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167. The Visit to Philadelphia
167:0.1 THROUGHOUT this period of the Perean ministry, when mention is made of Jesus and the apos...
166. Last Visit to Northern Perea
166:0.1 FROM February 11 to 20, Jesus and the twelve made a tour of all the cities and villages o...
165. The Perean Mission Begins
165:0.1 ON TUESDAY, January 3, A.D. 30, Abner, the former chief of the twelve apostles of John th...
164. At the Feast of Dedication
164:0.1 AS THE camp at Pella was being established, Jesus, taking with him Nathaniel and Thomas, ...
163. Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan
163:0.1 A FEW days after the return of Jesus and the twelve to Magadan from Jerusalem, Abner and ...
162. At the Feast of Tabernacles
162:0.1 WHEN Jesus started up to Jerusalem with the ten apostles, he planned to go through Samari...
161. Further Discussions with Rodan
161:0.1 ON SUNDAY, September 25, A.D. 29, the apostles and the evangelists assembled at Magadan. ...
160. Rodan of Alexandria
160:0.1 ON SUNDAY morning, September 18, Andrew announced that no work would be planned for the c...
159. The Decapolis Tour
159:0.1 WHEN Jesus and the twelve arrived at Magadan Park, they found awaiting them a group of al...
158. The Mount of Transfiguration
158:0.1 IT WAS near sundown on Friday afternoon, August 12, A.D. 29, when Jesus and his associate...
157. At Caesarea-Philippi
157:0.1 BEFORE Jesus took the twelve for a short sojourn in the vicinity of Caesarea-Philippi, he...
156. The Sojourn at Tyre and Sidon
156:0.1 ON FRIDAY afternoon, June 10, Jesus and his associates arrived in the environs of Sidon, ...
155. Fleeing Through Northern Galilee
155:0.1 SOON after landing near Kheresa on this eventful Sunday, Jesus and the twenty-four went a...
154. Last Days at Capernaum
154:0.1 ON THE eventful Saturday night of April 30, as Jesus was speaking words of comfort and co...
153. The Crisis at Capernaum
153:0.1 ON FRIDAY evening, the day of their arrival at Bethsaida, and on Sabbath morning, the apo...
152. Events Leading up to the Capernaum Crisis
152:0.1 THE story of the cure of Amos, the Kheresa lunatic, had already reached Bethsaida and Cap...
151. Tarrying and Teaching by the Seaside
151:0.1 BY MARCH 10 all of the preaching and teaching groups had forgathered at Bethsaida. Thursd...
150. The Third Preaching Tour
150:0.1 ON SUNDAY evening, January 16, A.D. 29, Abner, with the apostles of John, reached Bethsai...
149. The Second Preaching Tour
149:0.1 THE second public preaching tour of Galilee began on Sunday, October 3, A.D. 28, and cont...
148. Training Evangelists at Bethsaida
148:0.1 FROM May 3 to October 3, A.D. 28, Jesus and the apostolic party were in residence at the ...