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Planetary Transformation Conference Call Transcripts

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Hosted by Donna D'Ingillo
Assisted by volunteers
Audio/notes transcribed into English text

Manifesting Michael’s Plans of Correction for Personal and Planetary Transformation
Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
August 13, 2023

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 

PRAYER:  Our Divine Parents, you have given us so much potential within our humanity to cultivate our higher spiritual natures.  And we thank you for all of the assistance from our Seraphim, our spiritual teachers, and guides for all their faithful devotion to us.  We have expanded and used our spiritual muscles to change our lives—to become better humans and more expressive of the divine plans that the Father in Paradise has seeded in us.  While we are far from perfection, we are striving.  And we are grateful for all the opportunities we have to master our human natures that we may become more like you, Father Michael, in the ways you developed your humanity when you were here as our brother Jesus as our way-shower.  

As we move into this circuit of conscious co-creation with our helpers and with you, with Monjoronson, and Machiventa, we thank you for continuing to feed our human natures with those frequencies we need that we can hold and send into the planet of our intentions for more change and more of the plans of correction to take greater foothold here, that we may be about the process of reforming this world according to your plans.  Thank you for this opportunity to be of service.  May your WILL be done through your MERCY and GRACE.   

MACHIVENTA:  Greetings, beloved brethren!  This is Machiventa, and I am pleased to address you today in this forum of intentional co-creation in the WILL of God.  Many of you have embarked upon this great adventure of self-mastery in developing your higher spiritual potential to be a part of your expression as a human.  Truly, this is a monumental undertaking that each one of you has the ability to manifest through your individual choosing and striving.   

We have been supporting you in many ways over the years since the circuits were reopened.  We have given you many lessons on practical spiritual development—on the practice of quieting your minds that you may reach the higher levels of consciousness that your Indwelling Spirits may indeed inlay the higher thoughts you need to cultivate your true spiritual potential.   

We have watched you carefully over the years, and sent forth those teachers and helpers to you that we knew you needed to support you on this magnificent journey of self-mastery and co-creation with the Paradise Father’s Spirit Within.  And now we have reached a phase where it is now important that more of your brothers and sisters engage in this process in a way similar to what you have achieved. 

As you know, planetary reclamation is no small feat.  From your perspective, we understand that it is quite daunting to you.  We appreciate that many of you have been trepidatious and even fearful about embarking on this path and process.  However, I say to you that this is part of your responsibility to God and to evolving Deity-consciousness of all Life.  And you cannot escape this path.  Yes, it is your choice to reject, but we would hope that you would see the magnificence of this journey and wish to embark upon it more diligently and committed each day to your spiritual progress. 

With that being said, therefore, I invite you to simply engage your intention to be a truth-revealer and light-bearer to your brothers and sisters.  The time is upon you for you to shine this light.  The Father Within you in ready and able to expand you in more of this LIGHT quality that you may indeed send this forth from your hearts and create a reverberating effect for another person to receive the spiritual energy they need to open to their own spiritual potential and the Father’s presence within them. 

You might consider this to be an action of great spiritual vitality.  Each one of you has the capacity to achieve it.  It is only by your choosing whether or not you can develop in this way.  And many of you have earnestly taken on this challenge with great faith and determination.  We applaud your efforts.  Now we look to you to be the encouragers of your brothers and sisters to take these next steps that this world may indeed become a shining example of what the POWER OF LOVE can do to create a more divine social that replicates the divine and the universe ways of LIFE.   

I will pause here for you to ponder what I am saying to you.  Take this into your Spirits.  Ask for more insight and guidance to illuminate your mind and heart about what it is that you can do to further your ability to a truth-revealer and light-bearer to your brothers and sisters.  (Pause) 

As the individual entrusted by our Father Michael to implement the plans of correction for His beloved world, I share this responsibility with you now.  While is it up to me to manage and supervise these plans, the plans are given to humanity to implement.  We have given you much support to encourage you to develop the planet according to Michael’s plans.  And we appreciate that you may not truly understand, know, or even intuit what these plans are.  But in today’s infusion, let me come close to you and share with you what those plans are.  Simply breathe and relax into the focus on MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION. Take them into your heart.   

Let them gently reverberate within you, connecting with your own individual plans of perfection held in safekeeping by your Spirit that what you can contribute to the manifestation and realization of MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION can be accomplished now.  There is a delightful synergy of what you can achieve in conjunction with the overarching correction that Michael’s plans have in store for this world.  Simply allow this connection to be made between you as the microcosm and the overarching plan as the macrocosm, and let the synergy move in you now, my dear brethren.  (Pause) 

MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION are vast and varied.  They will not be accomplished in a single generation by a single individual or group.  This is global effort.  While many strides have been made to implement these PLANS OF CORRECTION, it was first placed upon you to awaken to the call of Spirit Within. And now that this objective has been fairly well achieved, but not entirely, we are ready to help you move into another aspect of the plan for this particular period of time in which you now live.  While I could certainly convey to you what those plans are, that would certainly interfere with your own ability to intuit what it is that you can achieve through cooperation with your Spirit, who is well aware of what you can accomplish and well aware of what the global plans are.   

So, I invite you to tap into that synergy and to feel that need and motivation within for your own human Divine Life Purpose to also become more communicative with the overarching correction plan of Father Michael.  You do this through your faith-intention, through your heart’s desire so that your conscious mind, your intellect, may begin to pick up on the signals and give you awareness of what your next steps are and how you may further cooperate with those plans.  Sit with this now for a few moments.  Feel that desire and motivation and invite your Spirit to help you perceive this higher objective.  (Pause) 

If it is helpful to prevent your mind from wandering, simply focus on the words MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION, and feel that need to be more integrated into them through your own Divine Life Purpose for your human incarnation.  (Pause) 

Focusing on MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION sets up an intentional field for us to collaborate with you in the furtherance of those plans manifesting.  Because this is a universe based upon the gift of your choosing the ways of the Father, we provide you with the information necessary but it is up to you to intuit, interpret, and discern how you will go about best manifesting these plans.  But know that your own individual life purpose when you are fully invested and living adds greatly into the growing dynamic of the greater global plans to have a better chance to manifest and truly heal this world.  Each of you has a responsibility, and we have shared information with you about how that you may go about and truly manifesting this responsibility.  

But we cannot do it for you.  It is your choice.  We are here to encourage more of your brothers and sisters to take this on for themselves—to test themselves, to test their faith, to test their mettle, to test their resolve and the wide arena of human choice; that when it is directed towards Spirit, it can do mighty things indeed.  Just look at what your Father Michael accomplished in His lifetime as Jesus.  He changed the world! Now, will you have that same scope of influence?  Perhaps you will and perhaps not.  But how will you know what you are capable to achieve if you do not at least make a good effort.   

So, let these words settle.  Let your hearts be full of this motivation to implement Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION through your own individual unique voice and expression.  And what joy you provide to us when we see humans of this world responding in this way!  Truly if you could observe it from our perspective, you would be so hopeful and encouraged about the planet’s bright future.  Let this synergy of your own divine plans to engage with MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION for Urantia.  (Pause) 

I ask you now to attune your attention to the planet before you in your mind’s eye.  Invite the synergy of the MANIFESTATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION to shine forth from your hearts and engage with the planetary circuits of mind and memory.  You are in a more heightened state of motivation and intention. And that synergy between the individual and the global awareness can be augmented, and that is what we will add into this circuit.   

In your mind’s eye, if you wish, you may project the words MANIFESTATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION into the planet to spiral around in that familiar counter-clockwise rotation from the north to south poles and invite it to engage deep into planetary memory where human potential is now ready to be activated in a more spiritually aligned manner.  Do your best to hold this focus, especially feel that overarching willingness and desire for His plans to manifest throughout the planet.  We will do what we can to add your synergy into the growing planetary awakening and reckoning process.  (Pause) 

You might consider that a bridge is being formed between MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION and that which was infused into the planet of its original divine plans to form this seamless pathway for more people to engage upon this wondrous achievement of self-mastery to Christ Consciousness.  As you know, this has never been accomplished.  It is now up to you as a planetary culture to decide whether or not you wish to engage in this as socially inspired way of life.  And by holding this now, allow the synergy of the individual to engage with the greater whole, and we will weave these circuits of intention together.  (Pause) 

Invite the memory patterns of RECOGNITION OF THE PARADISE FATHER to engage with MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION at the planetary level.  Feel that intention for your brothers and sisters to respond to the LOVE of the Father within them, to have a deeper awareness that this divine LOVE is able to heal all pain and trauma, and uplift that person that they may walk on their path of self-mastery.  Hold that intention for your brothers and sisters to be lifted out of the muck and mire of human misery and desperation; for them to feel that innate bond they have with the First Source and Center as individuated personalities of great destiny.   

Do you not wish to see your brothers and sisters become interested in their spiritual development?  I know you do!  So, hold this as best you can that the love you have for your brothers and sisters, and the LOVE of the Father within them may speak volumes to their hearts and help them perceive what true divine LOVE really means and how they can perceive it.  And as you do this, continue to focus on MANIFESTATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION to continue to engage in planetary mind and memory.   (Pause) 

In the coming days, I invite you to come to me with your questions and concerns about what it is that you can add to the growing manifestation of Michael’s plans for this world.  If you are unsure about what your contribution can be, I can offer some insights for you that you can take into your own Spirit and seek more clarification and edification.  Act upon the insights and guidance you perceive.  It is time to move out of the intellectual understanding of these concepts and to make them real through your actions.  How will you know what you are capable of achieving unless you act?  So, if you feel bereft of motivation, come to me.  I will encourage you.  But in the final analysis it is up to you and the Father’s presence within you whether or not you will take that mighty action to reveal the truth, to shine the light, and to show the way to your brothers and sisters.  (Pause) 

The path is before you.  All you need to do is take those action steps based on your best intuition and the guidance you receive from us in whatever way it is revealed to you.  (Pause) 

Continue to focus on MANIFESTATION OF MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION.  And at the same time, elevate your gaze to Paradise, thanking the Creator Deities for the overarching plan of evolution for this world to one day achieve its destiny of Light and Life.  Do your best to engage in worshipful thanksgiving of what you have been given, what this world has been given, that the synergy between the two—the macro and micro—dimensions may become more unified and harmonized.  And thereby enhancing your own unique ability to live as if you were in the presence of the Paradise Father Himself.  (Pause) 

Thank our Paradise Deities for their divine PLANS OF EVOLUTION, that it may reflect upon this world and bring about an enhanced synergy for more of it to be expressed through Michael’s plans.  Feel the gratitude you have in your heart for the majesty and grandeur of the evolutionary process of LIFE.  (Pause) 

Take a moment now to send your focus from Paradise and see yourselves standing on the earth.  And ask for the integration of your own unique divine plan to further engage with MICHAEL’S PLANS OF CORRECTION.  Have that willingness to be more fully responsive to what He wishes for you to accomplish through your own unique efforts.  There is nothing to fear my brethren.  Michael’s LOVE lives in you.  His SPIRIT OF TRUTH can ring resoundingly in you of his presence supporting you when you engage in this manner.   

So, stand in your own divine purpose for your human life, and feel that need and interest and motivation for you and your plan to engage with Michael’s plans.  While you may not perceive what they are at this precise moment, trust that you will be given more insight when the time is right, when your Spirit knows you are ready to test the waters of your own ability to manifest what has been given to you.  Feel that need to be more fully integrated into what it is that you can offer to this world of your own unique gifts and voice. Invite that to also engage into the whole of the planet.  (Pause) 

Beloved brethren, STAND in the POWER the Father in Paradise has given to you, and learn how to use that wisely with discretion under the guidance of your Spirit.  All is well.  But we understand that you wish to see more spiritual change unfold at the material level.  Trust that it is underway.  The growing undercurrent of spiritual vitality is truly uplifting human mind and memory from its past distortions that you may see reality without that lens and engage more earnestly and sincerely with the POWER you have been given by Father Himself. 

Know that your Father Michael supports in every honest endeavor you make.  And together we will continue to assist as you make the changes you want to see on this world truly become a living reality.  I leave you in the Father’s LOVE, my brethren, and I thank you for your service.  Good day. 

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
August 27, 2023


Topic:  Focusing on THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS and LIVING THE FAITH OF JESUS into planetary circuits for personal and planetary transformation.
T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo
The prayer was not recorded.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my devoted brethren! This is Monjoronson, and I am pleased to be here with you once again as we grow together in this very dynamic time of building the circuits of Light and Life for the planets’ divine purpose to prevail here one day. We recognize how challenging life is at this stage of your evolution. You are in the throes of releasing the human mind from the grasp of false ideologies, which have gravitated you to this point where so much damage is now coming to the forefront of how this rebellion agenda has purposely impacted this world in a very negative way. 
In today's infusion, I invite you to focus on your Father Michael and as your human brother Jesus. Take a few deep breaths as you simply place your focus on THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS. As you do this, invite His LIVING FAITH to embrace your own faith and move you into a greater faith dynamic to augment your natural relationship with the Paradise Father which is one of FAITH between Divine Parent and human child. Take a moment to invite your Indwelling Spirit to help you open to this greater memory circuit of THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS and His FAITH relationship to the Paradise Father, that your own faith foundation may be augmented and supported through this living memory circuit. Take a few moments to breathe and relax and invite THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS support you now, my beloved brethren. (Pause)
Each one of you is growing in your FAITH relationship with the Paradise Father. LIVING FAITH sustains you through times of crisis and provides you an inner knowing of assurance that you are well and safe. And even though you may undergo some challenging circumstances, this LIVING FAITH will hold you steady and secure as you go about the experience. And it will anchor you in something even deeper within you to activate more of your human potential to live a life based on trusting in the goodness and beauty of the Creator and the truths you are learning through the experience when you anchor into this LIVING FAITH FOUNDATION within you. (Pause) 
Allow THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS to infuse you like a refreshing wellspring of life—strength  courage, hope and resolve. You may walk your life path with this deeper assurance, not only to help you recognize more of who you are and your human spiritual potential, but to also remain composed and peaceful that you may indeed be an example to your brothers and sisters in a way similar to what Jesus demonstrated during His human life. Drink deeply of His LIVING FAITH and let it also engage with your own to fortify it. (Pause) 
THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS takes you into a higher perspective of what LIFE is all about. Living on this very beleaguered world it is challenging for you to imagine what a highly advanced spiritual culture might look like. It is intriguing to the human mind to envision a world where there is no war, poverty, illness, and people are naturally more peaceful and loving with one another. But I say to you: this is your destiny, and you are building this destiny for the planet through every faith step you take, whether or not you consciously recognize the value of what it is that you do. 
During this important time of planetary change, it is important not only to tap into THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS but to also have a more sincere and humble interest and willingness to live the FAITH of Jesus. 
So, as THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS supports you, I invite you to consider what is it that you can do to live THE FAITH OF JESUS. Take this to your Spirit. Have that willingness, even if it is a small degree, to live THE FAITH OF JESUS and ask your sSirit to support you in this beautiful accomplishment that you may undertake what this truly means for your life. So few humans truly understand what it means to live a life of faith and to allow your willingness to become more aligned with that of the plans of perfection within you, which is a faith step you take on your part. Spend a few moments with your Spirit and allow all these energies to move in now and support you that you may indeed become more of an example to your brothers and sisters of what it means to LIVE THE FAITH OF JESUS. (Pause) 
If it is helpful to engage with this faith dynamic, it is perfectly acceptable and advisable to focus on these words: I AM LIVING THE FAITH OF JESUS. Focusing on these words speaks to your willingness to embark upon this great adventure to live the FAITH that Jesus demonstrated. You have it in you to do this—it is a matter of your own accepting of the beautiful foundation of FAITH that lives within you to make it more real through your living experiences one day at a time, and thereby help you achieve more self-mastery and understanding and living who you truly are. Just simply repeat: I AM LIVING THE FAITH OF JESUS so your faith foundation can grow and lead you where your Spirit knows you can achieve something of the greatness within you in your own unique way. (Pause) 
There is a restful energy that engages with the human mind-body system when you are more fully invested in your own faith foundations augmented by THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS. Some of you have already experienced the sublime peace and composure that comes with this LIVING FAITH perspective. Others of you will continue to grow and expand in your own God-given potential and find great joy in discovery of what FAITH can do in you. This is an area of great untapped human potential. And it is time for humanity, as a whole, to start on this massive undertaking of moving from how you process your life through various belief systems, which can conflict and confuse, to this more simple direct path of living in FAITH and being guided forward by your Spirit to complete the objectives that have been seeded in you for your human life. You have it within you, it is a matter of you activating this the faith potential and dedicating yourself to living it one day the time. 
So continue to focus on I AM LIVING FAITH OF JESUS while your faith foundation is augmented by THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS. (Pause)
Let us now turn our attention to the planet before you in your mind's eye. Ask for the memory circuit containing THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS to engage with planetary mind. Feel that need for this to more fully embrace, not only the unconscious memory patterns, but that which is held within the conscious level of mind. And even to let that elevate to the higher levels of mind, which you might consider to be the superconscious level. Just hold that intention now with the memory circuit of THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS to rise, rise; rise, and embrace the planet as a whole. (Pause)
Do your best to hold this focus while also asking for LIVING THE FAITH OF JESUS to spiral around the planet from the north to the south pole counter-clockwise and ask for it to engage with the memory circuit containing THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS. These two forms, spiritual energy language combine and move the planet into a deeper recognition of what FAITH truly is. (Pause) 
If it is challenging to hold a dual focus, simply ask for LIVING THE FAITH OF JESUS to continue to penetrate into the memory circuits, helping more of your brothers and sisters to be unshackled from various erroneous belief systems that have held them captive in false ideologies and theologies. Feel your love for your brothers and sisters to be liberated from that which holds them back from being secure in their own faith foundation. (Pause)
And if you wish to hold these two dynamics together and let them blend and harmonize and integrate into these two dynamics, simply place your focus on the FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH. Feel that need for this foundation to embrace the planet, embrace human mind and memory, and bring about a greater recognition of what FAITH truly is and what Jesus contributed to this great dynamic of FAITH IN THE FATHER—the Father of all LIFE and the Mother who distributes all LIFE throughout all creation. (Pause)
Hold that intention in your heart and send it into the planet for your brothers’ and sisters’ faith foundations to become more secure in THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS. Whether or not they recognize this, this infusion will support them to open to the Spirit of Truth, their relationship they have with Michael as their Father and elder brother Jesus. Your brothers and sisters are very hungry for this infusion though they may not recognize it yet.  So many still wobble in insecurity and unworthiness, not knowing their status as sons and daughters of God. But you are aware of this reality and you can certainly hold that intention for more of your brethren to open to this dynamic. And as you do this, we will continue to amplify the circuits of THE LIVING FAITH OF JESUS to secure that into more individual FAITH FOUNDATIONS. (Pause)
As we have done so many times before, join with us now as we elevate the gaze to Paradise where all of the PATTERNS OF PERFECTION exist and replicate down into the evolutionary Supremacy reality of growing in God-consciousness. Take a few moments to thank the Paradise Creators for these gifts that they are bestowing to this world, strengthening you in who you are, building you more in your own patterns of perfection. Thank your Divine Parents for their spiritual natures gently helping you perceive your humanness from a higher perspective. Let us spend these moments in worship together, focusing at the Paradise level and let the divine reflection of their LOVE gently reverberate in you now through your gratitude and thanksgiving. (Pause)
As you spend these moments in quiet thanksgiving, also ask for that divine reflection—the FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH to hold the planet in this loving divine Paradise embrace and let yourselves experience a deeper connection through your own inner faith foundation. (Pause) 
My dear devoted brethren, take a moment to descend from Paradise. See yourself standing on the ground on this beautiful world. Stand in the FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH, envision it as a circuit of energy underneath your feet, just rising up from deep memory circuits and let it engage with you, securing you in this deeper assurance of who you are and what you can accomplish as a vibrant son and daughter of God. 
Invite that LIVING FOUNDATION OF FAITH to pulse upon the planet on the earth plane ground level so more of your brothers and sisters may drink deeply from this wellspring of what FAITH truly means and how they might be able to engage with their Spirit and open up to the greater potential within them. Invite all of the energies we have co-created together that fall under the activities of DIVINE JUSTICE to engage with this FAITH FOUNDATION. Hold that focus and intention for this to engulf the planet and liberate more hearts and minds to engage with the Spirit Within. (Pause) 
Beloved brethren, thank you for participating with us today in holding the focus for this LIVING FAITH FOUNDATIONto embrace the planet and uplift more of minds and memories from the grasp of the rebellion mindset. Truly, this planet is on a recovery trajectory and process that is beyond human comprehension. Stay the course.  All is well. Become more of that living expression of your own inner beauty and goodness that your living truth may be a shining inspiration to others. 
We have completed our objectives for today through your participation, know that this FAITH FOUNDATION will continue to grow in you and engage in planetary mind and memory. Please continue to focus on these dynamics during your meditation times, and continue to add more spiritual vitality through your heart, through your willingness, through your intention, for more correction to be conducted, and for Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION to engage with the planet in a broader and higher way. 
You are ready for this change; it is already upon you.  There is no turning back. Go forth boldly with the assurance of your own inner faith foundation, becoming so secure that whatever befalls you, you know that God’s hands are in the experience. Trust this, my brethren, and thrive in the LOVE and the FAITH living within you. And with that, I withdraw and leave you in the Fathers blessing of PEACE. Good day.

Focus on Spiritual Cohesion into Planetary Mind and Memory; Harmonization in our Divine Mother; Recognition of the Paradise Father into Planetary Circuits
Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
September 24, 2023


Topic: Focus on Spiritual Cohesion into Planetary Mind and Memory; Harmonization in our Divine Mother; Recognition of the Paradise Father into Planetary Circuits
T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, our Magisterial Son, our Planetary Seraphim, and our other helpers, we engage our intention today as a unified field of love and compassion for our world and our brothers and sisters. We are making headway in building a stronger spiritual foundation upon our world and we ask that you help us further that undertaking today through the focus you provide to us. You know what we need at this stage of our development, and we are here to offer our will, our hearts to perceive that more change of a positive nature may illuminate humanity’s mind and open us to the greater relationship we have with the Father within us. We thank you for weaving us together as one in this unified field of intention, and we ask for your WILL to prevail as we maintain the focus as best we can. We are grateful for this opportunity to be of service and always, we ask for your WILL to be done through our cooperation with you and with the Spirit Within. Thank you so much.  

MONJORONSON: My devoted brethren, greetings to each one of you! This is Monjoronson and I am pleased to rejoin you in this group as we continue to help you build the spiritual dynamics of COHESION into the circuits of planetary mind and memory. As we begin, take some deep breaths and elevate your gaze to the Spirit within you, feel your love for the Father in Paradise and for that mighty connection you have to the source of all LIFE, for truly your Spirit is alive in you. And whether or not you consciously recognize the emanations coming from your Spirit, there is a stream of a spiritual illumination that is impinging upon your mind and memory to help you make more progress in who you are as a mighty son and daughter of God.  

The spiritual power in you is gaining greater strength and stature. This is good. This is what we have always intended for the children of this world to come into their true Personality expression that you may indeed grow you souls and become a potent spiritual force of planetary change and upliftment upon Urantia at this time.  

Take a few moments to make contact with your Spirit. Feel that need to become more unified with a Father’s presence within you. Father already knows your needs, and you, in giving over your willingness to cooperate, sets the stage for this communication energy to become more fluid and consciously perceived.  

So take a few moments to do this now, as we prepare the circuits for today’s focused meditation, to help you become more cohesive with the spiritual energies in you that they may have more of a presence to communicate down into your human mind and body, and upstep your energy system to become more reflective of what Father wishes you to perceive of His GRACE and LOVE. (Pause)  

Many of you are noticing new developments occurring within you. You may be experiencing new insights and concepts, even experiencing new feelings in your body. This is evidence of the spiritual upstepping, and this will continue for a time until you have become more coherent with the Father’s presence within you. So, let us now begin with what is the theme for today’s call.  

In our last session together, we invited you to focus on COHESION WITH SPIRIT, and we will continue to build upon this focused intention. But of course, we always make a few adjustments to help you open to deeper levels of this spiritual communion that you may become more spiritually fragrant in expressing the fruits of the Spirit with your brothers and sisters.  

To begin, I invite you to focus on the spiritual dynamic of COHESION. There is a mighty energy in this word meaning and value. It is not so important that you understand all of the various elements and facets of the meaning of this word, especially from the Paradise perspective. Rather, we invite you to feel your willingness and motivation to become more cohesive with the Spirit Within. So, if you are ready, take a few more deep breaths and simply focus on your Spirit and invite the word COHESION to speak into you energetically, and receive. There is nothing you need to do, other than to be receptive to receive a deeper impression of what this word truly means, and what it can enhance in your own communication with the Father Within you. And we begin. (Pause)  

If you notice your mind wanders, and it may from time to time, simply invite your Spirit to inlay what it is that you can hold and repeat in your mind from time to time to maintain this open conduit for the COHESIVE energies of Spirit to further align you. (Pause)  

Some of you mentioned post last session’s call that you felt a bonding or adhesive energy building in you. This is part of the COHESIVE dynamic that is now underway.  And so we ask you to continue to, not only receive this, but feel more inspired to let this go deeper into your physical system that you may feel the Father’s LOVE at a more visceral level.  

If it is helpful, focus on the words COHESION WITH SPIRIT and feel that need for the Father’s presence to become more operative even down into the cells of your body. For whether or not you recognize it, this energy has implications for you at all levels within your human nature. You are complex energetic beings of LIGHT. And, this LIGHT COHESION acts in various ways to bring you into greater union with the Father within you.  

We appreciate that this is what most people are seeking in their human lives but they do not recognize what it truly is or what it means. People go about their material lives searching for inner peace and satisfaction, but they do not find it because they are focused in a way that detracts from what it is they wish to perceive. But, let this all be turned around in you now that you may at various levels of your energetic beings become more bonded with the Spirit Within you, and grow in confidence and composure that the Father, indeed, is intimately moving and growing in you. (Pause)  

As this COHESIVE bond becomes stronger within you, you will notice that your mind and the quality of your thoughts and feelings changes. You may have memories come up to the surface of your conscious mind for you to explore in conjunction with your Spirit to help you see your lives from a higher spiritual perspective and to let go of what has held you back from achieving more of your Father-bestowed Personality potential. 

We bring these concepts to you for your consideration and development that you may become more spiritually aligned with the Spirit Within and have the ability to become more spiritually magnetic to your brothers and sisters, to draw them to you for spiritual ministry, to help them recognize that they have the presence of the First Source and Center within them and that they too have great potential within them that they can develop through the GRACE of Spirit.  

Each one of you has this capacity, but it is your willingness that paves the way for this capacity to truly manifest. How much do you want to be a way-shower of truth and love and goodness to your brothers and sisters? Only you can answer that question. We give you what we can to help you become more motivated and operative, but it is you who makes that decision, each and every day, of how you will use what we have given you in service to humanity. Let these words settle in for a few moments and let them become more bonded with the COHESION energy that is coming into you now from the Father Within. (Pause)  

The time is upon you and the entire world to recognize and remember who you are as children of the Father in Paradise. Your Father Michael and your Mother Nebadonia are graciously helping you make these giant steps forward in your perception and adhesion of these spiritual energies into your minds and bodies. How will you use these energies in your own lives each day? This is what you can take to your Spirit and have more of that childlike faith that you are indeed making progress on this rugged path of spiritual attainment and soul growth.  

Some of you are becoming more consciously aware of all the help you have around you. Truly, you are so well guided and loved that you are in a good place now to step out of the past rebellion influences, especially the fear imprint that has left such an insidious indelible mark upon human mind. It is time to move forward, and you can indeed as you take these big steps and become more COHESIVE WITH SPIRIT. And this is good, and we applaud each and every effort you make. But in the long run, you must take that approach that you not only receive, but you give. And this is what is important now, that the spiritual energy in you become so much more magnetized in you that you can actually convey that spiritual energy from your heart and help another person receive and perceive what they need.  

You are becoming love magnets in a way similar to what your Father Michael developed as Jesus when He was here walking the earth, and you always have access to Him, through the Spirit of Truth to help you develop yourselves in this way. Again, it is only a matter of your willingness to do this and only you can make that decision each and every day.  

Do you think we ask too much of you? Perhaps you may think so, but we know your potential, and we know what it is possible for you to do now, especially since the planetary circuits are so much more open and available for you to use. And we do encourage you to come into a deeper understanding of who you are that you may cooperate with what we are seeding into you and have more ability to use these circuits to help your brothers and sisters. When you are concerned or confused all you have to do is take a few moments to turn your attention inward, and ask for guidance and in this way you will continue to gain experience as you express outwardly what you perceive inwardly. Again, let but these words settle in and let the COHESION energy continue to grow within. (Pause)  

Now that you have received, simply give. From your hearts project SPIRITUAL COHESION from your hearts to spiral around the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise rotation. There are many elements and levels of this SPIRITUAL COHESION dynamic that we ask you to hold that will simply make those indelible impressions upon the varied levels of human mind and memory to help more of the children of this world come into a greater conscious recognition of who they are. This is very important at this time now as more TRUTH-LIGHT pervades this planet, and as more people come out of their spiritual slumber but not yet really understanding the full implications of what this means. Simply do your best to hold this focus of SPIRITUAL COHESION imprinting upon the circuits of mind and memory and feel your willingness for your brothers and sisters all around the globe to have a greater awakening experience of the Father’s LOVE within. (Pause) 

As this energy imprints upon human mind and memory, it can heal the fragmentation that has plagued human consciousness for so many millennia. There has been a quality of separation from the Father, from Michael, and even from your own evolutionary natures, that has perpetuated the rebellion mindset. But, allow this SPIRITUAL COHESION to go into all of those fragmented places in human consciousness, even down into the cellular memory of the physical composition and structure, healing all of the fragmentation energy and bringing about a greater COHESION between the spirit-mind-body continuum. Feel that need for this planet to receive this greater bonding quality of the Father’s LOVE to infiltrate into all the fragmentation and bring it back and into UNITY in Father’s LOVE and WILL. (Pause)  

I call your attention to shift focus slightly onto your Divine Mother, and let the energies of Her Holy Spirit harmonize what is now being bonded into human mind and memory. Invite Her presence to pervade this COHESION dynamic with Her HARMONIZATION attribute that the Seraphim may use this for their higher purposes for healing this world. Simply focus on HARMONIZATION IN MOTHER and let this be added into the SPIRITUAL COHESION that you are also holding. Do your best with this. It is simply a matter of your willingness for this to become more pervasive through the planet that this becomes real. (Pause) 

If it is helpful, simply focus on COHESION AND HARMONIZATION WITH SPIRIT and let that continue to imprint into the circuits of mind and memory, and bringing about this beautiful synergy to communicate through the continuum of the human energy system. (Pause) 

There is one more simple focus to add, and that is HARMONIZE WITH LIFE, HARMONIZE WITH LIFE, HARMONIZE WITH LIFE, and feel that willingness for all of these energies to bring this planet into a greater HARMONIZATION with all of the LIFE energies and circuits that are a part of this planet’s composition. (Pause)  

We join with you now in elevating our focus to the Paradise Source of all there is, the domicile of the Creator Deities in which all things exist. Join with us now in worshipful communion of thanksgiving for all that has been provided to this world that the divine REFLECTION from Paradise may shine its GLORY and RADIANCE upon tiny Urantia, and bring about a mighty transformation in the way this planet conducts its affairs.  

Feel your gratitude for all that has been given to you, all that is being provided to this world to make this very important step forward in its evolutionary trajectory toward Light and Life. And may the RADIANCE and GRACE of Paradise illuminate your mind and heart and help you make more gainful strides in your soul expression. (Pause) 

Ask for the resplendent REFLECTION of Paradise to shine more LIGHT upon this world, casting away more of the shadow of distortion and perception, helping more people perceive the illumination of the Father within them. Hold that gratitude in your heart for this reflection, gaining strength and stature all around the globe, and feel your own individual gratitude of being a child of the Father, growing in what the Father has given you to express of your Personality. (Pause)

And then, I invite you to bring your gaze down to the earth where you are back on the planet, and you are standing in a field of LIGHT. And just allow these words to imprint upon the earth plane as best you can: IT IS TIME FOR HUMANITY TO RECOGNIZE FATHER WITHIN, IT IS TIME FOR HUMANITY TO RECOGNIZE FATHER WITHIN, IT IS TIME FOR HUMANITY TO RECOGNIZE FATHER WITHIN, and feel that need and willingness for more of your brothers and sisters to recognize who Father is, and to have an ability for their minds to be healed of what has plagued them from the past. It is a form of re-cognizing in how human mind and memory functions. Feel that need now, and let that be deeply imbedded into the planetary mind memory circuits as we continue our ministrations. Ask for all of these circuits and energies to integrate into all of the various levels of planetary and human life, even into yourselves, as we make our final adjustments and corrections. (Pause) 

My beloved brethren, we are grateful for your participation today. The integration of these energies will continue for some time. I invite you to focus on this call again between now and our next time together because it is human will and willingness that makes these connections real and more operative throughout the circuits all around the globe. You have much more spiritual power and potential than you know and have exercised. So use what you have learned from you own Spirit, your life lessons, and the dynamics of these calls to continue to seed in these energies that more individuals may benefit from the LOVE of the Father within them and seek to be planetary transformers in their own ways.  

Whether or not you recognize this, you are transforming yourselves, and you are assisting in this great overarching dynamic for the planet. Be glad of heart and know that all things are growing in the Father’s LOVE and that Michael’s presence and His plans of correction are making greater inroads into human mind and memory in helping this world on its journey to Light and Life. Be in the Father’s PEACE and thrive in His LOVE. And with that, I give you my thanks and withdraw. Good day.

Focus on Coherence in our Divine Mother’s Life Circuits for Personal and Planetary Transformation
Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
October 8, 2023


Topic: Focus on Coherence in our Divine Mother’s Life Circuits for Personal and Planetary Transformation 
T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Our Paradise Creators Deities, our Divine Parents, and Magisterial Son, we open ourselves up to you today that we may continue to add our heart-felt intentions and motivations for more healing to occur in the deeper levels of mind and memory all around the globe.  You know where we are in our trajectory toward Light and Life, and you know what needs to be accomplished through our focus that we may add more light and truth into the circuits of planetary mind from our hearts to help our brothers and sisters in their awakening and reckoning to what is occurring here on this world at this time.   

We thank you for weaving us together as one and to amplify our heart and mind energies to become more reflective and responsive to the WILL of Spirit Within, to produce more spiritual energy for the planet.  We thank you for this opportunity to be of service.  May your WILL be done through your GRACE and MERCY, and so it is!   

MONJORONSON:  Greetings, my dear brethren!  This is Monjoronson, pleased once again to join us as we collaborate together in these circuits of mind to build a higher and deeper spiritual foundation into the circuits of Urantian consciousness at all levels.   

Today, I invite you to focus on your Holy Mother Spirit.  You have a direct connection to Her through the circuits mind, and you might consider Her presence to be similar to that of a mother’s love who cradles an unborn child safely in her womb.  You are all living in Her WOMB OF CONSCIOUSNESS.  This is incubator for the development of human souls, and it is in this intention today that we are here to help you open the greater array of Her LIFE FORCE through the LIFE CURRENTS and CIRCUITS that are hard-wired into your human natures.  

As we begin, take a few moments to focus on the Mother Spirit’s presence within you.  Ask to feel Her presence in you.  Some of you may experience a subtle vibrational change; others may feel a deeper imprint of Her loving DIVINE NATURE.  Regardless of how you experience Her, set your gaze upon your Mother in your mind’s eye and heart centers and receive Her ministrations of LOVE into you now, my beloved brethren.  Breathe and relax and let Mother speak to you gently in the ways only a Mother’s loving touch can.  (Pause) 

As She ministers into you, feel your need for Her to renew in Her LIFE FORCE and the LIFE CURRENTS which are connected into you, even down into the physical circuits of your bodies.  Let Her presence gently upstep you vibrationally that you may continue to grow and develop as son and daughter of God in your own unique way.  The LIFE CIRCUITS that you have access to are here to help you develop your human potential that you may grow your souls in the WOMB of Her UNIVERSAL LIFE.  This is a very important part of the transformation of this world to perceive the higher information now coming into the planet.  

We have informed you over the many years of our engagement about the need for you to connect with your Mother that you may gently expand in who you are through this system of consciousness, which is part of Her divine presence.  Take the position of being a child held in the loving arms of your Mother.  Feel that need to receive, just as a babe would suckling at the breast of a loving mother, who nourishes the life force of the child.  (Pause) 

Invite Her presence to deepen within you.  In our last engagement together, we have invited you to focus on the COHERENCE principle of all LIFE and LOVE and LIGHT.  Allow Mother’s LIFE CIRCUITS to become more connected into you, opening you to greater access to COHERENCE IN MOTHER’S LIFE CIRCUITS.  Let Her presence continue to envelop you and imprint upon your human natures, going into your minds, into your bodies, allowing the COHERENCE principle to engage in the LIFE CIRCUITS.  If it is helpful, allow the words: COHERENCE IN MOTHER’S LIFE CIRCUITS to be your focus.  Feel that need for those energies to deepen within you, and receive from Mother.  (Pause) 

You might consider Mother’s LOVE as a healing balm which soothes the heart and reduces the tension that is so ingrained in you of the past legacy that took you away from recognizing the Divine Presences within your human system of consciousness.  Mother’s loving touch can soften resistance, can smooth out the rough edges of the human emotional body and the mental agitation that comes from unhealed past events.   

Your brothers and sisters need Mother’s loving touch.  And because they may not know Her or have such resistance to being approached their Mother, you are being invited to expand in Her divine qualities now that you may carry this quality of divine LOVE to your brothers and sisters.  They need to know they have a loving Mother, just as they need to discern they have a loving Father.  The synergy of these two qualities of divine LOVE which you may consider to be both masculine and feminine are enough to heal all which ails a human and body.   

This world is opening up to this potential, and the promise it holds for the complete transformation of Urantia life.  While I am not suggesting that this world have an instantaneous healing, it is possible for the human heart to be restructured in Mother’s LOVE such that much resistance contained within the lower portions of mind and memory can be ameliorated by Her presence expanding within the human mind-memory system.  

This is one of the objectives we are helping you achieve during this particular phase of awakening and reckoning as part of your spiritual rehabilitation.  The more you open to your loving Mother’s presence within you, the more She can help you soften your own inner resistance and tap into deeper places of your relationship with the First Source and Center through your Spirit that you may indeed hold this energy more consistently and clearly and allow that resonate from your energy beings.   

This is what your brother Jesus accomplished in His human life as we have mentioned to you many times before.  He had developed himself in this way to be a spiritual magnet for the presence of the Holy Spirit.  You likewise can do this as well.  It is only a matter of your willingness to open to Mother and receive, and let Her minister through you and help your brothers and sisters begin to feel the stirrings of Her LOVE within themselves.   

Continue to receive from Mother and allow the COHERENCE to engage with Her LIFE CIRCUITS that you may become more consistently aligned and harmonized in what this truly means for your soul growth and development.  (Pause) 

Invite the COHERENCE dynamic to move into the those deep memory circuits that you may feel the embrace of Mother’s LOVE gently realigning and recalibrating the memory energy that it may reflect more LIGHT from the Spirit Within, who is helping you outwork that which holds you back from achieving your human potential as a son and daughter of God.  There is no need to retain any resistance as the resistance is only a mask or shadow preventing you from fully standing in the TRUTH of who you are.   

Invite Mother’s touch to break any remaining yokes of unworthiness, fear, insecurity, anxiety, and confusion that you may truly partake of the deepest dimensions of divine LOVE WITHIN, receiving a greater infusion of LOVE to renew and establish in you the spiritual foundation to reverberate throughout your entire human nature.  Allow the LOVE of the Holy Spirit to engage within you now.  (Pause) 

Now that you have received, turn your focus to the planet before you in your mind’s eye and simply give.  Allow the flow of Mother’s LOVE to move outwardly from your hearts and into the planet as a whole as you invite COHERENCE IN MOTHER’S LIFE CIRCUITS to imprint upon the world, gently rotating around the planet counterclockwise north to south poles.  Feel your love for your brothers and sisters, inviting Mother’s LOVE to engage with them in the ways they are ready to receive.  Invite the COHERENCE principle to resonate through all of the layers and levels of the human energy system that more of this beautiful composition of LIFE may engage in your brothers and sisters in the areas they need.  Allow Mother’s flow of GRACE to come into you and flow out of you, thereby expanding your capacity to be a conduit of divine LOVE to your brothers and sisters.  (Pause) 

The presence of the Holy Spirit in human mind and memory is opening new spaces of perception within all of humanity at this time.  Keep in mind, however, that this is still an evolutionary unfolding, and we await the responsiveness of each human heart to pay attention to what is being given at these deeper levels that the awakening may continue for many more individuals and lead them into a greater comprehension of who they are and how they may participate in this grand correction now underway upon Urantia.   

We have told you that it is given to you to be the healers and transformers of your world.  And it will be forever true that this is part your cosmic responsibility to the growing evolutionary component of Deity, which some of you know as the Supreme Being.  Whether ever you consciously recognize it of not, the actions that you take each day based upon your aligned thoughts and feelings are contributing in mighty portion of spiritual energy to this evolving Godhead.  One day this planet will be so saturated with divine LOVE that there will be no separation in how you think according to the way your Creator does.   

As you know, there is still a long way to go, and in these dearly phases of correction it is most important that the humans of this world become aware of their divine dignity and cosmic responsibility to grow this Godhead in your own unique way.  We placed no limitations upon human potential because it is up to you to follow the divine leadings within, but you also must be mindful of your brothers and sisters and help them in their own development of their souls and spiritual relationship with the Creator of all.  You will be given much guidance as to how to achieve this, but only you can make that decision whether or not you wish to engage in this way.   

It is our attempt to help you by seeding these energies in you that you may learn how to use the spiritual currents of life to which you have access.  Continue to focus on COHERENCE IN MOTHER’S LIFE CIRCUITS that more of this LIFE FORCE current may be applied to human mind and memory and feel that need for this to go deep, deep down into the memory circuits of the human body that more of the past legacy of rebellion may be outworked and no longer be such a heavy influence in how you think and feel all around the globe.   

Shift focus now if you wish and allow these words and energies to also engage with the circuits of mind and memory:  IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO BECOME COHERENT AND CONGRUENT WITH LIFE, IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO BECOME COHERENT AND CONGRUENT WITH LIFE, IT IS TIME FOR URANTIA TO BECOME COHERENT AND CONGRUENT WITH LIFE.  Ask for these energies to spiral around the planet and make a deep indelible impression in areas of great need.  (Pause) 

Invite Mother’s LOVE to pervade this intention of COHERENCE and CONGRUENCE that more of the UNITY of the Father’s presence within weave human mind together and bring about greater recognition of divine LOVE within. (Pause) 

Many vibrational changes are underway in the human energy system.  More individuals are becoming aware that you are beings of LIGHT, an energy that emanates from the SOURCE of all reality that animates your bodies and minds.  This is part of the great awakening, and it will lead you to many new discoveries in how to use the LIFE CURRENTS and the energies of divine LOVE in new and spiritually aligned ways.  The power and potency seeded in you by the Creator in Paradise is being returned to you, but it is by your discernment and your will-alignment that you grow in comprehension of how to these sacred energies for your own personal soul growth and loving service to your brethren.   

We have long awaited this time upon Urantia when more individuals become of aware of who they are and their cosmic responsibility.  We are encouraging you in many ways to develop yourselves in alignment with the divine plans seeded in you held in sacred trust by your Spirit.  It is now only a matter of your willingness to engage with LOVE that you can now tap to your true human power-potential and become a mightier agent of positive spiritual change for this world.  Let these words settle in as you continue to focus on what we have given you to engage today of building more COHERENCE and CONGRUENCE in Urantia mind in Mother’s LIFE CIRCUITS.  (Pause) 

As the Seraphim continue to weave in these energies into the planetary system of consciousness at various levels, I invite you to elevate your gaze to Paradise as the SOURCE of all reality—the domicile of the Creator Deities in whom all things exist and the Isle of Paradise as the SOURCE of all physical energy and light.  Open your hearts and join us with in gratitude for what has been given to this world and what this world is continuing to develop through human endeavor and willingness.  Let your thanksgiving be spontaneous, original, honest and sincere, and notice how it reflects back to you of the divine LOVE in which you were created and exist.  We join you in this space of worshipful communion.  (Pause) 

Let us once again engage these energies of Paradise to descend upon Urantia and open the memory circuits of REMEMBRANCE OF FATHER’S LOVE and REMEMBRANCE OF MOTHER’S LIFE.  Let these energies move deep into memory and bring about a renewal of perspective within the memory system of who and what humanity is in its relationship to all LIFE.    (Pause) 

As the Seraphim and the other helpers these energetic dynamics into the planet, you may notice in the coming days some new feelings or inspirational thoughts open in your conscious awareness.  Pay close attention to what you are perceiving, always discerning in conjunction with your Spirit what it is that is coming in, that you may learn more about yourself and what the Father within you has given you to accomplish as part of your ascension career.   

All of your long journey is important.  It is training your soul for a greater adventure one day and this human life is the starting point. And there are many lessons to be gleaned in what is occurring within during this phase of planetary correction. It is all working to the greater good, not only of this planet but to Michael’s universe and its place in the greater design of LIFE.  So be glad in these days of change that you can be a mighty participant sharing your unique qualities and gifts with your brothers and sisters.   

Be patient and kind with them. Most people are still living in dire states of confusion and anxiety, and you can do much to quell that within them by growing your soul’s ability to hold the spiritual frequencies that they need to bring them about into more congruence in the Father’s LOVE and Mother’s LIFE.   

On behalf of all the celestial and seraphic participants, I thank you for your continued faithful participation. While I leave you in this manner, I am always available to you.  Use the spiritual resources you have each day and know you are always being guided on the higher path in the development of who you are.  And be at PEACE in the Father’s LOVE.  Good day. 

Humanity’s Coherence with Urantia’s Divine Plans
Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
November 12, 2023


Topic: Humanity’s Coherence with Urantia’s Divine Plans 
T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Divine Mother and Father, and our Paradise Creator Deities, we call upon you to direct us into holding space for your WILL to manifest upon our world.  You have the plans of correction that you have given to us as your children to build in the constructs of mind and memory these higher energies and ideas that will foster our true planetary correction that we may conform to the divine ways of LIFE and live more in accordance with the divine principles of LOVE, PEACE, and TRUTH.   

You know exactly where we are on this ascension trajectory to our ultimate destiny.  We appreciate that this is a long journey and yet there are things that you want us to accomplish as we are the citizens of this world and we are responsible for its well-being.  We thank you for connecting us as one through the circuits of Spirit, Soul, Mind and Personality that we may be unified and directed in where we focus today that more healing may occur upon this planet at all dimensional levels through your loving embrace.   

We call upon all of our universe brothers and sisters to help us, those of the seraphic levels who are making changes within our social institutions.  We thank you for your participation with us.  Enliven us in your LOVE and GRACE, Mother and Father, and fortify more spiritual energy in us that we may direct this into the areas of great need for our world to ascend.  Thank you so much, and may your Will be done now.   

MACHIVENTA:  Greetings, my dear brethren!  I am pleased to join you in your call today as you hold a particular focus for this world to receive more of what it needs to conform to the divine plans for this world’s transformation.  This is Machiventa Melchizedek addressing you now. 

Some of you may know me as the overseer of the planet’s plans of correction as put forth by your Divine Parents.  I am indeed charged with shepherding this world and all life upon it to the higher circuits of universe life where you as a planetary culture may participate as viable member of our family of LOVE.  

You are in a very intense place of planetary correction at this juncture.  While we understand that you have many concerns on your hearts about the plight and condition of your world as this time, we are here to help you and inspire you to hold those spiritual dynamics that will bring about a greater alignment in your planetary system of consciousness to perceive the divine plans of correction.   

Much preparation has been underway for many years.  Most of this is behind the scenes of your lives.  Most individuals are truly non-responsive and unaware of what is occurring right behind the scenes of their lives.  We have intentionally kept ourselves in this place where you cannot perceive us because so many humans misunderstand what it means to have divine intervention.  There are still people who perceive that these changes will come in a twinkling of any eye and almost miraculously realign this planet into its higher divine purposes.   

But this would not give you, the citizens of this world the opportunity to make these wonderful changes that we are helping you to perceive and manifest.  Thank back to the life of your Father Michael when He was here as your brother Jesus.  He understood the complexity of problems that this world has faced and experienced.  And He is here to help you regain that inner confidence and assurance that He fully embodied that He could live His divine purpose for what He was here to do as a revelation of what humanity can achieve as a gift to the Father in Paradise.   

Do you see the corollary here, my brethren?  You have been given great gifts to achieve, to show what you can do as a human to turn the tide on this world and help it on its trajectory toward Light and Life.  You are now as a planetary culture beginning to demonstrate what it is that you can do collectively to show to the universe and all creation what humans can do to turn a planet around—a planet that has been so mired in evil and sin that you can indeed destroy yourselves if you wish.  Now, of course, we do not want that to occur, so we are making every effort to encourage you to take up the helm of your spiritual purposes and to contribute into this great planetary rehabilitation that is now underway.   

So let this be my preamble to you today as we move you into this focus for our call today, and that is to help human coherence come within the divine plans of correction for this world.  Each of you whether or not you recognize it has a unique role to play. And the more you come into coherence into your own higher Self, your Spirit, and your plans for your soul growth, you add more of that spiritual coherence into the collective.   

To begin today is the focus I invite you to simply feel that need to become coherent with your own spiritual plans and purposes for your lives.  If you are not aware of those are at this time, simply have that willingness and intention to become more coherent so that this dynamic can move in you and help you make more in-roads perceiving new insights from your Spirit about who you are and what you can accomplish here.  Take a few moments to turn your focus to your hearts.  Take a few deep breaths, allowing your bodies to relax and your mental chatter to quiet.  (Pause) 

Have that willingness to become more coherent with your own inner divine plan and invite our Parents and your Spirit to hold you in this energy now, and allow the natural imprinting quality that you have with your Divine Sources to minister to you now.  (Pause) 

If it is helpful to receive, gently affirm within your own mind and heart:  I AM BECOMING COHERENT WITH MY DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE AND PLANS.  I AM BECOMING COHERENT WITH MY DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE AND PLANS. I AM BECOMING COHERENT WITH MY DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE AND PLANS, feeling that sincere willingness and motivation for you to become more cooperative with what the Father has seeded in you.  (Pause) 

When you become aware of your human limitations, take a momentary pause in how you perceive this.  Ask your Spirit to show you another way in which to perceive what you consider to be a lack or limitation within you.  The human mind is so full of distortion that it is difficult for you at times to recognize that your own human frailties and limitations are just a mask preventing you to see behind that what is true and real and good about your humanity and what you can achieve.  Too many times, the human limitation is ensconced in a feeling of fear—insecurity, unworthiness—which when combined together form a mighty impediment for you to move beyond the limitation.   

However, when you ask for this COHERENCE principle to function in you, you are given an inner awareness that exists at a deeper level within you to move you into conformity with the divine ways and will of LIFE.  Your Spirit is able to shine more light in your perception and to guide you out of the limitation into the higher expression of who you are.  It truly is this simple, my brethren, but yet you let your fear and insecurity hold you back.  

So, feel that need for this COHERENCE dynamic to resonate deeply within you, into those places where you may not even know or experience your own limitation, giving more space for your Spirit to help you perceive the bigger picture of reality that actually lives within the core of your being.  Feel that need to become more communicative and collaborative with it.  (Pause) 

When you become more coherent with the divine plans for your lives at this human incarnation, you feel a greater sense of peace and purpose.  This is then your motivation to continue on your course because the inner awareness is so strong of how deeply you are loved and valued is now showing you the way forward.  This is arena in which we wish to see all humans function, and it is now time for this world to remember what it is here to accomplish for this planet’s divine plans and purposes to manifest through the human interactions engaging with his and her own plans and purposes.  (Pause) 

Allow this COHERENCE energy to continue to move you and through you.  We are now setting the stage for this to flow into the collective.  Take a momentary pause.  Feel that intention and aspiration for this world to become more COHERENT with its higher divine plans and purposes.  (Pause) 

Now focus from your hearts:  HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS; HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS; HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS and hold that focus.  Let it spiral around the globe from the north pole to the south pole in a counterclockwise rotation.  Invite the Planetary Seraphim to weave this into the areas where this COHERENCE principle is extremely necessary now for more LOVE, LIGHT, and LIFE to fill this world in its various dimensional levels, engaging with all life forms on the planet.  (Pause) 

As the energies spiral into the planet, take a momentary pause to shift your focus.  See yourselves standing on the ground and your legs are rooted into the planet’s divine plans, and you are just standing in that COHERENCE principle and being used as an anchor for this to manifest deeply into the circuits of mind for manifestation at a material level.  Hold this now as best you can:  HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS.  (Pause) 

This world is becoming aware of its rightful place in our universe home. Humanity has struggled for many millennia with understanding its place and purpose. This is all changing now as you conjoin with us to actually build the spiritual composition for this world to make this step forward in reclaiming its rightful divine inheritance.  This has implications for all life here, not just for human purposes.  And so, holding this COHERENCE principle and energy is affording more of that dynamism to reverberate through all of the dimensional circuitry of this world, some of which you do understand at this point and some which you will come to learn in a very short time.   

But what is most important is that you hold this and have that willingness for this to become an enlivened source of energy for more of your brothers and sisters to open to their plans and purposes and become coherent in and with them.  So do your best seeing yourself standing on the earth with your feet connected into the core and you are just letting this beautiful, radiant, loving energy cohere into you in the ways you need and can express then out into the world.  (Pause) 

Feel that need and willingness for this COHERENCE dynamic to reverberate through all planetary systems and circuits.  You may not necessarily know or see where there is dissonance and discordance.  Your helpers know and can direct this COHERENCE through your enhanced willingness and motivation for this to embrace the planet and bring it into a greater state of grace with the divine plans of all LIFE.  (Pause) 

Invite the COHERENCE to move through the memory circuits that more of URANTIA’S DIVINE PLANS may manifest through human contribution and collaboration.  (Pause) 

Invite Monjoronson and the personification of who He is as DIVINE JUSTICE to engage with the COHERENCE dynamic now.  Hold that willingness for your brothers and sisters to recognize and remember who they are, and to come into reckoning and reconciliation with their Spirits, helping them see their lives from the perspective of their Creator.  (Pause) 

Ask for planetary mind and memory to become more COHERENT with REMEMBRANCE and RECOGNITION of Father’s presence within and for more RECKONING and RECONCILIATION to occur within each individual and throughout the various circuitry connecting you to what is now coming in of the DIVINE PLANS for planetary inception.  (Pause)  

The word-energy we ask you to hold is reflective of the divine meaning and value of what that language truly represents.  It is certainly consistent with your Spirits’ program for your lives to ask for insight of what these words and encodings truly mean.  They are not just empty words, but contain mighty spiritual energy that has the ability to redirect how you think and feel and perceive reality.  Be humble and unassuming when you ask your Spirit to show you the higher purposes for these words and values. For they are food for your souls, and the more you grow in understanding, then the better you can express the fruits of the Spirit to your brothers and sisters and help them open to what they within them to grow and gain.  (Pause) 

While your helpers are anchoring in these energies into the areas where they will produce the most good, take a few moments to elevate your gaze to Paradise.  Give thanks to your Creators for all that you have within you to grow, all that has been given within you to achieve, and know that your life has meaning and value.  Simply stay in that childlike state of trust and faith, loving your Creators in the best way you humanly can, and let the reflection of their LOVE shine upon you and give you more of what you need to grow and fulfill your purposes for your human lives.  (Pause) 

Take a moment to descend from Paradise, yet upstepped in a higher frequency that you may anchor this into your place on the earth plane where your feet are plugged into the core of the earth, and the COHERENCE principle is getting stronger.  Ask for the energies to continue to strengthen and be distributed into areas of great need and integrate into all dimensional areas of planetary life.  (Pause) 

Let the connections that were severed during the time of the rebellion be restored, having the bonds be sealed in divine LOVE and LIGHT and LIFE.  Let the FABRIC OF LIFE reverberate with COHERENCE upon Urantia that the mind and memory patterns open to conform with what is now underway to restore this world into a place of beauty and splendor where love and peace are dominant in the human heart and soul.  (Pause) 

Align with the DIVINE, my brethren.  Let your path be one of peace and joy as your Spirit guides you forward.  Allow the COHERENCE to continue to grow and shape you into that mighty universe citizen of divine destiny that your spiritual inheritance and birthright become fully enlivened within you.  Feel that need for this to be distributed to human mind and memory for more COHERENCE to function.  (Pause) 

We have completed our circuitry objectives for today.  I thank you for what you have provided for us to use to restore this planet’s divine dignity and the divine dignity of all life here to regain its rightful stature.  In the coming days, remember to attune to your Spirit and allow what the Father within you wishes to accomplish with you, in you, and through you to make this world a more loving and beautiful place on which to live.  

I leave you in His LOVE, my brethren, and may you ever more grow in GRACE and BEAUTY.  Farewell.

Humanity’s Coherence with Divine Justice
Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness
November 26, 2023


Topic: Humanity’s Coherence with Divine Justice.
T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER: We open ourselves to you Mother and Father, to our Magisterial Son and to our planetary helpers and all of the universe brethren who are assisting this world in its mighty time of transition. We ask you to center us as one in this heart space, in this co-creative place where we are collaborating with you more and learning some of these dynamic principles of co-creation with Spirit. You know exactly where we are in our planetary healing trajectory, and so we ask for your guidance to envelop us now that our minds may be directed toward the spiritual gravity that is necessary for this world to complete its objectives of manifesting the divine plan. We are here to be of service, so use in the ways you know we can hold space for these changes to be implemented. We come together in divine LOVE with the willingness to serve and we ask for your WILL to be done through your MERCY and GRACE. Thank you so much.  

MONJORONSON: Greetings to you, my dear brethren! This is Monjoronson ,and I am pleased to rejoin you once again as we collaborate with you in these higher circuits of Urantian consciousness to build the necessary environment for more healing to be accomplished through the beautiful collaboration between the celestial and human realms combined.  

Over the past few weeks, we have introduced the concept and principle of COHERENCE for you to focus upon and to practice holding as part of your ongoing spiritual development. Because of this, there have been some new circuits added into planetary mind to help you open to this beautiful calibration of the human energy system to your own higher personalities and the divine potential of what you can cultivate in your own lives during this time.  

As you know, we have been mightily interested in the development of human potential, which is enough to change the course of evolution on this planet. We willingly and gratefully support you in developing your own coherence with your divine life plan that it may contribute to the larger dynamics of Michael’s plans of correction, which are now more fully connected to the original plans for this world.  

As I speak these words to you, let them settle into your hearts more deeply, help you expand your range of inner coherence to your own divine life plans and purposes, that you may be better equipped to cultivate this throughout the course of your day-to-day experiences, adding to the light and love your soul needs to grow and for its outward manifestation to radiate a great spiritual dynamic to your brothers and sisters. Sit with it for a few moments and elevate your gaze to your Indwelling Spirits that you may be prepared for what we are here to accomplish in today’s call. (Pause) 

The objectives we wish to accomplish through our collaboration with you today is to help this planet and its citizenry to become more COHERENT WITH DIVINE JUSTICE. I know this may pose some questions in your minds about what this means to become COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE. I encourage you to take a moment to ask your Spirit for an insight or a feeling of what it is, and what it means to become COHERENT WITH DIVINE JUSTICE.  Feel your own inner willingness to open to this greater COHERENCE principle, especially how it correlates to DIVINE JUSTICE that is a part of your own inner divine life plan and purpose.  

Now I invite you to allow these words to flow into you containing the divine meaning and value of: HUMAN COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE. See these words in your mind’s eye, visualize them over your heart centers: HUMAN COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE. Hold that focus now as I move in each one of you, giving you more of an inner experience of what this truly means for your lives. Simply invite me in and allow me to minister to you now in HUMAN COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE.  (Pause) 

Humanity has harbored false concepts of what justice truly means. You have been living in a culture where sometimes justice is relegated to judgment and punishment. Some of your olden traditions about exchanging an eye for an eye have placed some very severe limitations on human understanding about the role of justice in a planetary culture.  

I encourage you to think of your Father Michael when He was here as Jesus hanging on the cross. What was his demeanor and attitude toward the masses? Did He not say “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing?” Truly, this is the best human representation of DIVINE JUSTICE. He was not only asking Father to forgive the humans for their misdeeds, but He was providing a space for humanity to recognize what they have done in violation of divine WILL.  

When humans become aware of their misdeeds and missteps and begin to see them in relationship to the Father’s overarching LOVE, it renders a very humbling type of recognition that there has been an egregious violation of divine WILL, and it opens an individual to either accept the proffer of FORGIVENESS and MERCY or to remain in that stage of misunderstanding.  

What we are attempting to accomplish today is to help you and your brethren become aware of this higher spiritual principle. It is actually a position of great power potential on your part to come into a greater recognition of where you have either aligned or misaligned yourself in divine WILL. It truly is this simple, and then there are many implications once this recognition is achieved. What are the next steps of human rehabilitation once you have accepted what DIVINE JUSTICE truly means?  

Rather than going into a more deep explanation, it is more valuable for you in terms of your human experience to simply hold this place, this word energetic encoding of DIVINE JUSTICE that you may perceive this from a more visceral experiential level. So just continue to focus on HUMAN COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE and I will continue to minister into you. (Pause)  

Invite this DIVINE JUSTICE calibration to move into those areas where you may harbor feelings of vengeance or wrath against those who have perpetuated the great distortion upon this planet. Liberate yourself from feelings of rage, anger, retribution, and violence against those who have perpetuated the distortion throughout the eons of time. Let this infusion from my essence continue to upstep you into the higher realms of experiential understanding, bringing you into more COHERENCE with what DIVINE JUSTICE truly means and its value for human life. (Pause)

I invite you now to shift your focus to the planet before you in your mind’s eye. Hold that willingness for you to project HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE into the planet. Ask for it to spiral around the globe from the north to the south pole counterclockwise, adding a stream of higher language encoding to imprint upon planetary mind and memory, going deeper into the memory circuits where COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE is now something humanity becomes aware.   

Invite the angels to take this energy deep into the places where this is needed in the social institutions. Asking for the energies to penetrate into the ideologies that have been perpetuated in memory circuits, that more DIVINE JUSTICE may be in-worked into these areas and help with the corrections to be conducted that are necessary for planetary social reform and rehabilitation. Focus from your hearts as best you can, maintaining that focus for HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail. (Pause)
Invite these energies to penetrate into the most recalcitrant resistance in human mind memory to prevail. Hold that willingness for the human heart to change and to open to the true meaning and value of DIVINE JUSTICE. In doing this, you are making an assertion from the human perspective that you want this level of divine infusion to become more operative and viable throughout the entire system of human consciousness. This will help Michael’s plans of correction to become more operative on the planet through individual and group collaboration. Do your best to hold that feeling of love and compassion for HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail all around the globe. (Pause)  

Invite the energy to move into those places of distortion where the human mindal system was interrupted from operating the way it was divinely designed. Ask for this infusion of COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE to move into that deep ancient memory circuit. It is not so important that you understand what is happening but to have that human willingness for this memory circuit to be realigned and to become more coherent with what this truly means for the world’s correction. Know that you are holding a mighty motivation for the human heart to open to this greater infusion of DIVINE JUSTICE and MERCY. (Pause)  

The temperament in the human heart is changing. Sometimes it is very instructive for individuals to experience pain in order to get their attention that something is off balance and needs to be brought into alignment. While your Mother and Father and I certainly do not wish humanity to suffer needlessly, nevertheless because of the recalcitrant, what you might call even a cement-like energy within the human mind unable to open to TRUTH and GOODNESS and BEAUTY, it is helpful for people to experience pain to get their attention and to help them perceive something of a higher spiritual principle.  

This is what many of your brothers and sisters are experiencing now. You can do much to help them move out of this pain and to encourage their heart energies to grow and expand with these levels of love, compassion, and understanding they need to experience by you holding this intention for HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE to prevail. There is an opening here for human perception to attune to Spirit. But as you know, it is up to each individual whether or not to answer the call when they hear it knocking at the door of their heart.  

We are beginning to notice glimmers of willingness to change, sparking new energies within the human heart of the need for love. More people are recognizing that this is not only something they need but part of a larger construction of who they are as children of God. Do your best to continue to hold focus on HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE, and we will conduct the ministrations at the levels where there is receptive now for more change to occur. (Pause)  

I invite you to hold that willingness and aspiration for your brothers and sisters to open more to what DIVINE JUSTICE can do to help them open to their higher path of learning who they are in relationship to their Creator. I invite you to move one level down into the core of the earth where the combined plans of correction and the planet’s original divine plans are now beginning to have more of an impact in the memory circuits. Simply hold the words HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE in that core of the earth space.  

Feel your love for the divine plans to be restored and become more operative throughout the entire mind memory system of this world. Whether you recognize it or not, much repair is being conducted at a very deep level now, my brethren. We are deeply appreciative of what you bring into this forum, that we may truly be united in collaboration as you continue to hold space for these energies to calibrate together and to bring about a mightier COHERENCE of the divine plans for this world to be reformed and rehabilitated in Father’s LOVE and Mother’s LIFE FORCE. (Pause)

I now invite you to elevate your gaze to the existential level of PERFECTION where the Paradise Creator Deities exist and harbor the divine plans of evolution. As you focus at this level of Paradise, hold that intention in your heart for these dynamics we have created to receive the divine blessing and reflection of Paradise. Contain a feeling of gratitude in your heart as you simply offer this visualization to the Paradise Creator Deities of HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE in the core of the earth comingling with the plans of correction for Urantia. Offer this up as a gift from your heart for this to manifest and simply feel that beautiful attitude of gratefulness for what the Paradise level is here to bestow. Allow the reflection to imprint upon you. We join you in that place of worshipful communion. (Pause)  

Feel gratitude that in your heart for the Paradise reflection imprinting upon the core of the earth where you are holding these beautiful elements for the manifestation of the divine plan. Especially, to embrace and engulf the planet and to bring about a mighty change, building more LIGHT and LOVE and LIFE into these planetary dynamics. If you wish, you may see yourselves not only standing on the earth plane with your feet firmly implanted into the core of the earth, but above your head you are extended into the higher dimensional levels with your Spirit elevating you into that realm of PERFECTION, and just allow for a beautiful flow of energy to embrace you from divine levels down and from the evolutionary levels upward, and hold this in your hearts.  Invite these energies to fully integrate into the planet. (Pause)
My dearly beloved brethren, I extend my gratitude to each one of you today. We have completed our circuitry objectives for this call. Know that much is underway now to help this world and all life on it to open to this greater correction plan that all may share in the bounties of LIFE and the GRACE of divine GOODNESS and TRUTH. While there is still so much to be accomplished before this world truly reaches the era of Light and Life, there are mighty and numerous corrections underway now that will help you perceive more of what you are here to accomplish and to be an inspiration to your brothers and sisters.  

For now, I invite you to focus on HUMANITY’S COHERENCE WITH DIVINE JUSTICE, and ask it to continue to integrate more fully and broadly into the plans of correction that are now underway on this world. Remember that this is part of your cosmic responsibility to participate in the growing experiential Deity that you and we are all a part of. Grow strong and steady in who you are and maintain that spiritual perspective when you notice more of these changes make their expression at the material level. All is well. Michael’s plans of correction are having their moment to accomplish what they are here to achieve through you, my brethren, through each one of you. Take your responsibility seriously, but be light of heart and joyful knowing that this world is indeed returning to the bosom of the Father. I leave you now in His LOVE and may you recognize it and live it more fully each day. Goodbye.