TBG Resources and Assets
Resources on Google WorkSpace
Gmail accounts
- tbgcommission.a1@gmail.com : Gdrive: 9.45 gb of 17 gb used
- tbgcommission.a2@gmail.com : Gdrive: 13.4 gb of 17 gb used
- tbgcommission.a3@gmail.com : Gdrive: 10.1 gb of 17 gb used
Google Groups
- Global Library of Wisdom: global-library-of-wisdom@googlegroups.com
- TBG Assignments: tbg-assignments@googlegroups.com
- TBG Bulletin Board: tbg-bulletin-board@googlegroups.com
- TBG Help Desk: tbg-help-desk@googlegroups.com
- TBG Welcome: tbg-welcome@googlegroups.com
- The Fatherhood of God The Brotherhood of Man: the-fatherhood-of-god-the-brotherhood-of-man@googlegroups.com
- The Master Universe Diagrams: the-master-universe-diagrams@googlegroups.com
- The Sacristy: the-sacristy@googlegroups.com
- TRANSITION TIME: transition-time@googlegroups.com
- Truth Beauty and Goodness: truth-beauty-and-goodness@googlegroups.com
Google Sites
Master Universe Mind Map: https://sites.google.com/view/master-universe-mind-map/home
Resources on Michel's Private Web Space
School of Cosmology Portal (French and English): https://www.schoolofcosmology.org
Time a New Compilation: https://www.schoolofcosmology.org/Time%20A%20New%20Compilation.htm
WEGO: https://planetaryjurisdiction.org/WEGO.html
Mission Magistrale: https://missionmagistrale.org/
Levasse Auto: https://levasauto.com/
Resources on tbgcommission.org
Resources now in BookStack
- Planetary Jurisdictions
- Master Universe Diagrams
- Master Universe Animations
- TBG WorkSpace
Resources to be added to BookStack
- Time a New Compilation
- Master Universe Mind Map