trapped. Each time one was discovered it would self destruct as soon as anyone attempted to come near it or interfere with it in any way. So while it was possible to eliminate these things, there was no apparent way to capture one for study. Let that serve as further testimony to the great lengths that these rebels were willing to go.

In case anyone is wondering why this package was being kept next to my liver, there's actually a simple answer to that. The human liver is the organ most capable of healing itself. It was inevitable that some biological damage would occur as the human body was never designed for such use, and those who implanted the package, in their wisdom chose this location. I can confirm that I do indeed suffer from some long term liver damage, but the celestials who performed the surgery on me informed me that once the package was removed and my energy circuits reconnected, my liver should start to naturally heal itself over time. After only a few months I already feel a lot better.

From my perspective and with my limited physical senses I was able to sense that the package was dark in color and about the size and shape of a small pack of cigarettes. For many years I had felt like there was something pushing down against my liver, a constant pressure, and at times it was quite painful. I no longer feel that pressure.

In regards to the contribution I was able to make in helping Father Melchizedek and his staff to figure out how to use the pattern to help eradicate the remnants of the rebellion, I will refer you to the PDF file that I have attached to this narrative. This file contains a chart that I have developed over the course of 30 years as part of my personal studies. This chart is unrelated to anything mentioned in this narrative, but the pattern can be applied to it. If you examine the chart carefully you will notice that it has a certain type of logical structure with different categories organized in vertical columns, and several properties aligned horizontally. This is not the Paradise pattern. The Paradise pattern is more difficult to discern. The pattern is applied horizontally, across unrelated columns of data. In essence it takes a broad range of unrelated data and efficiently reduces it to a very narrow range of data that conforms to a complex and accurate set of parameters.

Unfortunately this is the best explanation I can offer at this time. As I said earlier, my ability to use
this pattern is very limited. There's also another aspect to this story which members Anita Christina, and Donna Lynn have recently brought to my attention.

This new Paradise pattern is also being used to produce corrections to our human DNA. Corrections designed to help us overcome the genetic contamination resulting from the rebellion, or as some have called it, the Lucifer Virus. Much more about this has already been published on this web site and forum so I won't repeat the details here.

So it is my wish that by publishing this event, we can all come to a better appreciation of the tremendous work our celestial friends are actively and lovingly performing on our behalf, and by celestial friends I mean everyone all the way up to the Universal Father. As humans we can barely begin to comprehend the immensity of the impact a new Paradise pattern can have on our suffering planet and all of Nebadon, and perhaps beyond. Patterns are the fundamental building blocks of creation. There is much for us to ponder in regards to this.

So my friends all this is to say that we have recently been blessed with with a gracious and  most powerful gift from Paradise and the Universal Father Himself. A powerful recovery tool and antidote for some of what ails us and our planet, delivered right here to our little evolutionary sphere through an every day ordinary mortal of flesh and blood, no better and no different than the rest of you. It is a wonderful testament to our Father's unlimited power and love for all of us, and I take this opportunity to thank Him for His loving care and generosity.


Summer, 2016 -- The Supreme attains First Level of Coherence

Recently, the "First Level of Coherence" was achieved between the Supreme Mind and the Cosmic Mind allowing God the Supreme in Havona to become functionally active in ways that were previously unavailable.

As you well know:

The Infinite Spirit is Infinite Mind.

The Master Spirits are Cosmic Mind.

The Supreme Being is Supreme Mind.

Majeston sits as the coordinator between Cosmic Mind and Supreme Mind.

0.3.14 2. The mind forces are convergent in the Infinite Spirit; the differential and divergent cosmic mind in the Seven Master Spirits; the factualizing mind of the Supreme as a time-space experience in Majeston.

Cosmic Mind is existential PATTERN.

Supreme Mind is experiential PROCESS.

The "First Level of Coherence" between Cosmic Mind and Supreme Mind consists of a logical connection or consistency between the actualized living experience on an evolutionary sphere in the time-space creation and the existential pattern within the cosmic mind where an integration of diverse elements, relationships and values is factualized into coherent operation.

That has now occurred on Urantia and I surmise there are 6 more Levels of Coherence remaining.

January 6, 2017 -- The Absonite Adjudication of Superuniverse #7 Orvonton

The Absonite Adjudication of Superuniverse #7 Orvonton

On January 6, 2017, the Architect of the Master Universe responsible for Superuniverse #7 made a momentous announcement, and handed in a verdict, the essence of which I (Bryan) am now sharing with you for your own personal edification. This announcement will not be made public on Urantia by me. Its public release is a matter for Michael of Nebadon, the Ancient of Days and those in charge of the Universe broadcasts. They will decide where, when and how to formally make this announcement, therefore it may vary somewhat from the informal format I am offering you below, just between friends, but the essence of it will be the same once the announcement is released.

The special absonite adjudication of Superuniverse #7 known as Orvonton is now complete, and this pertains to the unsanctioned incursion into the realm of the Absolute by beings of time/space origin existing within the evolutionary realm of the Supreme in the Grand Universe, in Superuniverse #7, Orvonton.

This incursion was not in accordance with any plans or designs formulated by the Architects of the Master Universe, and was wholly unsanctioned by the Paradise Trinity, and as such has been found to be an abomination which will never again be allowed to happen in Superuniverse #7.

The Architect of Superuniverse #7 has been sanctioned to bring a full and complete adjudication of this incursion into the realm of the Absolute, as well as to restore the continuity between the Supreme and Ultimate realms through the correction (remotion) of the errant and distorted aspects of the Local Universe of Nebadon Son Caligastia, formerly the Planetary Prince of Urantia, which developed as a result of this abomination. This purpose has now been fulfilled and the work of remotion is complete, and it is hereby determined that no further evolutionary and experiential value can be derived from the consequences and distortions created by this incursion which led to the destruction of Caligastia.

Further to this verdict, Divine Mercy for the remaining rebels and malfeasants who willingly and knowingly participated in this incursion and remain unrepentant has been exhausted. Their fate now rests solely in the hands of the Universal Father.

The Architects of the Master Universe, and in particular Architect of Superuniverse #7 now dismiss, with thanks, all who have contributed to the success of this unprecedented adjudication.


March 7, 2021 -- The Remotion of Nebadon - uncovering the AMS circuit glitch

The Remotion of Nebadon

Early yesterday morning (Sunday March 7, 2021) I (Bryan) woke up to another dose of ultimate energy coming my way. I don't know how to explain what this energy is like. It is very exhausting mentally. All I can say is that it feels somewhat different from the energy you get from supreme contact sources. So there were several things that transpired as the lead up to what I will share with you. These were like scaffolding that provided some usefulness to the interaction that followed.

Since these things have little to do with the outcome I will not spend time reciting them here. Once again, whenever the ultimate makes an appearance remotion work tends to follow. To save myself from having to do a lot of mental gymnastics in an attempt to explain the remotion process, I'll just move on to the end result.

Present for this remotion exercise.

Master Architect #11

Master Michael

Nebadonia (mostly as an observer)

I sensed the remainder of the Trinity Ultimate there in the background.

Some Absolute presence which I could sense but not clearly identify.

Purpose of this remotion exercise.

To dig deeper into the past, beyond the Lucifer rebellion in an attempt to uncover a systematic glitch in the Local Universe of Nebadon.

Target of this remotion exercise.

Mostly Caligastia's behaviour as Urantia's Planetary Prince and the Adjutant Mind Spirit circuit. How his particular personality and proclivities made him aware of an unusual problem, but ultimately led to his failure as our planetary prince.

Note: The fact that Caligastia always maintained that he was not a rebel has been largely brushed aside by the Urantia Book. However, this peculiar stance of his is now understood and was an important factor in this exercise.

Some pertinent questions raised in this remotion exercise are:

  • Why was Caligastia adamant that he was not a rebel?
  • Why was Caligastia frequently harassing his superiors over his difficulties with Urantia?
  • Why did Micheal routinely refuse to grant Caligastia a personal audience?
  • Why did Caligastia join the Lucifer rebellion, yet continue to claim he wasn't a rebel?

Were there any other motivating factors that led Caligastia down this path besides his own proclivities? If there were other factors, then what were they? All these questions were answered during this remotion exercise.

Before I get into the details I want to mention something that impressed me during this interaction. A tremendous amount of ultimate remotion, and supreme correction and cleanup has already been accomplished. In other words, the old rotten building of the rebellion has already been demolished, and most of the rubble already cleared away. Now with so much taken out of the way, we are very close to finally exposing the foundation and the building's underlying ground work. This original ground work is as expected, with one exception. This exception traces all the way back to Salvington, in ancient times.

Let's begin. Long long ago (Michael knows the exact dates but is not sharing just yet), Michael of Nebadon assisted the Universe Mother, Nebadonia, with an issue. The exact details of this assistance were not revealed to me. Here's what I know about what transpired, as it was revealed through the remotion exercise.

When Michael assisted Nebadonia, unbeknownst to Him and Her, His assistance caused a minor disturbance in Her Adjutant Mind Spirit circuit. Immediately afterwards Michael travelled to Paradise on official business. It wasn't long before this AMS circuit disturbance was noticed and flagged by Nebadonia and Her staff. With Michael away, Nebadonia proceeded to assess the situation and make the necessary correction with Her staff, and it was well within Her purview to do so.

Once the correction was made, the system was fully tested to make sure everything had been restored properly. All the test results returned positive signals, and the issue was documented and filed away as having been successfully resolved, and everyone and everything went back to normal. When Michael returned from Paradise it was determined that the issue need not be reopened and presented to Him since it had been successfully resolved, and Nebadon continued on with its creative goals.

Note: As far I have been informed and as best as I can understand, the correction to the AMS circuit (which happened eons ago) was fully tested to ensure that all was restored properly. The best way I can describe the testing technique is like this. After the correction was made Nebadonia sent out a special "ping" through the entire system to all the connected planets. Then all these "pings" bounced back to Nebadonia. The response time and response quality of all the returned pings were then fully analyzed and compared with the approved standard. This ping test returned 100% successful at the time. However Urantia was not yet seeded with its particular experimental life plasm when this ping test was performed, and therefore the anomaly, which only responds to Urantia's life pattern, could not be detected, and it remained dormant as a potential only, until Urantia became seeded with life and the AMS circuits were connected to it much later on.

Had the ping test also gone out to a Urantia seeded with experimental life way back then, then the ping test would have immediately revealed the anomaly, and a correction could have taken place. No one, under Supreme values and laws could have predicted this problem would arise. No one failed in their universe building responsibilities, and no one did anything wrong to cause this problem. It was simply a series of acceptable actions that led to a completely unpredictable eventuation far down the timeline. An undertaking as massive as a Local Universe is never lacking in problems of every kind, and in that regard this particular issue was no different than any other.

For a long long time everything was fine with Nebadonia and her AMS circuit, and no one paid any attention to the issue anymore, and Michael remained unaware of it. Then Urantia entered the picture as a decimal planet with its experimental life plasm. Everything seemed well at first, and any anomalies were deemed to be well within the variances of a decimal planet. Then the first humans appeared on Urantia, and a new level of functionality began as the AMS went into service here. It wasn't long before the Life Carriers stationed on Urantia began noticing some unusual occurrences. These were properly reported and the Life Carriers were instructed to continue monitoring Urantia while keeping in mind that it was a decimal planet, and that anomalies were nothing out of the ordinary for Urantia.

Note: Had such anomalies occurred on a normal planet they would have immediately been flagged as problems needing to be fixed, but with Urantia being experimental, the anomalies were attributed to the experiment and routinely monitored, but otherwise allowed to continue.

On their own these anomalies were very minor and posed no significant problem that couldn't be remedied with the approved universe correction methods and procedures.

Then one day the 6 coloured races were born and the Planetary Prince Caligastia and his staff of 100 were dispatched. All went well at first, and Caligastia was made aware that certain aspects of the human race was slower than normal to develop. Caligastia attempted to make some compensations in accordance with his mandate, but they failed, and Urantia's humans continued to get more chaotic as it limped along at a slower than normal evolutionary pace due to the unrecognized glitch in the AMS.

Over time Caligastia came to the conclusion that something was wrong beyond the mere anomalies of a decimal planet. He became increasingly impatient and increasingly forceful in his attempts to bring this issue to the attention of the higher authorities on Salvington, where he believed the problem might originate from. Eventually he became belligerent and Salvington became increasingly annoyed and suspicious of Caligastia's behaviour.

At this point it is necessary to look at roles and responsibilities for a moment. Up to now both sides, Caligastia and Salvington, had behaved as they should and no fault could be attributed to either side. But unfortunately, this is where Caligastia's proclivities became a problem, and things started to get off track for him. From this point forward Caligastia's behaviour is well documented and doesn't need to be reviewed here, except to say that he had found himself in a difficult situation with the AMS glitch which he had inherited.

He wanted the problem to be fixed and he exhausted all the normal remedies, but to no avail. Everything was OK up to that point. What Caligastia should have done is "cover his ass in a righteous way" at that point. He should have continued doing what his superiors were instructing him to do, while making sure he totally and completely documented everything, so that when the day arrived that this situation naturally came to a head, he would have all the necessary evidence to protect himself and his staff from accusations of wrong doing. Caligastia unfortunately chose a different course of action which eventually led to his demise. Let's now switch the focus from personality issues to technical issues.

Long long ago when the glitch occurred in the Adjutant Mind Spirit circuit, all the efforts made to correct it were sound and according to universe approved standards. However, what no one could predict perfectly was the long term future. The approved remedies were sufficient for all normal planets, past, present, and future, but experimental planets are a different matter since unexpected changes could be made in some of the experimental plans long after the AMS glitch was corrected.

This caused a small but potentially very disruptive inversion to occur in Nebadon. That inversion is the heart of the problem. Before I continue I want to state that, in all of this, from way back then up until the present no universe rules were broken (except by Caligastia and the Lucifer rebels). Michael of Nebadon remains faultless, and His cohort Nebadonia and Her angelic staff also remain without fault in this matter. There was no one and nothing in Nebadon that could have predicted this far distant issue to occur.

This glitch lay dormant for eons, completely undetectable by any and all universe systems. It was only with the seeding of life on Urantia, with its particular set of life plasm parameters that the glitch manifested itself. Numerous Nebadon personalities detected the symptoms of this glitch on Urantia (without knowing the source cause), but due to the minor nature of the glitch, the fact that it had happened so very long ago and was now out of consciousness, and Urantia's status as a decimal planet, the glitch was considered within the acceptable parameters for a decimal planet and attributed as one of the new characteristics of the experimental life plasm of Urantia, and was dealt with accordingly, and in conformance with all established universe laws within the realm of the Supreme. Therefore, under Supreme values of unification no guilt can be assigned to Nebadon for this mishap, and the matter is considered an Ultimate issue of co-ordination that led to the eventuation of Urantia's problems that have remained unresolvable by Supreme action.

A final word about Caligastia.

Caligastia was brilliant, and had a passion for experimenting and pushing the boundaries. These qualities allowed him to realize that Urantia's problem of excessively slow evolution lie beyond its status as a decimal planet. With the AMS circuit being a closed system from the Urantia standpoint he had no means of identifying it as the source of the problem. Had he been more patient and allowed Urantia's problem of slow evolution to fully manifest itself, this would have signalled to the higher universe authorities that they needed to pay special attention to Caligastia and Urantia.

Unfortunately Caligastia allowed his impatience to get the best of him and in so doing attempted to leverage the Lucifer rebellion as an expedited means of getting the attention he desired and quite frankly needed and deserved. Alas, he failed to comprehend that getting himself labelled as a rebel (even with good intentions) would automatically cut him off from the very thing he was seeking to connect to, and cast him into a downward spiral of ever increasing failure and frustration.

Today we are well aware of the attacks on the Nebadon AMS circuit by the rebels and Caligastia. It is now thought that Caligastia led these attacks on the AMS as a means of attempting to track the glitch to its source (without consideration for the extreme damage these hacks would cause), and also in hopes that he would finally get the attention of the Salvington authorities and Michael in regards to this glitch.


March 11, 2021 -- Ultimate transcendental remotion processes under MA11 terminated.

Today March 11, 2021 Master Architect #11, the architect of Superuniverse #7 Orvonton, declared all Ultimate transcendental remotion processes under His purview to be terminated, effective immediately. Full control of the Local Universe of Nebadon is now returned to Master Michael and His cohort the Creative Mother Spirit which we affectionately call Nebadonia.

The work of Master Architect #11 and His bestowal on Urantia is now complete. The tools of Ultimacy have been deployed and their capabilities exhausted. Every available pattern, every available preparation, every available process, every concerned jurisdiction, every available course of correction has been employed and exhausted. The jurisdictions of Absonity have been traversed up to the circle of Infinity, and as such the work of remotion can go no further. The abomination that led to the incursion into the Premolition Circuit and the personal circuit of the Infinite Spirit remains a matter beyond the purview of the Trinity Ultimate and the tools of Ultimacy.
Therefore a command has been issued to Metatron for a change of jurisdiction, and to proceed at will, effective immediately. The Supreme Being has been notified to prepare for whatever comes next.

All personalities requiring Ultimate remotion and correction have been processed to the extent possible. The Local Universe authorities and the Ancient of Days of Orvonton are now summoned to open the Book of Life and carry out the appropriate judgments on all remotioned personalities. Full Supreme rule and processes are now restored.

All the issues Nebadon faced regarding the betrayal of the Planetary Prince Caligastia, and the rebellion of the System Sovereign Lucifer, have been exposed and are now comprehensible to the Supreme. The Local Universe of Nebadon and its faithful leaders have been vindicated.

Master Architect #11 sends personal greetings of friendship and thanks to the leadership of Nebadon, Uversa and the Supreme Being for their tremendous support and loyalty through these exceptional circumstances.


March 18, 2021 -- AMS Circuitry Repairs Test Results
Late yesterday I received some information from Master Architect 11 and Master Michael.

1) Donna and I have been brought together in this way to create a type human/spirit of feedback loop that could be used in these times, in a process of diagnostics of the damaged Nebadon AMS circuit. 


2) The current location of Master Architect 11 is in his portable bestowal chamber on Salvington alongside Nebadonia who is in her bestowal chamber. Michael who now has all power in his hands (see UB 33:3.5) is acting as the director of this current diagnostic exercise.

3) Michael, through the use of the new Paradise Pattern (which David explained can be used to detect off hex math and signals) has sent special ping signals into the AMS circuit through Nebadonia. At the same time the Lucifer virus device implant on my (Bryan) brain stem was triggered to a very high level of functioning (it was nearly unbearable, causing a horrible fear of dying). These special pings through Nebadonia, in conjunction with simultaneous triggering of the Lucifer virus through Bryan have effectively created a closed system in which the off hex "disease" could be isolated, tracked down and potentially identified by MA 11.

A quick review of the AMS system is useful right now as a refresher on omni and uni directional systems.


4) The following test results have been confirmed.
  • Despite Cali's incursion (originating from Urantia) into the premolition circuit via the AMS circuit (David might know which of the 7 circuits the incursion took place in) the unidirectional AMS circuitry from Salvington to Urantia was not damaged and continues to function as originally designed. However, Cali's incursion did demonstrate in an absolutely convincing manner that the fundamental AMS system used throughout Orvonton has a security vulnerability which can be exploited by such extreme abominations as the Cali incursion and the Lucifer virus. How this will be dealt with is to be determined.

  • The location of the vulnerability has also been definitively identified through these special pings and the human/spirit feedback loop between Urantia and Salvington. Up to now it could not be identified from Urantia, despite Nebadonia's and the Melchizedeks best efforts because the damage to the old morontia grid was too severe.

  • It is also now clear that Lucifer later took advantage of Cali's abominable discovery and devised his off hex signalling system, in collaboration with Cali's unsanctioned human DNA modifications, to create the Lucifer virus, and also to build a secretive and illicit communications system that rides piggy back through the AMS circuit, much the same way a radio carrier wave can also carry other information. A practical example for us today is how the physical electrical copper wiring of your house can also carry internet signals without interfering with the electrical current. But be careful when you are doing this since you could get electrocuted if you make a wrong move. This is what happened to Cali when he inadvertently came into contact with the premolition circuit!

    This type of approach was used on the AMS circuit by the rebels, by injecting encoded off hex signals into the AMS circuit. Why where these off hex signals encoded? Because all signals in the AMS circuits route back to Salvington. To make these secret comms undetectable on Salvington they had to be encoded in a way that accomplished one of two things. 1) make them completely undetectable, or 2) make them appear as something normal (hiding in plain sight). We know from the present manifestations of the SoD's on Urantia that they employ both techniques. Q has taught us much about these encoding techniques.

  • The old Urantia morontia grid has been extensively damaged for many reasons. The incursion into the AMS circuit is but one of many things that has gone wrong, but it is not the single cause of the morontia grid damage.

  • The location of the incursion into the AMS system has been pinpointed through the use of the special pings and the human/spirit feedback loop. There is a junction, a special connector/diffuser/deflector located where the unidirectional AMS circuit meets the Urantia morontia grid and is converted into an omnidirectional grid signal that then floods the planet through the grid. It is at this junction point that Cali's incursion took place and also where the rebels have been injecting their pirate off hex signals. I just received the following as I was writing this. Near this junction point may turn out to be a likely location where any remaining hybrid rebels may be hiding in the grid. Hiding there would greatly limit their need to move around which could lead to their easier detection.

  • Here things get a bit more complicated but I'll do my best to explain it conceptually. The transmission of encoded off hex comms going out to other rebel locations is fairly straight forward after they have been encoded. They are simply fed directly into the unidirectional AMS circuit (at the junction) and are automatically forwarded to Salvington and from there, if they remain undetected, are then automatically dispersed throughout Nebadon through the AMS where other rebels who know the encoding/decoding system can receive them regardless of their location.

  • In regards to the off hex signals that are diffused through the morontia grid and broadcast all over Urantia. This is where it gets more complicated. A special loopback, or as someone recently called it, a "circle back" system was installed on the grid by the rebels, at or near the unidirectional junction. This circle back system does a few things. 1) It is the injection system that the rebels use to feed new parameters (keywords) into the morontia human brain stem Lucifer virus component (see diagram below). I have no other info on this function for now. 2) It is an accelerator to control the intensity of the fear response going to the brain stem component. Here's my crude drawing of the brain stem device. Given this new info I will probably update this drawing at some point.


    The accelerator control works like this. We know from things like music concerts that when a signal gets fed back into the circuit from which it came it creates a very loud screeching. In other words the signal becomes both amplified and distorted. It is similar to this with this circle back morontia system, except that it doesn't feed the same signal back into the circuit. Instead it feeds the off hex signal into the circuit, and that is part of the reason why (along with the encoding) this stuff has been so impossible to detect for so long. This type of feedback loop doesn't cause any screeching distortion, but it does cause an increase in signal strength or loudness coming out of the speakers. This is how the system increases the fear response in the brain stem device.

    So let's say you come across a situation that the Lucifer virus has flagged with a keyword, and wants you to stay away from. The brain stem device then sends an initial fear signal to the person, and also an off hex ping out to the morontia grid which captures it and directs it to the rebel circle back system. The circle back system then pings the brain stem device to see if the person has correctly responded to the initial fear signal. If the ping returns "yes" then nothing else happens, but if the ping returns "no" then the circle back device resends/reinjects the same fear signal into the morontia grid at the omni junction point and it goes back to the brain stem device, but because this is the second iteration of the same signal, it's strength has also doubled, thereby doubling the intensity of the fear signal received by the unwitting human with the brain stem device. If the next off hex ping still returns "no" then the circle back device repeats the same process and the intensity of the fear again increases in the human and so on until the fear signal becomes so strong that it can literally cause a person to freeze in fear. I know, I had it happen to me in Tobago (it's very scary, very bizarre and very unnatural). A side effect is that this can also temporarily completely override the brain's natural fight or flight instinct which can lead to all sorts of consequences.

  • During the testing, the intensity of the Lucifer virus signal going to my (Bryan's) brain stem was greatly increased (but not Donna's) at the same time that the special pings with the new off hex neutralizing pattern were being sent through the AMS via Nebadonia on Salvington. Bryan's resulting behavior was observed along with Donna's and a great differential was noticed. This differential was then factored into the test parameters. This approach revealed the following. 1) The special off hex neutralizing ping was traveling fine through space along the unidirectional AMS circuit but it was not reaching Bryan. 2) The intensifying circle back signal to Bryan's brain stem device (the Lucifer virus in the diagram above) was working as expected, thereby confirming that this system was simultaneously working from the planet's surface up to the morontia grid and the rebel's circle back amplification device. 3) When Bryan's brain stem device was allowed to return to a "zero" fear signal, the off hex neutralizing AMS ping was then clearly received by Bryan as confirmed by his TA. What can be concluded from this is: when highly activated (many repeating loops) the Lucifer virus brain stem device in conjunction with the circle back amplification device overwhelms (clogs) the omni - uni junction point with an excess of signals which effectively (temporarily) blocks the unidirectional AMS signals from being converted to the omnidirectional signals needed to broadcast through the morontia grid.

  • One of the consequences of this which could never before be properly understood is what both David and I have personally witnessed as the "black tar substance" that has completely contaminated the old morontia grid. It is now better understood that this black substance is the unconverted cosmic unidirectional AMS residual signal energy which is blocked from entering the uni / omni converter of the Urantia grid when it is overwhelmed by the Lucifer virus. This unconverted signal energy has no other place to go and since it has a built in affinity for the morontia grid it naturally collect there instead is simply getting spilled out into open space and dissipating. Unfortunately this unfiltered signal energy is incompatible with the morontia grid and is causing the current black gooey mess. There may be a connection between this black tar residual energy from the uni AMS circuit and the dark egregores that David is so familiar with. I may have more to say about this later. Info is coming in now but I'm unsure what to make of it yet.

  • A remedy is being worked on. The new Paradise Pattern is being explored for use in two potential solutions. 1) To create a temporary off hex neutralizing signal from Salvington, similar to the way active noise cancelling headphones can neutralize annoying sounds. Here's a simple explanation from the Bose web site.


    2) To create a permanent off hex destruction signal. This would be fed into the AMS circuit from Salvington and when it reaches Urantia it would permanently eradicate the off hex system. Discussions are currently ongoing regarding the pros and cons of both these potential solutions. David may have access to these discussions through his MME conference room, but I can't be certain.
I'll keep you updated as more info arrives.

November 26, 2021 -- The Ultimate/Absolute Remotion of Mother Spirit Nebadonia

The Ultimate/Absolute Remotion of Mother Spirit Nebadonia

Fri, Nov 26, 2021

As I lay in bed I (Bryan) was getting my mind deeply focused through some weird mental exercise for something that was to follow. I’ll call it a celestial convention for lack of a better term, and it soon started.

Those involved in the process were:

Universal Absolute

Metatron Chain of Command

Infinite Spirit (through Nebadonia)

Michael of Nebadon

Mother Spirit Nebadonia

Master Architect # 11 (MA11)

In recognition of the success of the process and achievement, Gabriel and Father Melchizedek briefly made an appearance to show appreciation on behalf of all lower creatures.

Here's what transpired. Now that Nebadonia's AMS circuits have been restored / upgraded and have resumed proper operation, the next issue affecting Nebadonia was ready to be worked on.

This was not a technical issue but rather a personal one. The issue that occurred that caused the nearly undetectable glitch in Nebadonia's circuits so long ago, and that led to Caligastia’s demise, also had an unbalancing effect on Her personally, as a sense of culpability.

So with guidance from the Universal Absolute and with Master Architect 11 acting as the bridge to the Absolute, Nebadonia was brought into what I can only describe as a personal therapy session of the highest order.

It began with MA11 addressing Her unsubstantiated culpability feelings, and after much one on one discussion with her, the issue could not be resolved, and at that point the Universal Absolute entered the process.

Note: it became clear to me through this transaction that MA11 is still on Salvington and in very close proximity to Nebadonia, and thereby allowing for personal and direct contact between the two, as if they were close enough to hold hands.

Now with the assistance of the Universal Absolute the focus of the exercise was greatly expanded to include the circle of eternity and the absolute requirements contained within it. At this point the presence of Master Michael was felt to varying degrees for the remainder of the process.

It took me a few minutes to wrap my mind around what I was witnessing from the Absolute, but once I came to the proper realization, it all became surprisingly clear. Not clarity of "details" at the absolute level but rather clarity of the overall "process" of universality unification and coordination of the Absolute. It's all about maintaining an acceptable overall balance. There are many potential ways of successfully achieving the desired goal as long as it can all be balanced out acceptably.

Surprisingly my contact with the Absolute was very clear and visual, one of my best celestial contacts ever (clarity wise). I was quite surprised by this. It was a combination of speech and visual presentation. The closest thing I can compare it to is getting a bird's eye view of a strategic war room session with a large central table on which lay a model of the great plan with Nebadonia's role in it being highlighted.

Through MA11's direct connection with Nebadonia She was able to also receive this input from the Absolute. In a nutshell what the Absolute showed us is the fact that what happened long ago to Her circuits was a necessity at the Absolute level in order to lead the local universe of Nebadon on the path it needed to follow in order to ultimately become the Grand Universe focalization for the future portal to the Outer Space Zones (OSZ).

It was not the cause of the rebellion. It was merely an adjustment by the Absolute as part of the overall plan. The rebellion was a matter of free will run amok by creatures of time/space evolution.

Matters of the Direct Ascension School and the Rebellion School are of no import to the Absolute in this regard and remain the jurisdiction of the Master Architect and his Creator Son associate. The Absolute is merely concerned with the trajectory through space and time of the Grand Universe needed to bring about the eventual creation/eventuation of the OSZ portal on Urantia.

When I was getting this bird's eye view from the Absolute it was evident that time and space were not part of the picture for the Absolute. There was no sense of either one being a consideration in that presentation. The plan seemed fixed and not up for negotiation, however the process for getting there has some room for adaptation by the Supreme Creators.

Therein was the sticky side of the issue for Nebadonia, as one who must operate in a universe conditioned by time and space. It took several attempts by the Absolute to restore Nebadonia's focus so that it first filtered through the perfect plans of the Absolute and then down into the time/space arena. Once Nebadonia had been properly re-focused in this way Her local universe presence was quickly restored to its proper balance.

Within minutes reports started coming in from all corners of Nebadon from Seraphim who were detecting the subtle correction, and through the Archangel network came similar reports from the higher angelic orders. My own Guardian Seraphim also confirmed that they detected the change.

These reports continued to come in for a while and when enough of them had been received, Gabriel and Father Melchizedek joined the proceedings to confirm the success of this intervention and correction and to offer congratulations and good cheer to all involved.

I have never (as a mortal) been aware of any interaction with the Metatron Chain of Command, so last night was my first such encounter. It was brief. It merely came across as a large bolt of bright light starting on Urantia and shooting upward at about a 60 degree angle as it passed through the entire Chain of Command all the way to the I AM. It occurred quickly and without any hesitation or interruptions.

Michael of Nebadon was then personally notified by Paradise that the operation was deemed a certified success by Metatron. Everyone was relieved and rejoiced. It was also agreed that Urantia’s Magisterial Son SERARA (aka Monjoronson) would be informed of the above actions. So there you have it. You can consider this the material transcript of this latest celestial exercise.

Bryan on behalf of Master Architect #11