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LESSON 1: What & Where is Heaven?

Before you can embark on a voyage you must have two essential things.

1)1. A departure point.
2)2. A destination.

It goes without saying that planet Earth is our departure point, but what and where is our destination?

What and where is Heaven? 7 Mansion worlds. The Nurseries. Use the Mansion Worlds diagram.

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It is obvious that our lives progress whether we plan or not. Many of us give little real thought to the direction of our lives; why not just go with the flow? We study, we work, we make mistakes, we learn from mistakes, and on we go from youth and adolescence to student, vocation, husband/wife, mother/father, grandparent, senior citizen, old age, death. Life unfolds pretty much along these lines without requiring direction or great reflection. Why then even begin to think now about what it might be like once the end of this progression is in view with the approach of death? And since we tend to think of life ending when we die and that what we do in our productive adult years is life’s goal, it’s no wonder so little thought is generally given to the hereafter. But what if this life is like a dream and the real world comes later? What if life goes on after death, a path to an eternal
immortality and heaven is a journey rather than a destination? And what if we believed there was much better in store for us once this earth life was over — might we give more focus to what we did and what we accomplished while we’re here?

The problem is — there’s so very little that’s factually known about what occurs after death that prevalent speculation makes either a non-existence or a hell seem like more interesting alternatives. Isn’t the stereotypical Christian heaven inhabited by an old man with a long beard sitting on a throne presiding where
the departed have become angels sitting on clouds and playing harps? Many Jews believe that when life ends so does personality; much like atheists and agnostics, most Jews aren’t particularly interested in concepts of heaven. Many Muslim men look forward to heaven as having endless sex with virgins — one wonders what
Muslim women have to look forward to. Buddhists and Hindus believe they don’t go to heaven until they’ve completed a near endless round of rebirths in order to achieve an ego-less blissful state here on earth. Is your vision of heaven more expansive than any of these? There must be more to heaven or else no one would willfully choose such bleak eternal rewards.

The Urantia Book has abundant information about why we’re here, why we live the life we do and the values it provides and what occurs at death and beyond. We’re told in The Urantia Book that the purpose of material creation is to provide the abode for the evolution of free-will beings. All “spirit beings,” which is what we’ll be once we leave here, live and work on physical spheres of material reality. These material worlds are constructed worlds and are not the worlds of time and space with which we’re familiar.

After our death on Earth we will be resurrected on the first mansion world. We will receive a new body and will continue to eat, drink, and rest. We’re still a near human and not far removed from the limited viewpoints of this mortal life and we will remain mostly human on this first world which is very much like what life on an otherwise normal world would have been. In spiritual and mental terms we resume our life there just where we left off in this life before being overtaken by death so we’ll resume intellectual training and spiritual development at that level at which our life on Earth terminated. As soon as the process of resurrection is completed a charming companionable associate and personal guide is assigned to us along with a place of residence. We’ll then be able to call upon those loved ones who died prior to us. All biological deficiencies we may have had while on Earth are largely made up for here as this first world pertains primarily to deficiency
ministry, the correction and cure of the many imperfections of the life in the flesh. Defects in experiences pertaining to sex life, family association, and parental function are corrected here where the requirement for the parental rearing of three or more children will be met — everyone experiences the rearing of children before moving on to the next world.



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