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67. The Planetary Rebellion
67:0.1 THE problems associated with human existence on Urantia are impossible of understanding wi...
66. The Planetary Prince of Urantia
66:0.1 THE advent of a Lanonandek Son on an average world signifies that will, the ability to cho...
65. The Overcontrol of Evolution
65:0.1 BASIC evolutionary material life — premind life — is the formulation of the Master Physica...
64. The Evolutionary Races of Color
64:0.1 THIS is the story of the evolutionary races of Urantia from the days of Andon and Fonta, a...
63. The First Human Family
63:0.1 URANTIA was registered as an inhabited world when the first two human beings — the twins —...
62. The Dawn Races of Early Man
62:0.1 ABOUT one million years ago the immediate ancestors of mankind made their appearance by th...
61. The Mammalian Era on Urantia
61:0.1 THE era of mammals extends from the times of the origin of placental mammals to the end of...
60. Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era
60:0.1 THE era of exclusive marine life has ended. Land elevation, cooling crust and cooling ocea...
59. The Marine-Life Era on Urantia
59:0.1 WE RECKON the history of Urantia as beginning about one billion years ago and extending th...
58. Life Establishment on Urantia
58:0.1 IN ALL Satania there are only sixty-one worlds similar to Urantia, life-modification plane...
57. The Origin of Urantia
57:0.1 IN PRESENTING excerpts from the archives of Jerusem for the records of Urantia respecting ...
56. Universal Unity
56:0.1 GOD is unity. Deity is universally co-ordinated. The universe of universes is one vast int...
55. The Spheres of Light and Life
55:0.1 THE age of light and life is the final evolutionary attainment of a world of time and spac...
54. Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion
54:0.1 EVOLUTIONARY man finds it difficult fully to comprehend the significance and to grasp the ...
53. The Lucifer Rebellion
53:0.1 LUCIFER was a brilliant primary Lanonandek Son of Nebadon. He had experienced service in m...
52. Planetary Mortal Epochs
52:0.1 FROM the inception of life on an evolutionary planet to the time of its final flowering in...
51. The Planetary Adams
51:0.1 DURING the dispensation of a Planetary Prince, primitive man reaches the limit of natural ...
50. The Planetary Princes
50:0.1 WHILE belonging to the order of Lanonandek Sons, the Planetary Princes are so specialized ...
49. The Inhabited Worlds
49:0.1 ALL mortal-inhabited worlds are evolutionary in origin and nature. These spheres are the s...
48. The Morontia Life
48:0.1 THE Gods cannot — at least they do not — transform a creature of gross animal nature into ...