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Planetary awakening

Materialism is a value system
  • soil
  • Land
  • Sea
  • AIR
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive December 15, 2002.
Teacher Sharmon


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[  ] soil   [  ] Land   [  ] Sea   [  ] AIR

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Harold: Has materialism reached its zenith and is about to turn the other direction?

Sharmon: This world, is approaching the zenith of materialism. It has not reached the summit at this point. 
There is a great deal more in the capabilities of mankind for the development of material things in the 
advancement of your technologies. Let me clarify that by stating that materialism is a value system; it is 
not simply the advancement of technologies and the development of material objects for your use. So enters my hope for the culmination of this era because I witness throughout the world a shifting in values.  

Though you may not have advanced technologically to the apex of what is potential, you are beginning to 
reevaluate the philosophical foundation of these pursuits. With this adjustment you will refine the appropriateness of these material advancements. Materialism philosophically will begin to change before the external manifestations reach the fruition of their beneficial contributions to mankind alongside the detriments of the overmuch development of things of transient value at the expense of the resource 
wealth of future generations.

You speak of the Dark Ages. They weren't all that dark. The sun rose and set with the same brilliance as this day. The darkness had more to do with the shifting of general consciousness away from advancement. It did not so much retreat into the ages past but simply sat idle. Today, while there is much that is the cause of strife and terror on this world, there is not the darkness of idleness. All over societies are astir evaluating and considering global actions being undertaken economically, industrially, politically, and environmentally. This is that light that precedes the change from a materialistic bent to a spiritual lifestyle or orientation.

There are religions upon this world who value the removal of material possessions in order to better detect the lasting worth of spirit values. This is a worthy undertaking and an initial stage of spiritual growth, for you cannot hear the birds sing if you are always talking. To quiet down, to simplify, increases the sensitivity of the awareness of the song all about you. However, Light and Life includes a certain degree of prosperity on a material level, not a prosperity of riches and wealth, but one of technologies that aid mankind in many fields, that frees the human being to better acquire those spiritual character traits. The shift is beginning.  
The effects of a materialistic mindset are exposing themselves such that you are better able to evaluate 
the merit of the orientation. As the orientation shifts the material progress will follow appropriate paths.

I am unable to predict the course of mankind. It is possible that the entire world structure may be disrupted if you don't make the progress necessary to infuse spiritual orientation into your material matters. This will not be done by celestial agencies. It will be the result of the folly of mankind. But the administrations in place upon this world will do everything possible to illuminate the spiritual significance of any dark times and to bring to the surface those individuals who are pivotal in presenting the long view of the future and potential of Earth. While such an event may never occur, for I do hold great hope that mankind is progressing well, it may fall to some of you to step forward to be noticed and to call others to take note 
of what is worthy and valuable for the future progress of the planet.

Kirk: There are technologies available on the planet today that are kept secret from the public. We have technologies that could save the planet for the benefit of everyone. Is that the balance you are trying to say here? Will those secret technologies come out, or will they stay hidden to benefit the few? I hear you say not to get on the bandwagon because it may hurt others'progress. Then I hear you say if you get on, then enlighten people of what we have on the planet today. Could you clarify that?

Sharmon: You said it well, but I will add to your perspective. The context you speak of is the context of value, that a technology is neither right nor wrong, simply a process of physical functions. It is the application and more importantly the choosing of application that brings the right or the wrong to the technology. You know that a forest fire is a frightening experience, for it is a power beyond one single individual's ability to control and requires the rallying of many people to counter-force a fire's energy. Yet long ago you discovered how to harness fire to make it useful to a tribe. Today you have altered that fire you harnessed into numerous energy applications. These have radically transformed the activities of mankind. I encourage you to acclaim the worth of beneficial technologies, and I would not discourage you from standing up against the evil applications of technologies. But I would ask you to transcend both undertakings by educating all you have a chance to with the perspective of planetary advancement, of the pattern of progress that overlays each critical juncture in the unfoldment of the development of your technologies, for this is what the world lacks today, that overview.

Today the human races speak of progress in terms of accumulation of wealth and of objects, of the discovery of things. These are merely parts of the progress that makes up the whole of what is to be Light and Life. By bandstanding the overview you create a context for many others to make choices regarding the merit of the technology, whether it ought to be or not, or how it's to be applied and how it ought not to be.