Humanity is expressed in diverse viewpoints and compassion for each other
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive May 18, 2001. Teacher Minearsia T/R Bill |
Minearsia: Your humanity is clearly expressed in both your diverse viewpoints and your compassion for each other for, indeed, this is the essence of being mortal — limitations of understanding and yet an ever expanding compassionate viewpoint. I speak, of course, of spiritualized mortals, not those who are living merely at animal levels. The universe is very diverse, my friends, and differences of opinion are not merely a mortal experience, for these honest viewpoints from different perspectives will continue throughout your universe career. Truth is only relatively complete, short of Paradise, and depends upon the situation and circumstance of its unfoldment. The largest cause of disagreement among people is due to a different history and heredity, which interacts with a given situation.
Remember that you need to resist the natural urge to all be in agreement, and allow for the democracy of truth among yourselves. The Master himself became rather agitated when he was consulted as to what would be the best method of uniting the viewpoints of his Apostles. He was taken aback by the intensity of their need to all subscribe to the same understanding of events and situations. He said, "When did I ever teach you that you must see alike?" However he did indicate that there was unity in values and goals. I am sure you have all pondered these things before. So do not feel that you have to try to reach a consensus viewpoint when you have honest disagreements. What you need to be sure of is that you all have the same goals, to become like God and to, day by day, become more in alignment with His will for yourselves.
As to whether or not you should pursue a relationship with John Smith is a matter for each of you in your own hearts to determine. You cannot represent another person. It is somewhat of a fallacy in your culture when it is construed that individuals represent groups. In politics yes, but in terms of points of view no. Each one has his own point-of-view. In fact, Light and Life will come upon this planet one person at a time.
It will not be legislated by any group or individual representing other individuals.
All the diversities which are manifest in the universes shall not blend into one neutral gray, but be resplendent like a brilliant crown of jewels, each jewel showing its beauty, as it is associated with the others. Each of you are all unique. No two persons are the same in the universe, but we all strive for the same goal, to ever increase our spiritual growth and intellectual understanding in ever deepening love for one another.