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153. Your Earthly Loving Family

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

If you desire to devote yourselves to the breaking down and disregard of your earthly family, and...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

152. Our Family And Your Assistance For Me

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Our common family together with the Father can be understood and experienced by you, each of you,...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

151. Your Deposit In The Father’s Bank

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My assertions about wealth have also a literal sense – pile up your wealth in good deeds. This is...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

150. Help Yourselves

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

You must ponder ever more that after having started to preach the good tidings – the Fatherhood o...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

149. The Brain Is Given To Man To Grow Rather Than To Degrade

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The brain of man is not meant for harming him and causing pain to him and thus becoming a great p...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

148. Vibrations Of Man’s Thinking

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My life in the human flesh was, and is, meant to demonstrate to you that even in the human flesh,...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

147. Light Experiences Resistance Of Darkness

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

And greater perception also will open to you on your spiritual path and you will see the whole of...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

146. The Father Provides You With Wisdom To See Further

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

As far back as in my adolescence, as I was in the human flesh on your world I experienced great d...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

145. A Wise Consumption Of Energy And Restoration Of Its Balance

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

There is only one method to restore the balance of energy – your faith in the Father and His disc...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

144. The Wasting Of Energy Is Harmful To One’s Body

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Cooperation in creation is of different levels. The greater the creature’s experience the deeper ...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

143. The Child And You

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

The baby needs love vibrations and not only material food. Therefore, feed him with them permanen...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

142. Create A New Life And Cherish It Only Together With The Father

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

As I sojourned on your planet two thousand years ago, by the time I set up a live relationship wi...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

141. My Teachings Lead To Love And Truth And Point The Direction To One’s Survival

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

My teaching is not being imposed on you and it is not the one that must necessarily be carried ou...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

140. Expand Your Concept Of Creation

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Your present knowledge about me and creation is far from coinciding with reality. Therefore, I de...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

139. Do Not Waste A Single Moment

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Each wasted year when you do not care for the meaning and quality of your life, not only makes yo...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

138. Ravaging Of Natural Resources Is Destructive To You

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Today your natural resources are ravaged. You treat thoughtlessly that which you are given by nat...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

137. Patience

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Your knowledge of reality is just beginning. Therefore, you must be happy about the fact that you...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

136. Educational System Must Educate Children For The Benefit Of The Whole Rather Than For That Of The Individual

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Individualistic-egoistic teaching does harm to the whole and to the individual. Therefore, the so...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

135. After Your Resurrection

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

When from time to time you ponder as to what eventually awaits you after the so-called death, you...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee

134. The Present Time And Your Decision

Jesus Christ — I Speak to you Again

Your current time is magnificent by what it will testify to you in spiritual changes within many ...

Updated 5 months ago by Bee