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Music that is made from all reality
  • soil
  • Land
  • Sea
  • AIR
SOURCE: tmtranscripts teamcircuits email archive April 6, 2000.
Teacher Serenia









This metaphor is common to you all, but never loses its utility and meaningfulness. It is Reality itself that is the grand orchestra, the implementation of the music of the spheres, the music that is literally made from all of Reality. This orchestra is capable of an infinity of tunes. Some of them flow from the smaller realities with in the larger whole of the physics of nature, or the beauty of cosmology, or the logic of genetic engineering, the aspects of reality and the plannings and creatings by living beings.

But as you all sense, known or unbeknownst, the greatest of all melodies are those you call personality. Each personality is its own unique song. It is your job to learn your own song the best and fullest that you can. You will notice that when your song is warbled out from the horrible dysfunctions of your coming up through this mortal life, and your lack of healing has not yet made your song truly your own, it clashes with other songs, causing discordant notes. Alas, as a result, some cease to sing, and hide the potential of their song for fear of the discordancy.

But in truth, you must encourage one another to sing, and keep on singing, however much it sounds at first like the orchestra tuning up. For you must first tune up, and you must perforce do this on occasion in the presence of others. As is true of an orchestra, you have your own unique instrument, and yet the song is made manifest by the presence of multiple instruments playing together. For even as your melody is your own, even so, it is enhanced and brought forth by the relationships of love that you share with one another, and with all other contactable personalities in the universe, most deeply with the Father of all via your

The complexity of this music may sometimes overwhelm you in the earlier stages, even as the child who takes up the violin may squeak away on the strings and despair of ever placing the fingers in precisely the correct places. But time passed in the imperfections of practice brings closer the perfection of the personality, and the singing tones of the unique and individual songs start to emerge. When you begin singing your Real song, you will find that you are in ever greater harmony with those who sing their Real songs, and in time, you will make beautiful music together. As each of your personalities weaves ever closer to its true song, so the Supreme develops in its multifaceted harmonies, coming ever closer and closer to
evolving to the Supreme moment. For the truly great symphony of this universe is the point in time where all personalities sing their Real songs together, and in that time, the music of the spheres will celebration the completion of the Supreme. And in that moment, the fulfilled voice of God the Supreme will echo in every heart, even as every heart is at the same time a part of that voice.

Sing, beloved ones!! It is your God-given task to be such Reality singers. Find your song and sing it for all you are worth. If you find only a scrap, yet sing it out. If it is not as tuneful as you might wish, then work to
make it more so. Do not compare it with another's song. Their song is not yours. Do not think that just because your song does not appear to make harmony with another's the difficulty always lies with you. Many times, this cannot be made plain until a later time. Rather than losing yourself in comparisons, keep feeling inside for your heart for the place where your song resides. Share your song with others who respect your song and are working at singing their own. Bring your songs to us, for we take delight in the unfoldment of your personal melodies. Take your song to the Father within and he will ever help you to find the notes, the timbre, the power, the feelingful reality or Your Song.

And know that every note you sing with the sincere desire to be part of the all will take the Supreme ever closer to that moment for which you all yearn, even unrecognized, that moment of unity, of the all in one, the moment of the fulfillment of the Supreme God of experiential reality, the Reality of Life in completion. And when that time has come, there will be an eternity and infinity of new symphonies for our songs to make, combined in new and different ways, forever and ever. Sing your song, for it is your destiny. Make the joyful noise of the light of Reality that pushes back the shadows of unreality forever.

We all love you so - we sing of our love for you, and singing love for others is a profound part of the True song, the Real song of any personality. Our beloved Michael sings his song and within it, we can hear and see and taste and feel the love of the Father, hear the song of the Father. The gospel of Michael IS his song, his affirmation of the fulfillment of the Reality of the father within his own life and bestowals, and now, within his activities of Master Son of Nebadon. When your heart is cold and lonely, and somehow you cannot hear Father's voice, our Michael's voice, intertwined eternally with the voice of his beautiful universe
companion, our Beloved Mother Spirit, is always there to warm your heart and give strength to you. When you stumble and cannot sing your own song, sing the song of Michael, and in its richness, you will find your child's song. In the voices of your Nebadon parents, you will find the example that all children need as they are still learning their own song. Sing, children, and grow into your true harmony!

We love to hear your voices raised in the adventure of life. Love lets us hear your true song inside the beginner's attempts at voicing your true selves. And increasing love on your parts will help you perceive one another's true songs as well. The better and more heartfelt you sing your own True song, the better you will hear the True songs of others, even in their primitive infancy. Sing and listen; sing and listen. The heartbeat of the universe is love, the drum and fundamental notes that anchor the All. Stand beneath the stars and feel that heartbeat of the universe. In the still quiet of the night, you can hear the voices of the stars themselves, making reality shine as they whirl worlds into being where others like you will one day stand and sing their own True songs. Sing the song of life, your life, and the Father's voice of love will ever answer and intertwine with yours, lifting you up to the joy of your birthright in his kingdom. Within and without, surrounding, enhancing, uplifting, upholding, embracing, upwelling, indwelling, fulfilling, the voice of the Father's love is everywhere forever.